Saturday, December 14, 2024



I don't have time to report all of the major catastrophic issues facing our nation and our world today, much less the time to study each of those issues completely.

Suffice it to say, this country has never been in such a combination of political, financial, moral, social, civil, spiritual upheaval as we are at this time.

The love of money is the root of all evil. Our country is facing wars we can not afford to finance; thousands have been devastated by an epic storm. killing over 100 people, destroying countless homes, and jobs, upending entire families, communities and cities, while dock workers and especially union bosses are willing to starve, collapse, destroy America in order to raise their own income, which is higher than the average income level. By the way, Unions have an historic and significant connection to Socialism (aka Communism) and organized crime. This is why the U. S. Government has stepped in to save Americans from the heavy handed and self serving actions of Unions. This Longshoreman's Strike is going to cost Americans 5 billion dollars a day, at a time when food prices, gas prices, housing prices and other essential needs are priced beyond our ability to live normal lives, unless you are an illegal brought into this country illegally by Biden and his supposed prosecutor (Vice President, K. Harris) of illegal criminals. And even if folks could afford the necessities of life, they will not be able to buy them because the Longshoreman's Union is cutting us off. Listen to the speech of their President. It is monstrous.

Take note, Biden does not believe in the Taft Hartley Act, which protects the country from collapse, which is brought about by union strikes. Hmm, Socialism, Unions, Strikes, oppression. It sounds like a formula, while our country is reeling from financial disasters.

By the way, this is no accident. The purpose of Socialism is to bring a nation to financial and civil collapse, in order to rescue it with government intervention. If the present Administration believes the writing on the wall shows that Trump will win the election, then this present Administration is setting up a guaranteed failure situation for the next Administration. Don't be surprised, remember how the BurroKratz blamed Trump and still blames Trump for the China Flue Pandemic, and remember how they falsely accused Trump (and still do) with a Russian collusion, and remember how the media hid the incriminating Pay to Play schemes of Biden and the Hunter Laptop issue?

Socialism wants collapse and if they can poison the well of free choice at the same time, all the better.

Anyway, it is just too much to think about, along with Biden financing the Iranians for four years, making it possible for them to terrorize the world and annihilate Israel and to divide the U.S.

It all fits a plan and a pattern. And this does not scratch the surface.

Oh, one more thing, freedom of speech is also on the chopping block. Let's see if they block this.

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