Saturday, December 14, 2024



I have been pointing out that we have arrived at this Post-Christian time in the Western world. Some of the influences, which lead us to reject Biblical truth are often fostered in families (some of which are basically "Christian"), culture, religious training (some of which is historically Christians), Political Parties, Academics, Economics, (supposed) Science, Secular Humanism ad infinitum.

What I have not emphasized, as much in recent time, is that it not only a social and peer influence, or organizational propaganda, it is a form of brain washing. This is why people, in the past, have been more open to Salvation, but then they refuse to move into deeper Biblical truth.

For example:
Christians don't lie, cheat or steal, but we have been taught that it is acceptable to be dishonest if it does not hurt anyone, or if it actually helps someone, or if it is a small infraction (a little white lie).

Christians recognize that only God is Supreme and the Final Authority, however the adage, "my country, right or wrong," negates the Biblical concept. This faulty position is applied to families, cultures, religions (churches, denominations), regions and this brain washing has crippled untold numbers of people who become Christians.

Christians don't kill other people. Yes, God has given the sword of steel to the State (not to the Church and not to individual Christians). New Testament Christianity did not practice physical violence. In fact, Christians were not part of the Roman military until the pagan, Constantin legalized Christianity 300 years after the Day of Pentecost. The Roman religion used war and physical violence to further its own cause and this aberration from Biblical revelation was adopted by the Reformed Movement in the 1500s. Yet today, children are Western (new world) children are taught to fight and kill, by their parents, their churches their communities, their government. It is not just an issue to be considered or debated in our society; it is the law of the land (the jungle) and it is ground into the inner fabric of people, by family, religion, cultural, social, political, economic, and academic communities.

Christians don't sin. YES, a person who has been saved can turn back to sin. If they quickly turn from their sin and follow Jesus, their backsliding will take a toll, but it does not have to be the final outcome. However, it is possible for a person to turn back to sin, and if they do not turn from sin, and follow Jesus, then their outcome is eternal darkness. God either separates us from sin or sin will separate us from God. There is no such thing as a sinning saint. Sinning Christianity is the teaching of Satan, not the teaching of God. People have allowed lie of Satan to replace the revelation of God. Sinning salvation is taught in the homes, the churches, the communities, the media.

Christians recognize that God has set up an order for families and churches. God's intent from the beginning is that men (husbands and fathers) should be the head of the household; and God intends for men to be the leaders of spiritual realities as well. God's order is not that men should follow or come under the authority of women.

There are many other areas where we see that the word of man has replaced the Word of God in our society. It is not always easy to know or to follow the will of God, but whenever we are told to disobey or disallow the teachings we find in the Bible, we must make the deliberate choice to submit to Divine Authority rather than the passing fancies of men.

Brain washing by anti-Bible forces must be rejected when a person comes to Christ. If they are not, the the believer will be spiritually crippled (at best). When the individual is spiritually crippled, the local church, community and nation is destroyed, little by little until BAM, it is sudden and irrecoverable.

Accepting salvation and submitting to Divine authority happens at salvation, but if a person does not continue to believe and obey the truth of God, then that person will fall away and walk in darkness.

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