Tuesday, January 30, 2024



Here are some steps I take when testing an issue, examining a subject, searching for truth according to the New Testament.

Not all truths are applicable to everyone. For instance, Christians are not obligated to observe sacrificial, dietary, festival or ceremonial laws of the Old Testament, though there are Divine principles taught in those passages.

Obviously a thorough and accurate knowledge and understanding of God's word is required.

Sometimes there are qualifying factors given.

Look for clear and straightforward statements, not simply innuendo or implication.

Biblical context, both immediate and broad, is essential.

If God said it, it is important for us to hear.
If God repeated it, it is especially important for us to grasp.

The following questions can be asked concerning beliefs and behavior.

I ask...
If it is commanded?
If it is commended?
If it is condoned?

If it is contradicted?
If it is condemned?

Please bear with my seeming redundancy.

I also ask...
If it is not commanded?
If it is not commended?
If it is not not condoned?

If it is not contradicted?
If it is not condemned?



One of the advantages of a small church is the greater likelihood of a well trained body of believers. However, the desire is always for new people, new converts, new disciples.

As a pastor, I don't opt for a small, well informed church. I want a growing church, and those who mean business with God will grow in grace and knowledge. No one needs to be ignorant or shallow concerning Biblical truth and spiritual light.

I opt for a church that is growing in numbers and grace and in the knowledge of God's word. In fact, these days demand that believers be enlightened and empowered by God's word and God's Spirit.



I had taken my erasable markers to my house but forgot to take them back to The Net House. I started to use my marker board and realized I had no markers. Here is what I did. It really was quite an exercise.

This was a great exercise. It challenged my folks to know locations and significance of Biblical and present day importance. REMEMBER, they answered from a totally blank board. The responses came from the entire congregation and I especially included our very enthusiastic young people. We had a couple of glitches (including my own), but we laughed them off. 

I put my hand to the board and pretended to draw the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. I then asked my folks to tell me what I had "drawn." Of course, there was nothing on the board, but everyone knew what it was. I asked folks to raise there hands, in order to answer.
Answer... Mediterranean Sea.

For each of the following pretended drawings I got accurate answers (though some answers were accurate, they were either more inclusive or less inclusive than what I had intended).

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw the northern coast of a north east Africa.
Answer... Africa and Egypt in particular.

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw a river.
Answer... The Nile.

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw a political area on the eastern coast of the Med. Sea.
Answers... Palestine, Israel, Canaan. (I was intending Israel).

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw a body of water.
Answer... The Red Sea.

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw a political area.
Answers... Turkey, Syria. (I was intending Syria).

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw Turkey and asked what country was to the far north (I actually pointed to the ceiling of the building).
Answer... Russia.

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw a body of water.
Answers... Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf. (I intended Persian Gulf).

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw the Arabian Peninsula.
Answer... Saudi Arabia and Yemen 

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw two political areas, with similar names.
Answer... Iran and Iraq.

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw the east coast of Africa and pointed to a particular location.
Answer... Somalia.

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw two great rivers, emptying into the Persian Gulf.
Answers... Tigris and Euphrates

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw a political area with a famous mountain.
Answer... Mount Ararat.

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw a river.
Answer... The Jordan River.

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw a body of water.
Answer... The Sea of Galilee.

On the completely blank board I pretended to draw another body of water.
Answer... The Red Sea oooops (to which I readily agreed, but was corrected). It was the Dead Sea I had pretended to draw on this blank marker board. The Dead Sea was the answer.

I asked why the Dead Sea is called the Dead Sea.
Answer... the amount of minerals which accumulate in this body of water has no outlet and therefore inhibits normal water life.

I explained what the phrase, "living water." I pointed out that Living Water flows into us as believers, but if we have no outlet, then we do not produce life; death ensues. We must be sharing the Good News with others. This is our job, our responsibility. The need for Christ as Savior has always been true, but we are possibly coming to the end of the Church Age and the need is urgent.

We need to reach our world, where we are. We need to reach them NOW.

Monday, January 29, 2024



The temptation is to pull a loose thread, hoping to stop the unraveling of a favorite garment. We know what happens. We have seen cartoons or comic sketches where a sleeve or an entire garment was turned into a pile of thread.

Most of us learned the futility of such an action through experience. Sometimes, the lesson was not learned until real damage was done to a special garment.

Much worse is when people try to fix a broken life or relationship by pulling the loose threads. This is seen in medical situations when folks take steps that actually exacerbate the ailment.

There are restoration steps that can be taken, whether the problem is clothing, medical, relational or spiritual.
God has provided help and healing, but people must stop taking DIY steps. The sooner a person turns to

God, the less damage will take place and the sooner restoration will take place. The longer a person puts off Divine intervention, the greater the loss will become, and irreparable damage may follow.

DIY (do it yourself) deliverance is actually DIY destruction. The destruction is not limited to the DIYer; the ruin reaches other people, starting with those who are the closest to us.

Saturday, January 27, 2024



It is true that there are different levels of commitment to, and different views concerning, the doctrines of Reformed Theology and Calvinism, which came out from some of the false doctrines of Roman Catholicism.

It is also true that some points of their doctrines are true and sometimes they are articulated correctly. However, it is a mistake to think that either Reformed Theology, Augustinianism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Arminiansim, Wesleyism, Wesleyanism, or any teaching of man, or of a movement, such as Protestantism, Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, Biblicism, is the gospel, unless the Bible tells us that it is the truth. Sometimes Biblical truth is stated by proponents of these groups, but we should never allow anyone or any group to become the interpreter of God. Let Scripture interpret itself (which requires a thorough knowledge of Scripture). No Scripture is of any private interpretation.

I often listen to or read from those who are somewhere on the Reformed or the Calvinistic spectrum (basically adhering to some form of Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints (or Eternal Security or Once Saved, Always Saved). Sometimes they also tell us Biblical truth. Usually, after they have stated truth, they eventually disqualify what the Bible says by saying that God foes not save us ("us" being those who believe in Christ as Savior) from all sin, does not cleanse us from all sin, does not deliver us from all sin, does not make us victorious over all sin.

It is obvious that Christians can make choices that are contrary to the will of God. It is obvious that Christians can go back into sin and they can continue in sin for an extended period of time. But it is not Biblical to believe that when a person goes back into sin (but refuses to turn again to Christ), that such a person continues to be in a right relationship with God, and it is not Biblical to believe that a Christian must sin, will definitely sin, is unable to keep from sinning.

