Saturday, December 14, 2024



Very seldom does the media report the truth (especially the liberal media). If it is not a total lie, it is with a severely twisted bias. I have heard and watched actual events, which were then verbally repackaged to serve their warped political agenda.

If the modern media had written their "gospel" account it would have presented Jesus as Attila the Hun, Genghis Kahn, Al Shickelgruber, Hirohito, Joe Stalin, Mao Zedong, Bad Vlad Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jon Un.

With that in mind, think how easy it is for them to present any sinful man as a monster, especially if the use anything from the past.

Anyone, even as conservative warrior and her, can be slandered, and that person could actually become an enemy of all things good.

However, I would rather see someone in the White House who has actually put my State or my country first than someone who has actually sold us out to Socialism, perversion, child murder, crime, invasion, child mutilation. I have tasted woke perversion, multi-nationalism, one world agenda, oppression, betrayal of freedom and family, and faith, and I hope we don't extend it another four years.

Don't follow the propaganda or political parties. Make choices on actual actions, the hope that your state or country does not get betrayed.

Whatever happens in this changing world, trust and follow Jesus. It will be costly because this world is not the friend of God, but it will be worth it all.

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