Wednesday, December 18, 2024



Words matter. Words are the vehicles that convey our thoughts.

Jesus is God's Word, Who became flesh and conveyed the loving, gracious, kind, merciful, selfless thoughts of God.

The ability to communicate through speech is a Divine trait, which sets us apart from all other earthly creatures. Sadly, few people, including Christians deliberately and consistently use their power of speech to enrich, encourage, uplift, edify other people. I am not talking about surreptitiously manipulating people through deceptive words. I am talking about thinking and doing that which is beneficial through sincere conversation, honest and helpful communication. Speech is an outward expression of our inward being. The way we talk to people and the things we say are verbal deeds.

We need to think about what we say and how we say it. We need to speak truth, which requires a sincere heart; and we need to speak truth in love, which puts others first.

It takes thought, work, patience, practice, discipline to say the right words in the right way.

Obviously, there are times we must say things that are confrontational, authoritative, and they may seem hard and even harsh, but in those times we should still speak the truth in love.

Mostly I am referring to daily interaction. Our words will either build relationships or tear them down; either build up a person or tear him down. Sometimes people need to hear things they don't like, and sometimes, not always, it is our responsibility to lovingly confront someone.

Love does not ignore the danger of an evil person. We can love even our enemies, but Christian love does not give approval or encouragement to evil behavior.

We need to make certain that our words do not contribute to another person's weakness, suffering, confusion, failure, or moving away from God. Remember, we are not only expected to avoid evil, we are to avoid the appearance of evil.

Our words should shed light, give hope, communicate love, impart power, build relationships, enable godly living.

It takes dedication and work to be a messenger of love and truth. Regardless of our personality type, our cultural background, our family and upbringing, we, as God's children are to draw others to the truth and build them up in the faith.

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