Saturday, December 14, 2024



Those who are Entirely Sanctified do not boast that they are personally "sinless," but they do...
humbly thank God for victory over sin;
praise Him for His cleansing power;
rejoice in His deliverance from temptation;
exalt Him because He leads us not into temptation, but delivers us from the evil one;
and He gives us peace that passes understanding, love abounding, and joy unspeakable and full of glory;
and we recognize that He never leaves us or forsakes us;
and He enables us to walk in His steps, and to keep His commandments, and to do that which is pleasing in His sight;
and He provides, "so great salvation," and grace that is greater than all our sin, and He gives us everything we need for life and godliness;
and He makes us more than conquerors;
and He conforms us to the image of Jesus;
and the list goes on and on and...

Yet, those who believe the lie of sinning religion use the term, "sinless" as an attack against sincere believers who have turned from sin, implying self righteousness. They even call those who walk in God's light, "self righteous;"
and they claim that we have a works salvation (actually we have a salvation that works [functions as God intended, and also fulfills God's call to service]);
and they falsely claim that we still walk in the flesh (contrary to the revelation of God's word);
and they claim that we cannot obey, cannot follow God fully.

Those who trust Christ for salvation from sin actually experience that which God planned, promised and provides, which is the Biblical reality that all real Christians would like to have in their own life, victory over the world, the flesh and the devil.

We realize it is not us, but Christ in us and we realize our victory, which is in Christ, is only obtainable through faith.

Yet those who practice sinning religion attack true believers and followers of Christ because we love God with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength; and have followed the most elementary call of God, which is, "deny yourselves, take up your cross daily and follow (Christ)."

Proponents of sinning religion do not rightly divide (understand) the word of truth, evidenced by the fact that they get stuck in the carnal life, which Paul addressed in Romans 7. Unlike Paul, sinning religion does not recognize that God delivers from the Old Man, the Carnal Mind (aka, the Flesh), from "the body of this death."

Sinning religion reads Romans 7 but refuses to acknowledge, believe, and follow the total salvation found in Romans 8. Sinning religions use of Romans 7 (along with many other passages) as a false narrative and an affront to God and His salvation from all sin and iniquity.

Just as sinners (people who do not follow Jesus) falsely accuse believers of self righteousness, so also, those who cling to the doctrines of sinning religion falsely accuse totally dedicated believers of self righteousness.

There are a few verses (taken out of context), which sinning religion mistakenly present as support for sinning religion. But the Bible is filled with the truth that God saves those who fully believe and follow Jesus, from all sin, in this present evil world. If you deny Christ and His salvation, you cannot have Christ and His salvation. Read the book and believe its revelation.

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