Thursday, March 28, 2024

03/24?/24 sinning religion

03/24?/24 sinning religion

What do I mean when I refer to, "Sinning Religion?"
"Sinning religion" is the heretical belief that God does not save His people from their sins, or that the Lamb of God does not take away the sin of the world, or that believers cannot, and do not quit sinning after conversion, or that God does not cleanse believers from all unrighteousness, or that Christians are not able, nor required, to obey the commands of God, or that God only declares sinners to be delivered from sin, rather than actually delivering believers from sin's penalty, pollution and power. This is only some of what I refer to as, "sinning religion."
This religion is espoused by many who call themselves Christians and hold to some form of Calvinism and/or Reformed Theology.
When I use the phrase, "sinning religion," I am not referring to the people who sin, but to the belief system they follow, which adheres to the belief that God does not deliver us from all unrighteousness in this present evil world, and does not acknowledge that believers are transformed from darkness to light, and conformed to the image of God's Son. Though there is sin and sinners and sinful living found among people who are part of every Christian organization and every doctrinal position, I am referring specifically to systems and organizations which deny actual deliverance from sin and deny actual and practical holiness of heart and life as part of their belief system.
The Bible teaches that believers ("saints," holy ones, according to the New Testament), are capable of sinning after their conversion, but they can and must repent (change their direction and their mind concerning their life) if they want to follow Christ and if they intend to continue in the grace of God.
The Bible teaches that sin separates from God and/or God separates from sin.
The Bible teaches that believers must be delivered from sin by faith in the death and resurrection of Christ.
The Bible teaches that God desires, and is able and willing, to save us from all sin in this present evil world.
The Bible teaches that God saves us from sins committed and from sin inherent to our fallen nature (the Old Man, the Carnal Mind, Double Mindedness, the Law of Sin and Death, the Wretched Man that I Am).
The Bible teaches that believers salvation transforms us completely and God enables us to keep His commandments and to do that which is pleasing in His sight.
The Bible teaches that God requires, enables Christians (those who believe and follow Christ) to keep ourselves unspotted from the world; keep ourselves from idols; keep ourselves in the love of God.
The Bible teaches that God will keep Christians (those who believe and follow Christ), by His power.
The Bible teaches that God is able to keep us from falling and He is able to present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding great joy.
And this only scratches the surface, as to why I reject sinning religion and call people to true salvation.

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