Wednesday, January 3, 2024



I know it is a disappointment to most folks (even folks that profess to be saved), when I don't wallow in my sins, my guilt, my rebellion, my darkness, my evil thoughts and evil words and evil actions, my inclination to sin, my inner corruptions, my immoral relationships and my backsliding, as if I my silence is supposed to mean I have never sinned.

But if being saved means anything, if salvation means anything it means God's forgiveness, regeneration, newness, deliverance, cleansing, purification, empowering, enabling, leading, transformation from sin to righteousness, transformation from darkness to light, transformation from death to life, transformation from the devilish dominance to Divine liberty, from deception to truth and salvation and it also means being conformed, not to this world, but the image of Jesus.

God dealt with me, before I got saved and on those occasions that I have sinned, and He called me to faith, repentance and reconciliation. I made things right with God and left my sin, my guilt and my uncleanness at the cross. God forgave and restored me and He does not hold those things against me and I don't question His power or His faithfulness.

I never make claim to never having sinned and I never claim that I have ever lived a moment without needing Jesus and I never claim that I have earned God's salvation.

I don't laud and applaud my Christless days; I rejoice in God's salvation.
I choose not to give honor to Satan by boasting in sin; I choose to honor God with my thoughts, my words and my actions.
I don't claim God's forgiveness while rejecting His will for my life; I accept God's forgiveness and His rule.
I don't presume on God's goodness to cover my resistance and rejection of grace; I trust in Divine grace, mercy, love, justice, power, wisdom, intercession, intervention.

The devil is the accuser of the the brethren, and blasphemers are accusers of the brethren. I choose not to be an accuser of those whom Christ has saved, whether of myself or anyone else.

Some folks think I should emphasize my failures, my weaknesses, my mistakes, as if my failures, weaknesses, mistakes are any of their business or as if I am allowing those issues to continue, as if I am not growing in grace and knowledge. I do not see all failures, weaknesses, mistakes as sin. I see them as infirmities, which God is leading me away from and from which He is delivering me. the Scriptures do not put infirmities and weaknesses in the same category as willful disobedience to the known law of God (actual sin). Infirmities are even categorized with afflictions, sicknesses, which are not sins. Paul rejoiced in his infirmities, the Holy Spirit helps us with our infirmities, God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Remember, Jesus is touched by (sympathetic with, sensitive to) our infirmities.

Therefore I do not wallow in defeat or corruption. I believe God and His salvation. I am thankful for what He has already done for me, and I am thankful for what He is doing for me. I always need Him. I always want Him.

I don't need to lift up my spiritual needs, as if they are praise worthy. I have plenty of accusers that discount God's work of salvation, the power of His Blood.

Instead I am glad for His grace that saves to the uttermost, I am thankful for His unspeakable Gift.

Just because another person chooses to wallow in their sin does not mean I should join them. In fact, I hope that my focus on God and His salvation will encourage others to get up out of the pigsty of sin and return to the life of joy, peace, hope, purity that is found only in Jesus.

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