Sometimes these preachers or teachers tell the truth about being faithful, about being obedient, but then they deny it by saying that it is impossible for Christians to be walk in the light as Christ is in the light; they deny that Christians can be cleansed of all sin; that Christians can be pure, holy, righteous as God is; that Christians can be perfect in love, as our heavenly father is perfect.

This is why I call such religion, "sinning religion." It denies Christ's salvation from the penalty, the power and the pollution of sin. They deny that God transforms us into new people, zealous for good works, capable of good works, eagerly desirous of doing good works.

Theirs is not the Gospel of Grace, but the graceless religion of man. God's grace makes us more than conquerors, always leads us into triumph, saves us to the uttermost, cleanses our hands (behavior) and purifies our hearts (desires), conforms us to the image of Jesus, enables us to keep His commandments and do that which is pleasing in God's sight.

We cannot experience or enjoy any of the graces of God if we love or live for the world, the flesh or the devil. God's salvation gives us victory over all of these things.

You may not find anyone who teaches the whole counsel of God without error. But you better find one who teaches, and lives the Biblically revealed truths of Christian living.



This was disturbing.

I often warn people about the danger of parents responding negatively to the message of total surrender.
Many times I have had children and young people (preteen and teenage) come to our church services.
Most of the time they responded positively to the message of victorious living and salvation from sin.
Sometimes they came after I had met with them and their parents in their homes. I was always upfront with who I am and what I preach.
Sometimes I would visit with the family after a child or young person attended a service.
In other words, there was nothing hidden about our ministry.

Though the child or young person was actually responding in a positive way (whether they had come with, or without their parents), the parents (usually coming from a sinning religion background) would either stop bringing their family to our services or they would forbid their child or young person to continue to come.

This is bad enough. They robbed their children of the joy of salvation, the power of godliness. This does not mean that none of them would have ever fallen away, but at least they would have had the advantage of knowing about victorious salvation.

Yesterday I was doing some personal research on former ministry locations. I was not looking for names of people, but I came across a report about one former neighbor (from many years ago). The person knew our people and I had personally been in their home, sharing God's message of salvation with him, his wife and his children. We actually got along as neighbors and friends. His children did come, voluntarily and eagerly, to some services, and would even walk a distance just to visit with us at our home. However, the parents did not like the message of victorious Christian living and they stopped their teenage children from coming to our services. This was bad enough, but yesterday I came across news reports about the father.

Apparently the neighbor and his wife were still together many years after I moved from the area. They were in their home one night, along with a very young child. I did not know the child and I know nothing about their relationship with the child. In the middle of the night the adult man apparently went into the room of the little girl and fondled her. In fact the man was charged with rape. The man admitted the filthy crime.

This was disturbing to read. A life ruined, though it could have become a model of godliness. A child abused, because a person refused to accept the light of salvation from sin. A family shattered because folks loved darkness rather than light.

Yes, I have story after story that underlines the same truth, but this was a report out-of-the-blue. Going to a good church with a sound message does not guarantee spiritual victory, but it does give a person and a family a better possibility. Going to a good church with a sound message does not guarantee that a person will not fall into egregious sin, but it does make it less likely.

The bottom-line here is this: you can play games with God; you can play games with your soul; you can play games with your family; but you will lose. If you don't seem to lose it all in this life, it is because all truth and judgment does not become evident in this life, but it will.



(I added one more category this morning, which I normally address. It is a worthy point. Sorry for the delayed edit).

Consider the meaning of "salvation," as represented in each of these five (edit...6) couplets.

Salvation is personal and relational.

Salvation is doctrinal and practical. 

Salvation is Divine and human.

Salvation is instantaneous and developmental.

Salvation is transforming and conforming.

(edit addition)...
Salvation is negative and positive. There is a "take-away" and a "plus," both of which are positives to the Christian life, for instance, the negative is the removal of sin, the positive is the inclusion of God, as in, "we are separated from sin and separated to God."

Friday, January 26, 2024



If you can't wholeheartedly praise Him for saving you from sin, then you are not saved.



Teachers of sinning religion like to present it as if they are humble, as if it is claiming to still be sinful is God glorifying.

Let me explain.
When a person says he is just a worm of the dust, that he is just a sinner saved by grace, that he is just forgiven but not delivered from the pollution and from the power of sin, then that person is either saying that God's work of salvation is insufficient for their sinful condition, or he is saying that God Himself is incapable of delivering people from sinning?

They call it grace, but it's really license.
They call it faith, but it's really presumption.

False teachers deny what the word of God clearly says. They say we can only be forgiven, but we cannot be transformed from darkness to light or conformed to the image of Jesus, or be delivered from the power of this world, or cleansed from all sin. When a person says these things he is blaming God and blaspheming God's saving grace.

God has given us everything needed for the Christian life and godliness. True salvation honors and glorifies God.

Sinning religion honors and glorifies Satan and sin. Salvation from all sin in this life is God centered.

It is man centered to say we cannot be delivered from all sin. It is not faith to deny God's stated plan, His will and His ability. In fact it is not simply reasonable doubt; it is denial, it is sin to say God cannot or will not save us from the penalty, the power and the pollution of sin, enabling us to live as we ought to live.



Many years ago, as we were driving up our driveway, we saw a neighborhood boy coming out of our house. When he saw us he started running away. Some items of little monetary value taken, but they had personal value.

Though I confronted the boy, he denied everything. I liked him because he actually was a pretty good kid and had always been polite. He knew we saw him coming out of our house and he knew we cared about him. Disappointed he did not do the right thing.

Many years later, I saw him online and greeted him, asking how he was doing and wishing him the best. He did not respond. Again, I was disappointed.

So, what is my point? Sometimes when people mess up (including sinning), they have an opportunity to do the right thing immediately, but choose to just move-on. Sometimes those same people have an opportunity to do the right thing later, but refuse.

The neighbor will not be kept out of heaven based on my attitude. I forgave him, basically as soon as it happened. He owes me nothing. However, he robbed himself that day and he has robbed others since then.

No, the monetary value was not great. But this has nothing to do with temporal value. In fact, this account is of no importance, except as an illustration of an important Biblical principle. It has to do with making right decisions.

