When I was a child, society said people should not talk about religion (a broad term, which not only included Christianity and salvation, but was actually focused on squelching Biblical discussion) or politics. Polite, considerate, kind, sensitive people did not want to hurt other people, and since Christians were usually the most polite, considerate, kind and sensitive people, they were easily maneuvered into silence about the most important subjects in society.
On the other hand, the anti-Bible, anti-Christian, anti-salvation, anti-Jesus people, were the most vocal and active in propagating their poisonous religion and destructive politics. This silencing of the sheep came at the same time that there was a silencing of the hirelings (since they were not really shepherding the flock of God). "Liberal" theology and 'Liberal" politics opened the gates for libertarian and licentious living.
The western church watched as schools taught against God, the Bible, the creation and the dignity of man, the rule of God, the laws of God, the Person of Christ, the work of salvation, the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of life, the sanctity of gender.
Society easily moved from a church orientation, which manifested itself by the unchurched recognizing Christian ethics and the rule of law. Society exchanged the rule and worship of God for the rule and worship of Secular Humanism (the State, Science, Academics).
We see the results of this "silencing of the truth." Wickedness now screams in the streets and people not only cover their ears to stop the message of God and righteousness, they now take action (physical, financial, social, legal) against Christ, His word and His people.
There was a time when God used Human Government to maintain law and order; when God protected the innocent (the righteous and the law abiding) and punished the wicked (the perverted, the criminal, the lawless), but we are watching the world become the cesspool which will not be cleansed. It appears to be far past time for believers to turn our society to truth and repentance. We will still keep calling out, as did Noah, but we need to make sure that we are focused on getting ourselves into God's ark of safety (salvation through Christ).
Salvation is not easy believism and cheap grace (which does not require active, obedient, overcoming faith). Presumption on an unjust, dishonest, god is replacing faith in the true and living God. If salvation does not transform a person from a sinner to a saint. it is devilish religion. If salvation does not conform a person to the likeness of Jesus, it is belief in another Jesus, another Spirit and another gospel. In other words, a false Jesus, a false Spirit and a false gospel.
As the Bible says, "Save yourselves from this crooked, this perverse generation." We do this by believing on Christ, turning from sin, following Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the word of God; we do this by not being conformed to this world but rather by Divine, miraculous power having our minds transformied and renewed, and by being conformed to the image of Jesus; by walking in the light, as He is in the light.
The Christian life is a continuous walk, not a brief visitation.
The Christian life is growth, not stagnation.
The Christian life is purification, not sterilization.
The Christian life is transformation through justification, sanctification (initial, entire and continuous), leading to glorification.
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