How sad (read that as "demonic"), that the theologies of some men contradict the revealed doctrines of Divinely inspired men. How disturbing that people believe the prince of darkness rather than the King of kings.
Don't believe anyone who denies the following truths, which the Bible clearly and repeatedly tells us. Remember, I am referring to God's miraculous and supernatural salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
Christians are enabled and expected to obey God and keep His Commandments.
The blood of Christ can and will cleanse believers from all sin. "Sin" is both a state of being and an action.
God cleanses the repentant believer's life and conscience from sins committed, and then, by the infilling and fullness of the Holy Spirit, God purifies the heart of faithful believers from the inherited sin nature
God's salvation enables and empowers Christians to walk in the Spirit rather than in the flesh.
Christians who walk in the Spirit (though still in a mortal body), are not in the flesh but in the Spirit.
God delivers believers from the Sinful Nature, a.k.a. the Old Man, the Carnal Mind, the Double Mind, the Law of Sin and Death.
Christians do not continue in sin, nor does sin continue in Christians who walk in the Spirit, walk in the truth, walk in the light, walk in love, walk in Christ.
God saves believers from all sin, including sin's penalty, pollution, and power.
He that is born of God (presently alive in and by the Spirit of God) cannot sin because He has been, and is presently born of God.
Christians can and do live righteously in this present evil world.
The person (the Christ follower) who does righteousness is righteous, even as Christ is righteous.
God gives believers an escape from every temptation.
And the list of salvation truths continues. We have a choice to either believe the revelation of God or accept the warped message of sinning religion.
God wants us to be saved from all sin in this life
God is able to save us from all sin in this life.
God is eager to save the lost.
God loves sinners, and has provided a way to save them, while being just.
God does not want any to be lost, but He will not save those who love sin and reject His atoning sacrifice for sin.
Jesus is not only The Only Way, The Only Truth and The Only Life, He calls all and saves whosoever comes to Him by faith.
There are honest questions about sin and salvation, but the points in this article are not Biblically debatable.
If you have doubts that God's salvation from sin includes you, then you are listening to the prince of darkness and his fatalism. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
Every Bible believer acknowledges and advances these truths.
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