Through the years I have watched people shut God out of their lives. As a Christian and as a pastor I have thrown the lifeline many times to the same person. Hopefully they will call on Jesus to save them. But, the longer they reject Him the less likely they will ever turn. But even if they eventually turn, it will be after they have wasted their life, and after they have left a heap of broken lives in their wake, and after they have watched loved ones die, without having been reconciled or healing the wounds they inflicted.

I hope the little boy in my illustration grew up to love and follow Jesus as an adult. But there are so many more who have grown up and hardened their hearts.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024



What God provides and what we should expect in our salvation (in a very abbreviated form).

"Salvation," refers to both a specific reality and a general reality. The word, "salvation" is used in reference to the specific event or initial time of a sinners reconciliation with God (conversion, regeneration, justification, forgiveness), but it is also used in reference to God's entire work of reconciliation (life of faith, growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, walking in light, conforming to the will of God, producing the Fruit of the Spirit, developing spiritual graces, final victory, resurrection and eternal glorification).

Salvation, like other actions or works of God, takes place in phases, as seen in human life. Here are some highlights of the Christian experience. This is not an exhaustive outline.

Conviction for sin and call to repentance.
Faith, repentance, confession of sins, confession of Christ as Savior.
Conversion, which includes regeneration, justification, sanctification (separation from sins committed, a sinning life and separation to a life of faith and faithfulness to God), denying self and following Jesus.
Daily love, faith, obedience, submission, resulting in growth in grace and knowledge, bearing the Fruit of the Spirit and developing the graces of God.
Realization that there remains a nature (an attitude) that rebels against the will of God, and understanding that this evil nature cannot be controlled or subjected to either man or the law of God, but must be removed by the purifying work of the Holy Spirit, though total surrender.

This sinful nature, Old Man, Carnal Mind, Double Mindedness was not the result of personal sinning, and therefore could not be forgiven through conversion. This "Body of Death," this "Evil Heart of Unbelief," this "Law of Sin and Death," can only be conquered by surrendering to the fullness of the Holy Spirit, trusting the Blood of Christ and walking in the Word of God. The Bible calls this, "Entire Sanctification." It is dying self, it is putting the Old Man to death, it is trusting only in the full salvation of Christ.

Sanctification begins at conversion and becomes thorough at total surrender and continues to influence and impact every area of our Christian development as we faithfully follow Christ throughout life. The difference is an internal cleansing from the inherited sinful disposition, which makes our overall Christian experience more fulfilled and fulfilling.

Trials, temptations, testings continue throughout our walk with Christ, but we are more than conquerors and we are over-comers as we keep our eyes upon Jesus.



I preach that God saves us from sin. It doesn't seem that there's much interest in being saved from sin today. Still, that is what salvation is all about (saved from sin to holiness). But sometimes people think they are saved because they are not fornicating, lying, stealing, murdering, slandering, worshiping or serving idols (then again, sinners don't always recognize their own sins). Of course there are also sins of the spirit, such as lust, greed, hatred, and the breaking of one commandment is the breaking of the entire law of God.

Some sins are evident, but some sins are hidden, at least hidden to other people. One of the more easily hidden sins is the sin of dishonoring parents, which is "square one" to other sins against people.

Stay with me now.

I recently wrote about the power of God to heal broken hearts, broken lives and broken relationships. These "breaks" are due to someone breaking God's law, which is rooted in the breaking of the Ten Commandments. The first four of the Ten Commandments focus on man's relationship with God and the last six focus on man's relationship with his fellow man. the first of the man-to-man commandments tells us, "Honor your mother and father." Honoring parents includes but is more than outward civility; it is inward respect. Honoring parents is an internal attitude, which (st its worst) is manifested in outward behavior. Obedience to legitimate and Biblical authority is part of this command. Honoring parents is not a short term directive for little children; it is a lifetime commitment to a divine institution.

Dishonoring parents is easily hidden, and it is often ignored as a sin, and it is easily excused because of supposed circumstances. If a person (of any age) does not want to maintain family order, then they either try to usurp the authority of the parents or they end their relationship with the parents. Dishonoring parents often begins at an early age and continues to spread like gang green as the years go by.

Quote from earlier post... "If I could have the cure for cancer or other physical ailments, I would still rather have the remedy for sin and spiritual sickness and broken heartedness and broken lives and broken relationships. I would rather offer them eternity with God rather than momentary success in this life."

Throughout my ministry I have pointed out the importance of honoring parents and the danger of dishonoring them.
It is the first of the Ten Commandments concerning interpersonal relationships with other humans.
It is a commandment with a promise (and an implied threat).
It is the commandment designed to set a person's attitude toward interpersonal relationships and authority, both Divine and human.
It is a commandment that leads to love, submission, kindness, sacrifice, compassion, unity

The failure to keep this commandment leads to a life of anger, pride, selfishness, brokenness.

If we see the shame in adultery, perversion, lying, slander, murder, then we should see the shame of dishonoring parents.

Have you ever noticed the rogues gallery of sins in the New Testament, which includes disobedience (dishonoring) parents?
Romans 1:28-32
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. 

2 Timothy 3:1-5
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.



Bear with me... the first thoughts are not just ramblings.

A person brought up with a strong Bible focus in the home and church has a better chance of finding and following Christ than the average person.

The person brought up with no Bible or a warped Bible teaching in the home has a greater chance of not finding and following Christ.

A person brought up with a strong Bible focus in the home and church can become as corrupt as any heathen or pagan.

A person brought up with no Bible or a warped Bible teaching in the home can become a great warrior for Christ.

And there is a wide spectrum of possibilities between these scenarios.

Okay, here is my point. I am a Christian. I am a husband, a father, a grandfather and a great grandfather. I am a pastor and have been a faithful Bible teacher for over 50 years. I am nothing more than a mortal man, but I am a blood washed, Spirit filled, Bible following, faithful man of God, in my family and my ministry roles. I have cherished my opportunities to teach, preach, counsel untold numbers in the past and I have watched with joy as lives have been transformed and restored through my ministry. Therefore, my desire is totally understandable.

Here is my desire. It has always been my desire to teach and lead my family in all of the truths of God that I know. Regardless of what they would do with my leadership, I desired to teach them Biblical truths (many of which are no longer taught in modern Church-i-anity) and I always wanted to teach them the doctrinal and practical truths of salvation, in order that they might live godly in this present evil world.

As a Bible taught, Spirit led, God called, spiritually gifted pastor/teacher, I wanted to give my family the whole counsel of God, and I wanted to equip them for victorious living and productive personal ministry.

