Friday, January 5, 2024



It is normal for a new believer to want to be like the Heavenly Father.
It is normal for a new believer to be repulsed by sin.
It is normal for a new believer to want to be faithful to God.
It is normal for a new believer to want to please God.
It is normal for a new believer to want to learn the Bible.
It is normal for a new believer to want to tell others about Jesus.

There are a great number of good traits that a child wants to incorporate in his own life and a great number of bad traits a child does not want to incorporate, and all the more so if they have a loving family and if they in turn love their family.

But as we know, children do not always become what they could have become and new believers in Christ do not always become what they should have become.

Not all children have the same benefits of a good home life and not all believers have the advantages of a good local church.

Sometimes people come short of their potential and sometimes people overcome the obstacles of life.

When it comes down to it, each one is responsible for his own life.

Most people allow the negatives of a bad environment or evil influences to hobble them, while some people excel in the worst of circumstances.

We all have the advantage of God's kindness, God's blessing, God's love, if we are alert to God's presence, but very few grasp hold of their opportunities.

Still, we as parents should endeavor to give our children every advantage concerning the real issues of life, such as love, faith, encouragement, discipline, values, cultural excellence, emotional security, and each church should provide new believers with an atmosphere of truth, compassion, instruction, love, justice, mercy, training in righteousness, Biblical knowledge and understanding.

We cannot make another person's decisions for them, but we must give them whatever they need to become all that God wants them to be. Remember, God gives us everything we need for life and godliness.

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