It is true that there are different levels of commitment to, and different views concerning, the doctrines of Reformed Theology and Calvinism, which came out from some of the false doctrines of Roman Catholicism.
It is also true that some points of their doctrines are true and sometimes they are articulated correctly. However, it is a mistake to think that either Reformed Theology, Augustinianism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Arminiansim, Wesleyism, Wesleyanism, or any teaching of man, or of a movement, such as Protestantism, Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, Biblicism, is the gospel, unless the Bible tells us that it is the truth. Sometimes Biblical truth is stated by proponents of these groups, but we should never allow anyone or any group to become the interpreter of God. Let Scripture interpret itself (which requires a thorough knowledge of Scripture). No Scripture is of any private interpretation.
I often listen to or read from those who are somewhere on the Reformed or the Calvinistic spectrum (basically adhering to some form of Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints (or Eternal Security or Once Saved, Always Saved). Sometimes they also tell us Biblical truth. Usually, after they have stated truth, they eventually disqualify what the Bible says by saying that God foes not save us ("us" being those who believe in Christ as Savior) from all sin, does not cleanse us from all sin, does not deliver us from all sin, does not make us victorious over all sin.
It is obvious that Christians can make choices that are contrary to the will of God. It is obvious that Christians can go back into sin and they can continue in sin for an extended period of time. But it is not Biblical to believe that when a person goes back into sin (but refuses to turn again to Christ), that such a person continues to be in a right relationship with God, and it is not Biblical to believe that a Christian must sin, will definitely sin, is unable to keep from sinning.
Sometimes these preachers or teachers tell the truth about being faithful, about being obedient, but then they deny it by saying that it is impossible for Christians to be walk in the light as Christ is in the light; they deny that Christians can be cleansed of all sin; that Christians can be pure, holy, righteous as God is; that Christians can be perfect in love, as our heavenly father is perfect.
This is why I call such religion, "sinning religion." It denies Christ's salvation from the penalty, the power and the pollution of sin. They deny that God transforms us into new people, zealous for good works, capable of good works, eagerly desirous of doing good works.
Theirs is not the Gospel of Grace, but the graceless religion of man. God's grace makes us more than conquerors, always leads us into triumph, saves us to the uttermost, cleanses our hands (behavior) and purifies our hearts (desires), conforms us to the image of Jesus, enables us to keep His commandments and do that which is pleasing in God's sight.
We cannot experience or enjoy any of the graces of God if we love or live for the world, the flesh or the devil. God's salvation gives us victory over all of these things.
You may not find anyone who teaches the whole counsel of God without error. But you better find one who teaches, and lives the Biblically revealed truths of Christian living.
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