I did not have money, property or a thriving business to pass on to them, and even if I had a choice, I would rather have given them the eternal riches of Biblical truth and holy living.

If I could have the cure for cancer or other physical ailments, I would still rather have the remedy for sin and spiritual sickness and broken heartedness and broken lives and broken relationships. I would rather offer them eternity with God rather than momentary success in this life.

I have had the most definite and most valued treasures available to mankind and I wanted to pass these on to my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

See, as a pastor/teacher and loving father, I know there is no pastor who could ever have loved my family more than I loved them and I don't know of any pastor who could have been a better pastor to them than I would have been.

By the way, I realize I am not the only man (pastor, parent) who has ever felt this way. I am sure that many would say, "amen" to this post. I just thought I would say it while I have the opportunity. There will come a time when I won't be able to say it.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024



I posted this morning that Jesus came to save His people from their sins.

Don't be sidetracked (deceived) by those who hate the fact that God so loved the world and Christ is the propitiation for the whole world, when they try to tell you that "His people" are unilaterally, unconditionally, elected to salvation before the foundation of the world, and that God does not even call or want the majority of lost people to be saved.

Here is how a person actually becomes a child of God, and it is a choice we are given.

"We are children of God by faith."
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (that Jesus is Lord) and believe in your hearts that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved."

All the fancy theological footwork in the world of darkness and the mishandling of the word of God will never change this truth.

God calls many, but only a few are chosen. It is not an imaginary "effectual call," that God only gives to His so-called elect. He calls all, and then those who accept His call are His children.
God does not only love some with a saving love, He loves the world (all men).
Jesus is not just the propitiation, sacrifice, satisfaction for the sins of some men, "but also for the sins whole world."
Jesus is, "the Savior of all men, especially them that believe."

If you die in your sins it will be your choice. God provided the way of salvation. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:3-6
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.



Jesus came to save His people.
Jesus came to save his people from their sins.

But my observation has been that men love their sins (their thoughts, words and actions), which is why they continue in sin, even when God confronts, convicts and calls them to repentance and eternal life. 

When a person answers God's call to believe on Christ and to turn from Sin, after that person is converted and has received a New Nature and is walking in newness of life, that person still has the Sin Nature (aka Sin [an inherited and indwelling principle of rebellion against God and righteousness], the Old Man, the Carnal Mind, the Double Mind, the Flesh, the Evil Heart of Unbelief, the Adamic Nature). Because of God's salvation, the believer has a New Nature (which loves God and desires to obey God), but he has an internal battle with his Old Nature, his Sin Nature (which hates God and wants to disobey God and is irredeemable), not to be confused with his Human Nature (which has been corrupted by sin, but can be redeemed). This internal battle is because the believer clings to his Old Nature. The believer does not want to die to Self, the Old Man. 

This internal battle should be understood as a battle between the Old Nature (attitude, propensity, inclination) to resist God, and the New Nature (attitude, propensity, inclination) to submit to God. The Old Nature cannot be converted or controlled and the New Nature will not be corrupted or conquered. Either the Human Nature (man's reason, desire, emotion, conscience and will) accepts the rule of sin or the rule of God. There is no coexistence. The believer needs to put off (crucify) the Old Man, with its corruption and rebellion. 

This putting off of the Old Man is necessary for the purification of the heart. Remember, God wants us to have clean hands and a pure heart. The clean hands comes when God forgives and cleanses us from our sins which we have committed and the pure heart comes when God fills us with His Holy Spirit. 

The Sinful Nature is not conquered and destroyed by our good works, nor by our discipline. We cannot bring the Old Man under control. As long as a believer has the Double Mind, Satan will use it to overthrow the New Man, the Spiritual Mind, the Divine Nature, which God imparted to us at the time of our conversion. Sinning religion would leave us in that condition for the rest of our lives. But God provided salvation and purity from all sin. 

However, our battle is not only with Satanic temptations from the outside or with Double Mindedness from within, but it is also with a World System, seeking to lure us away from God. 

Let me mention quickly, God delivers the faithful believer from all temptation. We are confronted with The World, The Flesh and The Devil, but God provides deliverance and victory over all three manifestations of evil. 

The unsaved love their sinful thoughts, words and deeds.
Christians initially have a love/hate relationship with their Carnal Mind, erroneously thinking that being Double Minded is an inescapable part of their human nature.
People, whether, unsaved or Carnal Christians, have an affinity, a connection with the worldly system. Part of that affinity is based in their cultural influences.

The ones who hunger and thirst after righteousness, will hear God calling them to trust Christ for deliverance from the internal battle between the New Man and the Old Man. Deliverance comes through faith in Christ, in the same way that we are forgiven. The fullness of the Holy Spirit flushes out the inner corruption of the believer. The Old Man is crucified with Christ. Crucifixion is death, not continual suffering, it is death, not a lifetime of dying. There comes a time when the Old Man is dead and removed. 

Yes, we still have a human nature (body, soul, spirit) and we can be tempted through the human nature, just like with Adam was tempted. Even when we are delivered from the inner pollution of the Old Man, our human nature will be tempted and attacked by Satan. 

But from the moment of our salvation, even until we are entirely sanctified, we have the power, as regenerated (born again) believers, to resist all temptation. "He that is born of God does not commit sin." 

Men love their sins (words, thoughts and deeds).
Christian's initially love there sinful nature, the Old Man.
The Carnal, Double Minded man must die to self orientation.

But even after we experience deliverance from sins, through forgiveness, we must experience deliverance from our sin nature through purification. 

The Spirit filled Christian still has to contend with the "world." The world presents itself to us through human culture. Even though sinners (unsaved people) come to the point they turn from their Sins, and even when believers turn from their Double Mindedness, the devil still has a stronghold through culture, racial culture, political culture, economic culture, academic culture, and especially religious culture. People love the culture in which they were raised. Some people are brought up with a Christian background, and many brought up with a Calvinistic or Reformed position. 

Let me give you an example of culture replacing Biblical truth in the minds of the people. For instance, they still hold to the unBiblical idea that Christians have the right to take the lives of other men, when they're lives are threatened or when they're family is threatened or when their well-being is threatened or when their country is threatened. 

You won't find the concept of Christians taking up arms against others commanded, commended or condoned in the New Testament. In fact, the idea of Christian physical violence is condemned in the New Testament. 

It was a concept introduced to the Church at the time of Constantine and developed by Roman Catholic leaders, such as Augustin and Thomas Aquinas and retained as a relic of Rome by Reformed leaders, who went to war and executed people with whom they disagreed. 

