Saturday, December 14, 2024



Believing sound doctrine delivers from sin.
Believing sound doctrine produces godly living.
Believing sound doctrine conforms us to the image of Jesus.
Believing sound doctrine leads to greater light.

Holiness (purification, sanctification) is separation from sin and separation to God, and being made holy by the gracious work of God.
Holiness cleanses our hands (behavior), and our heart (being).
Holiness of heart and life is God ruling the root of our being (what we are), and the fruit of our living (what we do).
Holiness of heart and life is deliverance from all sin (sin inherent and sins incurred).
Holiness of heart and life is God's standard, God's provision, God's requirement.
Holiness of heart and life enables us to deny ourselves, take up His cross daily, follow Him and walk in His steps.
Holiness of heart and life is God's salvation.
Holiness of heart and life is Christ in us, through faith.
Holiness of heart and life is Christ in us, the hope of glory.

We should profess holiness of heart and life, AND we should possess holiness of heart and life.
Some people verbalize false doctrine but actualize sound doctrine.
Some people verbalize sound doctrine but actualize false doctrine.

Our talk and our walk should be truth and love.
Truth sets us free, and love fulfills the law.

Holiness is wholeness of life.
Holiness is not rules and regulations, or legalism, or works of the flesh, or "works" righteousness.
Holiness is God's miraculous, transforming and empowering work in us.
Holiness is deliverance, it is not bondage; it is joy, not misery; it is peace, not turmoil.

Remember, "without holiness (the sanctification) no man shall see the Lord."

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