It is not unusual for me to be asked a certain question, when I am addressing the errors and lies of false doctrines and false teacher.
The question is, "what Christian teachers (or preachers) do you follow (or agree with)."
This question implies that I don't agree with anyone else, that I think I am the only one who is right.
Of course, it is important to remember, in those conversations I had been addressing false doctrines, which unfortunately are widely taught by some of the most popular "teachers" and "preachers" of the day.
The Bible refutes the "Jesus Only" (oneness, so-called Apostolic) lie.
The Bible refutes polytheism (including the LDS doctrine that "God the Father" was once a man and became a god and that the men who follow Mormon religion will also become gods).
The Bible refutes the denial of Christ's Divinity (as found in the beliefs of the so-called Jehovah's Witnesses).
The Bible refutes the sinlessness of Mary (immaculate conception), the continued sacrificial death of Christ (the Mass), the Pope as head of the Church on earth, beliefs of the Roman Catholic Religion).
The Bible refutes the idea that humans are incapable of freely believing on Christ and turning from sin (total depravity, as taught by many), Jesus died only for the unilaterally and unconditionally elect (unconditional and limited atonement), the idea that sin does not separate from God (once saved always saved). All of these heresies are taught by sinning religion (related to Reformed Theology and Calvinism).
The Bible refutes the idea that a person can be saved, aside from exclusive faith in Jesus (Joel Osteen, among others).
The Bible refutes the idea that Christians are little gods (as taught by some Name-It-Claim-It, or Health and Wealth, or "Prosperity Gospel" false prophets).
As you can see, there are plenty of false doctrines that are popular and there are a great number of false prophets spreading the lies. I have only scratched the surface.
Since I often expose false doctrines, it is understandable that I name the false prophets and false teachers. Sadly, many of the popular teachers are teaching false doctrines.
This does not mean that I think I am the only one with the truth. But the fact is that so many are abandoning the truth of God, and therefore, those who are faithful to the word of God will find themselves in a smaller group and even find themselves being persecuted by the the deceivers and the deceived.
I was witnessing to a lady one day, as we both stood at the buffet in a popular restaurant.
As I was sharing Christ with her, a man interrupted my witnessing and asked, "Do you believe King James?
I answered by saying, "I believe King Jesus."
Here is the problem. People are so caught up in the messengers that they don't even know what the message is anymore.
My message is not, "King James" (as wonderful as it is as a translation). My message is not denominations or theological systems. My message is King Jesus and His word. As a faithful witness I must denounce other, "gospels," other "Jesus'," other "spirits," which makes it look like I am opposed to everyone.
Years ago there were some differences between Christian ministries, but today the differences have totally replaced the truth with a man-made religion. It is too bad that pastors have not held the line on God's truth.
We see how it will be in the days ahead, when Jesus stands outside of the organized church, seeking entrance. Those days are upon us and they are only going to get worse.
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