But as I said, people love their culture. And sometimes they are blinded by their culture, to the extent that they do not really see or understand the clear revelation of God, even when the revelation of God clearly contradicts their cultural background or cultural norms. They have unfailing loyalties to a filed culture. 

Love not the world nor the things that are in the world. If you love the world, the love of the Father is not in you.
God tells us through Paul, "Come out from among them and be a separate."
If the God wants us to be delivered from sins committed, and delivered from sin inherent, He also wants us to be delivered from unholy alliances, which corrupt us.
Bad company corrupts good morals.



Sometimes God sends strong delusion to a person who is resisting, rejecting, rebelling against the will of God, but that person will think it is God's leading.

Sadly, the errant person leads other people into their own condemnation.



It isn't always what Calvinistic or a Reformed teachers says, but rather how they explain what they have said. They often quote Scripture but then corrupt the meaning by private interpretation and pagan philosophy. They are so blind that they cannot see the error and the contradiction in what they are saying.

This is more especially true with those who delve deeply into the precepts of their sinning religion. It starts with being legitimately deceived, but eventuates in a dogged determination to explain away God's word. As with other errant belief systems, tons of truth get trashed in order to cling to human error and doctrines of demons.



I just listened to a Charles Spurgeon sermon about Romans 7:24-25. (Actually he used the entire chapter to completely misrepresent God's salvation).

Some people refer to him as "Prince of Preachers." It would be more accurate to call him, "Prince of Deceivers."
Put that in your stogy and smoke it.

His message is pathetic. He uses the right words, but applies the wrong meaning. In fact, he actually contradicts what Scripture says and he even contradicts himself.

If anyone has any questions about this, let me know.

Saturday, January 20, 2024



It has always been interesting to me that sinning religion boasts in Expository Preaching (therefore they claim a highly comprehensive insight into God’s word), but then they resort to cherry picking verses, out of context and force interpretations according to their systematic rather than according to sound hermeneutics based on Scriptural context.

They will take a pet passage, apply some inappropriate meaning, while ignoring a plethora of clear passages, such as denying that Christ died for the whole world or claiming that regeneration precedes faith, or teaching that Christ does not save believers from the power and pollution of sin (as well as the penalty of sin), in this present world.

They take a quote, which they frame in such a way as to promote their warped position concerning the nature and work of God, while dismissing passages which contradict their cult based interpretations.

Sinning religion (the beliefs that deny Divine deliverance from sin) leads to a lifeless, robotic, joyless, stagnant and legalistic profession of faith, rather than a living, joyful, growing, transforming, personal relationship with Christ.



Christians come in all shapes, sizes, colors, languages and cultures. There are cultures based on ethnicity, education, economics, religion, and there are subcultures. However, there are areas of culture, which are consistent with Christian faith and practice and there are cultures (or elements of cultures), which are contrary to Christian faith and practice. 

"Culture" is multi (mega) faceted, including the basics of, language, cuisine, traditions, celebrations, fine and performing arts, norms (beliefs [such as religion, attitudes,] and behavior [such as laws and rules]). Christianity includes both belief and behavior, therefore Christian norms often clash with the norms of other cultures (regional, ethnic, racial, religious, political, recreational, dietary).

Christians often refer to cultural norms, which are contrary to Christian norms, as "worldliness." Some religions have "norms" that are blatantly anti-Christian, such as cannibalism, human sacrifice, female genital mutilation, honor killing, hallucinatory drug usage, polygamy, body mutilation and marking. There are other cultural norms which are contrary to Christian standards, which are not as obviously obnoxious as the few I just mentioned.

Christians are called to follow Jesus. When we follow Jesus we turn from beliefs and practices which are contrary to the life of a believer.
Christians are called to tell the gospel message to the world and to make disciples (lead others in learning and following Jesus). We do this through teaching and preaching and practicing God's revelation of salvation.
Christians are called to proclaim, teach, invite and exemplify Biblical salvation, we are not called or permitted to force anyone to confess or follow the Christian message of salvation.
Christians are the enemy of darkness (sin and deception), but we love the people who are held captive by Satan.

Christians renounce and denounce cultural elements, which are contrary to God's word. Loving God does not allow us to love the world.

We are not sent to conform other people to any culture, but we are sent to set people free from cultural beliefs and practices which are anti-Christian.

When a person follows Jesus, He will lead them out of sin and worldliness. Trusting and following Jesus is costly and requires the single mind of obedient faith.

Acceptance of Christ, faith in Christ begins with turning from known sin and is followed up with daily, faithful, loving obedience. This will result in eliminating cultural norms which are contrary to the will and nature of Christ.

But remember, we are soldiers of the Prince of Peace, we represent God, Who is love. We are to speak the truth in love. We are to love our human enemies. We are not here to drive people into a fleshly kingdom; we are here to draw people into God's kingdom, which is spiritual, righteousness, peace, joy.

Stand faithful to God and His word. Do not be conformed to this world. Come out from the world and be separated to God. Abstain from the very appearance of evil. Obey God, even when it means disobeying men.

Friday, January 19, 2024

01/19/24 DON'T BE STUPID

01/19/24 DON'T BE STUPID

Sin makes you stupid and stupidity makes you sin. Yes, it does, and the Bible bears witness to this truth by referring to the thoughts, words and actions of a fool. When you look up the word, "fool," in the original Hebrew, it means, "stupid." It includes basically being hard-headed, unreasonably obstinate, rather than just being simple or being unlearned. It is a matter of being unwilling to be taught, unwilling to be corrected.

God's word has said this for thousands of years. I have preached this for decades. Now it is evident on a daily basis. The most educated people you can encounter, the most intellectually astute people in society are proving that they are stupid. How? Because they say a man can be a woman, a woman can be a man, a man can get pregnant. So yes, they are stupid, they are unwilling to be corrected, they are unwilling to be taught, they are unwilling to admit their error, and that is what makes them stupid. 

Whenever a person refuses to accept clearly stated Biblical revelation, they are being stupid. Now we see that the American "educational system" of Secular Humanism was not only geared to dumb down, but to make America's youth stupid. Stupidity not only denies truths about this world and life, it boldly refutes truths concerning God, the nature of mankind, the reality of salvation and eternity.



The greatest US President in my lifetime has been Donald Trump. The greatest possible failure is also Donald Trump.

