Wednesday, December 18, 2024



I warned people not to vote to Fundamentally Transform America by ushering in Socialism (nice word for Communism). Now we know that Fundamental Transformation included a Hodge Podge Lodge of Marx's SOCIALISM, Capone like CRIME FAMILY, Orwell's OCEANIA and ANIMAL FARM, Huxley's BRAVE NEW WORLD, Mike Judge's IDIOCRACY, Ayn Rand's ATLAS SHRUGGED, compliments of the Humanistic, Secularist State of the BurroKratz in '08, '12 and '20.

I understand that any political party can become a monster, and any politician can go rogue. But I am referring to a full blown, Mary Shelly Frankenstein platform being voted into office to Fundamentally Transform the USA from the greatest country in the history of the world (even with is flaws) into a Totally Deformed and Failed Social Experiment.

I have read God's book, the HOLY BIBLE, and I know that the whole world is looking for a superman with a super plan. God, by His mercy and grace, is giving a lost world another opportunity to turn from sin because He is not willing that any should perish but He wants all to come to repentance. Even so, the USA will become a non player in end time events because it chooses to resist and reject the great light we have received from God. Though the world has been afforded an opportunity to call upon the Lord while He is near, this Laodicean age chooses self over The Savior, death over life, darkness over light, deception over truth, sin over deliverance.

Take advantage of your momentary respite from SINSANITY to radically trust and follow Jesus, and to reach those who are being swept away by Satan's tsunami of filth and rebellion.

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