01/12/24 SHIP MODELS... (of the Church)
In the Old Testament, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are referred to as Zion or Mount Zion. When the Jews were taken into captivity they wanted to return to Zion and they sang the songs of Zion, meaning that they wanted to return to their homeland and their spiritual roots.
In modern times the idea of Zion was featured in the thoughts of African slaves brought to America. Those who had Christian training longed for deliverance from their own bondage and they framed it in Biblical terminology. They saw the salvation of God and the Church as a ship that would carry them to the promised land of freedom and heaven. They sang about, "The Old Ship Of Zion."
The image of the Ship of Zion has been associated with the Church in modern times.
As someone who was brought up around boats I like imagery associated with the sea, with boats, with lighthouses, with fishing.
I have likened the ministry of the local church to various kinds of water vessels. Here are some thoughts. And, No, I am not saying that these models are Biblical. I am saying that the church ministry can be exemplified through these models.
An Ocean Liner Model. An Ocean Liner transports people from one location to another, sometimes over troubled seas or through enemy infested areas (pirates, hostile warships), or navigational difficulties (icebergs, storms). An Ocean Liner is a self contained community.
The local church is a community of believers, traveling to heaven and helping others make the transition. There is provision, fellowship, encouragement, support made available to fellow travelers, guidance, protection, leadership. Also aboard Ocean Liners are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.
A Cruise Ship Model. A Cruise Ship is generally thought of as a pleasure vessel. However, sometimes there are Christian Cruises, organized for Christian Ministries (Bible Conferences, Fellowships [Singles, Marrieds, Seniors, Families], Christian Training [Evangelism, Prophecy]). Also aboard Cruise Ships are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.
A Warship Model. The Church is an Army, a spiritual fighting force, battling the powers of darkness. Sailing into hostile situations, landing soldiers of the cross into the very jaws of Satanic opposition. Also aboard Warships there are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.
Relief Ships. Christian Relief Ships take specialized Christian services (Medical, Disaster Relief, Famine Relief, Bible Distribution, Education) to needy people in far places. This is also seen in local churches by way of Food Pantries, Clothes Closets, Emergency Relief, World Missions. Also aboard Relief Ships there are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.
Research Ships. Research and Ministry Education should be a major ministry of local churches. Training the children and young people in Christian truths, training parishioners in Christian principles, training Ministry Students in the whole counsel of God, training laymen and ministry people in specialized Christian work (Music, Theology, Evangelism). Also aboard Research Ships there are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.
Rescue Vessels. Rescue Vessels are specifically designed and manned by people dedicated to save people in trouble. The local church also is heavily involved in reaching people who are drowning in the sins of their worldly lifestyle. Sometimes thse Rescue Vessels are working the dangerous waters of the darker side of society, ministering to the down and out folks. Also aboard Rescue Ships there are Lifeboats, in case of emergencies.
Lifeboats. These are the emergency vessels, which are launched when Disaster strikes any of the larger ministries. Disaster can happen because of internal strife or because of societal hardships or because of natural disasters or because of political oppression or because of religious attacks or financial collapse. When the larger body of believers are no longer able to meet openly or freely then the local church sometimes finds itself reduced to a much smaller or much less diverse form of ministry.
Lifeboat ministries are doing the same basic work as that of larger ministries. They provide safety, deliverance, sustenance for believers who are under attack by the enemy. They also are rescuing others adrift in life's sea of sin.
Small survival vessels are not as impressive to those are focused on size, variety, comfort, appeal. But small survival vessels are doing the same work as their larger, more wealthy, more highly trained and equipped counterparts.
The small, no frills Lifeboats are not Liners, Cruise Ships, well financed and equipped and staffed ministry ships, but they do the same work for smaller number of people. The Lifeboat is not as comfortable, as enjoyable as prestigious as the great ships, but they do the same work, and they reach people that the larger ministries do not reach.
Most of the folks on a Lifeboat would love to be aboard a larger, more efficient, better equipped vessel, but they are dedicated to the work, regardless of the hardships involved.
Noah had a very large boat (ship), but it carried a very small number of people. It was not by Noah's design that only eight people were aboard. The same can be said concerning many Missions projects throughout history. People gather together in private homes, wooded areas, storefronts. It is not because of the crew or the vessel that Lifeboats are limited in their appeal and mission. Sometimes it is because very few people want to be delivered from their lost condition.
Whether onboard an Ocean Liner, a Cruise Ship, a Warship, a Relief Ship, a Research Ship, a Rescue Vessel or a Lifeboat, there is a need for everyone to be of one mind, submitting to Biblical authority, seeking the best for their shipmates, sacrificing for the mission.
Whatever the model of vessel you are part of, know your mission, know your job, do it eagerly, be in fellowship with the other folks on your vessel.
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