President Trump apparently is not a Bible believing Christian (as evidenced by his words and his moral behavior), though he has shown more respect for the Bible and the Christian faith than most of our recent Presidents.

President Trump made many good decisions while in office, in spite of the fact that lying opposition constantly resisted and rejected his leadership, while falsely accusing him of Russian collusion and other fake crimes, during his entire time in Washington.

President Trump has not led either a Christian life or an morally commendable life, but he has not tried to force a sinful political platform onto the country (yet), unlike the Socialistic, baby killing, Bible attacking, family opposed, racist agenda, child mutilating of other recent Administrations.

President Trump often took steps to restore a civil society and fought for all of his constituents (in spite of the lying propaganda promoted by the liberal media and the far left politicians). 

However, it is President Trump's successes and appeal to the average American that can cause him to be a great disappointment in the days ahead (NO, I AM NOT PROMOTING THE PRESENT ADMINISTRATION OR ANY OF THE TWO FACED WANNABEES ON THE SCENE TODAY). I am simply pointing out that if a really good leader goes bad, then those who have supported him will suffer even greater loss, because they will lose to whatever faulty agenda arises, AND they will suffer because of being betrayed by the one they trusted. This could put greater power in the hands of those who seek to control and oppress America and would sink any hopes of restoring America to conservative values.

I am not speaking of simply human strategy gone bad. I am talking about the hidden agenda of the Prince of the Power of the air.

I do not hold out hope for a restored America (though a brief respite may take place before the final, and inevitable collapse). I believe God can extend help to our country and our world, but the Bible clearly teaches that this world will not succeed in the long run.

This country cannot withstand the political, moral, economic, military, civil failures of recent days. I hope for a return to a better America, at least for a while.

So, what am I saying? We need deliverance from our present political debacle. But we should never be so enamored with any leader that we trust him or treat him as our Savior. Scripture tells us not to put our approval on anyone quickly. When our leaders fall, we are dragged along with them.

President Trump may be the best option available at this point, but realize, any advantage will be temporary. If a leader embraces a political agenda that is contrary to the Bible, then it will bring a curse on our entire country and it will destroy the credibility of those who are dyed in the wool supporters.

Democrats today need to realize that their party has betrayed them. Don't be attached to a party or a personality. It can backfire and cost you more than you expect.



Sometimes people, even well-meaning people, require more of us or from us, than is required by the person who actually has authority over us.

We do not have to please everybody. We only need to please the people to whom we are answerable.

Ultimately this means we need to please God, and we can. God knows everything about us, and God knows our final outcome, yet He loves us (remember, Jesus loved Judas Iscariot though He knew what would happen). Yes, God also hates and God is vengeful, but God not only loves, He is love and He is merciful and kind.

We cannot understand the nature of God. Some people focus on His love at the expense of His justice and some people focus on His wrath at the expense of His redemption. The Bible does not always explain the nature of God, but it does reveal the nature of God. We must embrace the whole revelation and rightly divide (understand) the word of God.

God provides salvation for whosoever will believe. Jesus said we should save ourselves from this perverse (crooked) generation. We save ourselves by trusting Him to forgive, transform, cleanse, empower us to live a life that is pleasing to Himself.

God is absolutely and inherently righteous. We, as recipients of God's grace, are made righteous and enabled to live righteously. God sets the standards, God enables us and God determines our acceptability.

God told Abram (who was about to be renamed Abraham), "I am Almighty God, walk thou before Me and be thou perfect (without corrupotion)." God is Almighty, all sufficient, all supplying, all merciful, all powerful and God not only calls us to newness of life, He transforms us into new creations and gives us life; He not only calls us to deny ourselves and follow Him, He enables us to deny ourselves and follow Him; He not only calls us to obey Him, He imparts His Own nature and His Divine love within us, which enables us to keep His commandments and to do that which is pleasing in His sight.

God's salvation not only transforms us from what we were, but it also conforms us to the image of His Son. We are not only forgiven of our sinful behavior, we are purified, even as Christ is pure and we are created and enabled for every good work.

We are not absolutely perfect (even in our redemption), but God does not require us to be absolutely perfect (since only God can be absolutely perfect). He does require a perfect heart, a perfect love, which is made possible through faith in the death and resurrection of Christ, and through the imparting of the Holy Spirit and through the power of His word.

Though we are not absolutely perfect, and though we may fail along the way (but God provides renewal and restoration), and though we are still flawed and weak and limited, and though other people will fault us and condemn us, we are only answerable to God. God judges righteously. God does not pretend that we are righteous, He actually makes us righteous.

As a believer, I endeavor not to be a stumbling block to others. I deliberately choose to abstain from the appearance of evil, not as a legalistic rule, but as a loving and redemptive act. Still, I need God's continuous love, cleansing, leading and His forgiveness on those occasions that I don't follow Him fully, those occasions that I fail and fall along the way. He enables us to be faithful and He is also faithful and just to forgive us our sins, when we repent. 

God will hold us accountable for our lives. We will be judged according to the deeds done in the flesh, if we stand before Him without Christ as our Advocate, our Propitiation. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we will be covered by the blood of Jesus, sanctified and fit for the Masters use and we will be judged and rewarded for our faithfulness.

The work of salvation is not only essential for our eternal (everlasting) destiny, the work of salvation is essential for our present earthly lives. Regardless of the accusations and attacks of other people, remember, Almighty God is calling you and enabling you to walk before Him and be perfect, to live without sin and sinning, without blemish or spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Eternal life and life in Christ is the gift of God, available to whosoever will believe on Christ. He gives us everything necessary for life and godliness.

Thursday, January 18, 2024



When a person rejects God's truth for his own life, he is also robbing other people of God's truth for their lives. Through decades of pastoring, I have seen children robbed of essential truth and Biblical relationships because the parents rejected God's leading. Parents who were not willing to change something in their own lives robbed their children of the spiritual leading they needed to be successful in their Christian walk.

If a person believes he has a legitimate reason to leave the preaching and teaching of God's word, then that person is obligated to find another preacher who preaches the same truths. Spiritual sustenance is not a, "pick and choose," it is Divine provision from the whole counsel of God .

Leaving a ministry requires more than simply walking out of the door. Being part of a church is not the same as being part of a club or frequenting a local business. The local church is a spiritual family, instituted by God, and requires openness and accountability. God gave the church protocols for dealing with broken relationships. As with other family situations, a relationship should be preserved when possible. Changes and forgiveness will be needed. But family members do not just walk out on family. Such an action is called abandonment. Likewise, believers do not just walk away from other believers. God wants reconciliation and God wants unity among His children.



