Wednesday, December 18, 2024



This should not even need to be said, but so many people have been misled into rejecting God's order of leadership for family and church that it must be said.

There is truth in the statement, "don't follow men, follow Christ."
However, there is also a Biblical sense in which we should follow some men. Paul told us to follow him, as he followed the Lord. This should be true for all faithful followers of Christ, as long as they are living consistently with Biblical standards.

We can follow the example of dedicated believers and we can follow the teaching of Biblically sound people, but God's designated leadership for family and local church is given to men, not women. There are various qualifications for men who are called to lead churches, but the first qualification is that of being a man.

Sometimes there is no man in a family, or the man in the family is incapacitated. A woman must take the role of leadership with humility. 

Men should be leading and teaching males and females in the local church and the family.
God has a plan for males and females in family relationships and for males and females in local church relationships. There is no difference concerning salvation, but leadership is a different issue.

Sadly, men have often failed to follow Christ as they should, and they have failed to seek God as they should, and they have failed to lead in spiritual issues of life, but this does not change the Divine order found in Scripture. In the family, men ought to love and honor their wives, and wives ought to love and submit to their husbands.

There are enough problems in the "Bible teaching" settings in America without adding the problem of women usurping the position of spiritual leadership.
Yes, I know that females are often more sensitive to God's leading than some men and I know that they are often more concerned with heart and relationship issues than some men. That does not remove the responsibility of men seeking and following God with their whole hearts and it does not give the responsibility of spiritual leadership to women.

Beware of "ministries," which are led by females. Beware of men who surrender family leadership and church leadership into the hands of women.
It is not natural for men to be led by women and it is not spiritually normal for men to be led by women, and more importantly, it is not Biblical.

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