03/22?/24 jw visit
Guess who visited me today. One of the deceived who claim to "commemorate the death of Jesus." In reality they don't even know the Christ of the Bible, nor understand His sacrifice on the cross or His victory over sin and death.
A car drove into my driveway pulled back into the road, and pulled into my neighbor's driveway (brother Wade's property). Since they had come onto my property I had reason to at least talk to them. I had no idea who it was in the car, but as I was approaching, it became evident who they were. A black lady and a child exited the car, and the lady was carrying a pamphlet, with which I was familiar, having several in my own possession. (see photos below).
We talked for about a half an hour, standing in a driveway.
I have watched, over the years, as the Watchtower organization, falsely calling themselves, "Jehovah's Witnesses," a name hijacked from Isaiah 43:10 (often referred to as J. W.s), has twisted and re-framed its false interpretations of Scripture until their own people don't know what their organization believes today. They claim to believe that which their organization clearly denies, the claim not to believe that which their organization clearly espouses, they contradict themselves repeatedly.
I hope to do a video recounting my witnessing to this particular false witness.
I started my conversation, as I usually do, by asking if she believed the Bible, the whole Bible and everything the Bible said. After assuring me that she did (several times), I asked her if she would believe that Jesus raised Himself from the dead, if the Bible says that Jesus would raise Himself from the dead. By the way, the only possible answer to the second question must be, "YES," if the answer to the first question was, "Yes."
For instance:
#1 Do you believe the Bible, the whole Bible? (J.W. answer, Yes)
#2 If the Bible says that Jesus said, He would raise Himself from the dead, will you believe it?
The only right answer to the second question must be, "Yes," because the first answer was, Yes, I will believe it. If the answer to the second question is, "No," then the answer to the first question must be, "No."
On this occasion, the JW hesitated, being confused with what to say. I eventually helped her, explaining her dilemma, but I persisted with the question. She still had a problem with this supposed hypothetical.
I eventually moved to the issue Christ's RESURRECTION from the dead, knowing that Watchtower does not believe in actual resurrection, but rather, "manifestation of a body," or "appearance of a resurrected body."
She adamantly claimed to believe in the actual resurrection (as other JWs have told me in the past) and claimed that the official JW belief is in the resurrection rather than a manifestation of different body.
It did not get any better.
I brought up concept after concept, and passage after passage, dealing with Jesus being God (creating all things; raising Himself from the dead; His physical resurrection; Christ is Jehovah because He is the First and Last, Beginning and Ending, Alpha and Omega and there can only be ONE Who meets that criteria). I know that these are Biblical concepts and I gave passages to verify it. I also know that Watchtower does not believe these things and I know the passages they misuse and mistranslate and misinterpret, and I told her what my Bible says, what the Greek says and contrasted that with the erroneous translation and interpretations of the Watchtower.
I asked her questions, knowing what her errant answers would be. I even told her how Watchtower tries to answer these questions, then showed her how Watchtower was in error.
I asked her if she was to discover that Watchtower was wrong and I was right about these issues, would that cause her a problem.
She said, "No."
As I pointed out her errors she said it was a matter of personal interpretation. I then referred her to what Peter said, concerning, no Scripture is of personal interpretation; we must understand Scripture as God has revealed it.
She also said that the doctrine of the Trinity does not make sense. I pointed out that there are many things in our lives that are beyond our understanding, but we believe those realities exist.
I also pointed out that we can understand what God has said, at least sufficiently to believe in those things, if we believe what He has said.
I pointed out that if she wrote a letter to someone, using personal information, then that person would understand what the letter meant; however, if an outsider read her letter, we would not understand the personal communication. At that point, no one has the right to interpret her letter, based on persona, incomplete information. In order to understand what she meant I would need to find out from her, rather than making it fit my narrow understanding. She agreed, but would not accept Biblical witness on the bases of Biblical revelation. She insisted on human reason rather than Divine revelation.
Bottom line... you better be thoroughly trained in the word of God, knowing what it says and the background in what was said.
Darkness was creeping through my neighborhood, seeking to envelope the weak, the blind, the unsuspecting.
Beware, be ready.
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