Don't be brainwashed by sinning religion.

Sinning religion denies deliverance from sinning.
Sinning religion denies deliverance from the Old Man, aka Carnal Mindedness, the Double Mind, the Evil Heart of Unbelief, the Law of Sin and Death, this Body of Death, an Impure Heart.
Sinning religion denies the power of the the Blood of Christ, the power of the Resurrection, the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of the God's word.

Sinning religion impersonates Christianity.
Sinning religion steals Christian identity.
Sinning religion offers false hope.
Sinning religion follows another (a false) Jesus, a false Holy Spirit and a false gospel.
Sinning religion robs people of eternal life, holy living, perfect love.

If someone offers a Christianity, offers a salvation, offers a Bible teaching that does not lead you out of sin and does not deliver you from sin, and does not conform you to the image of Jesus, then that someone is deceiving you, either because they want to deceive you or because they are deceived and they are channeling the deception. Either way, the deception is damning.
2 Corinthians 11:2-4
2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

If someone can "explain" the word of God in such a way that it does not deliver you from sin and sinning, then they are deceitfully handling the word of God.
1 Timothy 1:3-11
3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,
4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
5 Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:
6 From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;
7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.
8 But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;
9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
11 According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024



When I was a child, society said people should not talk about religion (a broad term, which not only included Christianity and salvation, but was actually focused on squelching Biblical discussion) or politics. Polite, considerate, kind, sensitive people did not want to hurt other people, and since Christians were usually the most polite, considerate, kind and sensitive people, they were easily maneuvered into silence about the most important subjects in society.

On the other hand, the anti-Bible, anti-Christian, anti-salvation, anti-Jesus people, were the most vocal and active in propagating their poisonous religion and destructive politics. This silencing of the sheep came at the same time that there was a silencing of the hirelings (since they were not really shepherding the flock of God). "Liberal" theology and 'Liberal" politics opened the gates for libertarian and licentious living.

The western church watched as schools taught against God, the Bible, the creation and the dignity of man, the rule of God, the laws of God, the Person of Christ, the work of salvation, the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of life, the sanctity of gender.

Society easily moved from a church orientation, which manifested itself by the unchurched recognizing Christian ethics and the rule of law. Society exchanged the rule and worship of God for the rule and worship of Secular Humanism (the State, Science, Academics).

We see the results of this "silencing of the truth." Wickedness now screams in the streets and people not only cover their ears to stop the message of God and righteousness, they now take action (physical, financial, social, legal) against Christ, His word and His people.

There was a time when God used Human Government to maintain law and order; when God protected the innocent (the righteous and the law abiding) and punished the wicked (the perverted, the criminal, the lawless), but we are watching the world become the cesspool which will not be cleansed. It appears to be far past time for believers to turn our society to truth and repentance. We will still keep calling out, as did Noah, but we need to make sure that we are focused on getting ourselves into God's ark of safety (salvation through Christ).

Salvation is not easy believism and cheap grace (which does not require active, obedient, overcoming faith). Presumption on an unjust, dishonest, god is replacing faith in the true and living God. If salvation does not transform a person from a sinner to a saint. it is devilish religion. If salvation does not conform a person to the likeness of Jesus, it is belief in another Jesus, another Spirit and another gospel. In other words, a false Jesus, a false Spirit and a false gospel.

As the Bible says, "Save yourselves from this crooked, this perverse generation." We do this by believing on Christ, turning from sin, following Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the word of God; we do this by not being conformed to this world but rather by Divine, miraculous power having our minds transformied and renewed, and by being conformed to the image of Jesus; by walking in the light, as He is in the light.

The Christian life is a continuous walk, not a brief visitation.
The Christian life is growth, not stagnation.
The Christian life is purification, not sterilization.
The Christian life is transformation through justification, sanctification (initial, entire and continuous), leading to glorification.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024



The more that a State (a human government) cooperates with the will (the purpose) of God, the more it will experience His blessings. The more that a State (human government) resists, rejects the will (the purpose) of God, the more it will suffer the judgements, curses and wrath of God.

The principle is true for individuals as well. However, the innocent, righteous or law abiding suffer at the hands of, and because of the actions of the wicked. Christians also suffer as we fulfill our commitment to communicate salvation to a needy but hostile world.

The wrath of God, the condemnation for our sins was satisfied by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Those who place their faith in Christ have passed from death to life, from condemnation to peace with God.

This world is not simply a testing or proving ground for our faith, it is our mission field, our battle field, where we fight the good fight of faith and where we live or die for the glory of God.

We do not live to please or exalt self or the world. If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of the Father is not in you.



Do not trust in horses, chariots, swords, the arm of flesh.

01/16/24 GOD OVER ALL

01/16/24 GOD OVER ALL

WHOEVER resists God's authority shall face God's judgment; whether Pawn, Bishop, Knight, King, Judge or President.



Any person who wavers on transgenderism cannot be trusted to lead the country.



Any President who will waffle on sex transitioning is a major danger to USA.



PASTOR DAVID WALK AND TALK (while I am on an exercise walk).

A 12 minute video about the need and availability of Regeneration and Entire Sanctification: about being Born Again and being Purified in Heart.



Sin and stupidity are symbiotic.
Sin makes you stupid and stupidity makes you sin.

Not just words; a fact.



Stupidity is not lack of intellect or academics; it is accepting and promoting evil.

The Bible teaches: sin makes you stupid. 

Stupidity rejects truth.
Stupidity receives evil.
Stupidity ridicules reality

Stupidity is a moral condition related to being a numbskull.
The Hebrew word translated, "fool" (Stongs 3684) means stupid, dullard, and is often used in reference to a moral failing rather than simply a mental failing.

01/15/24 A WAY TO ESCAPE

01/15/24 A WAY TO ESCAPE

God does not allow believers to be tempted above their ability to resist.

1 Corinthians 10:13
13  There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

01/15/24 THE REAL ROMANS 7 AND 8 (read it all)

01/15/24 ROMANS 7 AND 8 (read it all)

Christ delivers us from the, "body of death," in Romans 7 and 8.

