Thursday, January 4, 2024



Think about how many songs refer to victorious living and then think about how few people have testimonies which agree with those songs.

My point is, there is such a thing as victorious living, there has been such a thing as victorious living, but according to testimonies, conversations, videos, postings and articles, there is very little victorious living and there is very little preaching about victorious living.

The Bible clearly teaches that all mankind needs salvation from sin, through Jesus Christ.
The Bible also clearly teaches that God's plan for believers is to live victorious Christian lives (overcoming temptation and sin).
The Bible also clearly teaches that God expects Christians to live victorious lives (overcoming temptation and sin).
The Bible also clearly teaches that Christians do live victorious lives (overcoming temptation and sin).
The Bible also clearly teaches that Christians who fall short of victorious living (overcoming temptation and sin) are required to turn back to Jesus, repent of their sin and follow Christ into victorious Christians living.
The Bible also makes it clear that God provides everything necessary for LIFE AND GODLINESS, which is victorious Christian living.

There is much more in the New Testament (the portion of the Bible specifically addressing Christian beliefs and Christian living), which relates to victorious Christian living than there is concerning the misconception that Christians live in defeat, sin, rebellion.

In fact, when the New Testament addresses temptation, sin, spiritual defeat, backsliding, rebellion in the lives of those who profess faith in Christ, it is a reproof, a condemnation and a call to confess, repent and follow Jesus in victorious living.

If you are being fed a religion of sinning and defeat and spiritual stagnation or vacillation then you are being misled (at best) or deliberately deceived.

You better learn to trust and follow God and you need to find a church that preaches the true good news, that Jesus came to save His people from their sins. (His people are those who believe, repent, confess and follow Him).

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