Friday, December 27, 2024



I love people, even if they do not hold to the same Biblical truths that I do. God loved me when I did not believe what He said. But some errors are detestable beyond description.

We are all born with a corrupted condition, but not to the same excesses taught by some very popular Calvinists and Reformed teachers. In fact, some of their teaching is not only contrary to God's word, it is repugnant to anyone with basic decency.

The Bible says we all inherited a sin nature because of Adam's sin, but we did not inherit Adam's guilt. Guilt is related to personal behavior, not family relationships. The sin nature disqualifies a person from heaven.

Children are conceived and born with a sin nature. HOWEVER...God provided atonement for all children, from the time of conception until such a time as God holds them accountable for their own personal sins.
All children (until they become personally accountable for their own sins) are covered by Christ's atoning sacrifice.

This is why God's word says that He is the Savior of all men. Every child who lives to the age when they willfully sin, become accountable for their own sinful actions, and therefore will need to believe on Christ, confess their sins, repent of their sins, and follow Jesus, which is why God's word also says, "especially those who believe."
1 Timothy 4:9-11
9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.
10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
11 These things command and teach.

Remember, God clearly tells us that no man is condemned because of the sins of another person, and God specifically says that fathers are not answerable for the sins of their sons, and sons are not answerable for the sins of their fathers.

Remember too, Jesus said that the little children are part of His kingdom. In fact, Jesus said that adults must become like little children in order to enter His kingdom.

Since they are born with a propensity to sin, it is not surprising that little children will knowingly choose to do evil. They do not have to be taught to lie, or become angry, or to covet someone else's belonging.

But that is only a part of the picture of a child. They are also loving, trusting, caring, compassionate, loyal, sensitive and responsive to the gospel and the call of God, and often well-intentioned, along with other admirable traits. This is because God is speaking to them as young children and He is calling them to Himself. In fact, He is drawing them to Himself. When a pre-born or an infant dies, that child goes to heaven because their inherited depravity is covered by Christ's atonement.

Even as children, after they have willfully disobeyed the law of God, they are still more open to God and concerned about moral and spiritual values than they will be after years of doubt and disobedience. With age comes accountability for our personal choices, and our own corrupted sin nature. Human depravity means that every area of our being (including our reason, desire, emotion, conscience, and will) has been corrupted and there is nothing we do, which commends us to God. It does not mean that we are unable to hear and respond to God. Our accountability is based in our ability to respond. All men are accountable for their willful choices to violate Divine law.

This is where Reformed and Calvinistic teachers promote an abominable and false doctrine. They refer to little children as "vipers in diapers," and "little monsters" and "demons." Many of those false witnesses actually teach that God specifically created them to be damned, supposedly for divine glory. I have heard some of these teachers actually say that God does not love all the little children with a saving love. I have heard parents tell their children that they did not know if God wanted to save them or not. They have said that parents ought to rejoice and give God the glory if He unilaterally and unconditionally "reprobated" those children.

These abominable lies come from their own mouths or their own writings.

It is unthinkably evil and twisted for anyone to refer to little children as "vipers in diapers," and as "little demons,"which is in bold contradiction to Jesus' statement that they belong to His kingdom.

How sick must those people be? Those thoughts are from darkness, not the Light. God loves the whole world and He desires and provides for all people (not demons) to be saved.

Read the Bible, don't follow or honor the false teachers who make such vile statements.

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