Romans 7:21-25 and 8:1-14
21  I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
22  For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
23  But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
24  O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
25  I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.
Romans 8:1-14
1  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
2  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
3  For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
4  That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
5  For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6  For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
7  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8  So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
9  But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
10  And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
11  But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
12  Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.
13  For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
14  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.



Through Christ, sinners cleanse their hands, and the double minded purify their hearts.



Jesus gave Himself to redeem us AND purify us, in order for us to do good works.

Titus 2:13-15
13  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
14  Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
15  These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.



Salvation includes being made holy, righteous and pure (as He is), in this life.

Romans 15:29
29  And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.



Salvation is Divine transformation, not "creative bookkeeping."



Doubt and disobedience says God does not save us from all sin in this life.



Yes, it is required of Christians to, "Be perfect in love, as your heavenly Father is perfect in love."



The real Jesus saves us from our sins, not in our sins



The real Jesus became our sin sacrifice, not our actual sins.



The real Jesus prayed to make it to the cross, not escape the cross.


01/15/24 LOVERS OF SELF 

I have lost folks because they refused to die to self.

2 Timothy 3:1-2
1  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2  For men shall be lovers of their own selves...

Monday, January 15, 2024



How about this for a wild thought?

"Maturing should come with getting older."


01/13/24 CONSTANTLY ABIDING (video walk and sing)

I often sing hymns and spiritual songs while I am doing an exercise walk. This is, "Constantly Abiding."

A great old song. It refers to the victory we have in the constantly abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. The song is a brief testimony.

There are some "Christian" folks who don't even know that they can have the constant presence, power and purity of God in their lives. Some groups don't even sing about the Holy Spirit's work in their lives. Your theology forms your faith and your faith determines the level of your victory. 

1 John 5:4-5 KJV
4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

I hope the word of this song blesses you.

01/12/24 SHIP MODELS... (of the Church)

01/12/24 SHIP MODELS... (of the Church) 

In the Old Testament, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are referred to as Zion or Mount Zion. When the Jews were taken into captivity they wanted to return to Zion and they sang the songs of Zion, meaning that they wanted to return to their homeland and their spiritual roots.

In modern times the idea of Zion was featured in the thoughts of African slaves brought to America. Those who had Christian training longed for deliverance from their own bondage and they framed it in Biblical terminology. They saw the salvation of God and the Church as a ship that would carry them to the promised land of freedom and heaven. They sang about, "The Old Ship Of Zion."

The image of the Ship of Zion has been associated with the Church in modern times.

As someone who was brought up around boats I like imagery associated with the sea, with boats, with lighthouses, with fishing.

I have likened the ministry of the local church to various kinds of water vessels. Here are some thoughts. And, No, I am not saying that these models are Biblical. I am saying that the church ministry can be exemplified through these models.

An Ocean Liner Model. An Ocean Liner transports people from one location to another, sometimes over troubled seas or through enemy infested areas (pirates, hostile warships), or navigational difficulties (icebergs, storms). An Ocean Liner is a self contained community.

The local church is a community of believers, traveling to heaven and helping others make the transition. There is provision, fellowship, encouragement, support made available to fellow travelers, guidance, protection, leadership. Also aboard Ocean Liners are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.

A Cruise Ship Model. A Cruise Ship is generally thought of as a pleasure vessel. However, sometimes there are Christian Cruises, organized for Christian Ministries (Bible Conferences, Fellowships [Singles, Marrieds, Seniors, Families], Christian Training [Evangelism, Prophecy]). Also aboard Cruise Ships are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.

A Warship Model. The Church is an Army, a spiritual fighting force, battling the powers of darkness. Sailing into hostile situations, landing soldiers of the cross into the very jaws of Satanic opposition. Also aboard Warships there are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.

Relief Ships. Christian Relief Ships take specialized Christian services (Medical, Disaster Relief, Famine Relief, Bible Distribution, Education) to needy people in far places. This is also seen in local churches by way of Food Pantries, Clothes Closets, Emergency Relief, World Missions. Also aboard Relief Ships there are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.

Research Ships. Research and Ministry Education should be a major ministry of local churches. Training the children and young people in Christian truths, training parishioners in Christian principles, training Ministry Students in the whole counsel of God, training laymen and ministry people in specialized Christian work (Music, Theology, Evangelism). Also aboard Research Ships there are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.

Rescue Vessels. Rescue Vessels are specifically designed and manned by people dedicated to save people in trouble. The local church also is heavily involved in reaching people who are drowning in the sins of their worldly lifestyle. Sometimes thse Rescue Vessels are working the dangerous waters of the darker side of society, ministering to the down and out folks. Also aboard Rescue Ships there are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.

Lifeboats. These are the emergency vessels, which are launched when Disaster strikes any of the larger ministries. Disaster can happen because of internal strife or because of societal hardships or because of natural disasters or because of political oppression or because of religious attacks or financial collapse. When the larger body of believers are no longer able to meet openly or freely then the local church sometimes finds itself reduced to a much smaller or much less diverse form of ministry.
Lifeboat ministries are doing the same basic work as that of larger ministries. They provide safety, deliverance, sustenance for believers who are under attack by the enemy. They also are rescuing others adrift in life's sea of sin.

Small survival vessels are not as impressive to those are focused on size, variety, comfort, appeal. But small survival vessels are doing the same work as their larger, more wealthy, more highly trained and equipped counterparts.

The small, no frills Lifeboats are not Liners, Cruise Ships, well financed and equipped and staffed ministry ships, but they do the same work for smaller number of people. The Lifeboat is not as comfortable, as enjoyable as prestigious as the great ships, but they do the same work, and they reach people that the larger ministries do not reach.

Most of the folks on a Lifeboat would love to be aboard a larger, more efficient, better equipped vessel, but they are dedicated to the work, regardless of the hardships involved.

Noah had a very large boat (ship), but it carried a very small number of people. It was not by Noah's design that only eight people were aboard. The same can be said concerning many Missions projects throughout history. People gather together in private homes, wooded areas, storefronts. It is not because of the crew or the vessel that Lifeboats are limited in their appeal and mission. Sometimes it is because very few people want to be delivered from their lost condition.

Whether onboard an Ocean Liner, a Cruise Ship, a Warship, a Relief Ship, a Research Ship, a Rescue Vessel or a Lifeboat, there is a need for everyone to be of one mind, submitting to Biblical authority, seeking the best for their shipmates, sacrificing for the mission.

Whatever the model of vessel you are part of, know your mission, know your job, do it eagerly, be in fellowship with the other folks on your vessel.