Saturday, January 20, 2024



Christians come in all shapes, sizes, colors, languages and cultures. There are cultures based on ethnicity, education, economics, religion, and there are subcultures. However, there are areas of culture, which are consistent with Christian faith and practice and there are cultures (or elements of cultures), which are contrary to Christian faith and practice. 

"Culture" is multi (mega) faceted, including the basics of, language, cuisine, traditions, celebrations, fine and performing arts, norms (beliefs [such as religion, attitudes,] and behavior [such as laws and rules]). Christianity includes both belief and behavior, therefore Christian norms often clash with the norms of other cultures (regional, ethnic, racial, religious, political, recreational, dietary).

Christians often refer to cultural norms, which are contrary to Christian norms, as "worldliness." Some religions have "norms" that are blatantly anti-Christian, such as cannibalism, human sacrifice, female genital mutilation, honor killing, hallucinatory drug usage, polygamy, body mutilation and marking. There are other cultural norms which are contrary to Christian standards, which are not as obviously obnoxious as the few I just mentioned.

Christians are called to follow Jesus. When we follow Jesus we turn from beliefs and practices which are contrary to the life of a believer.
Christians are called to tell the gospel message to the world and to make disciples (lead others in learning and following Jesus). We do this through teaching and preaching and practicing God's revelation of salvation.
Christians are called to proclaim, teach, invite and exemplify Biblical salvation, we are not called or permitted to force anyone to confess or follow the Christian message of salvation.
Christians are the enemy of darkness (sin and deception), but we love the people who are held captive by Satan.

Christians renounce and denounce cultural elements, which are contrary to God's word. Loving God does not allow us to love the world.

We are not sent to conform other people to any culture, but we are sent to set people free from cultural beliefs and practices which are anti-Christian.

When a person follows Jesus, He will lead them out of sin and worldliness. Trusting and following Jesus is costly and requires the single mind of obedient faith.

Acceptance of Christ, faith in Christ begins with turning from known sin and is followed up with daily, faithful, loving obedience. This will result in eliminating cultural norms which are contrary to the will and nature of Christ.

But remember, we are soldiers of the Prince of Peace, we represent God, Who is love. We are to speak the truth in love. We are to love our human enemies. We are not here to drive people into a fleshly kingdom; we are here to draw people into God's kingdom, which is spiritual, righteousness, peace, joy.

Stand faithful to God and His word. Do not be conformed to this world. Come out from the world and be separated to God. Abstain from the very appearance of evil. Obey God, even when it means disobeying men.

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