Friday, July 12, 2024

07/05/24 DON'T BE ROBBED

07/05/24 DON'T BE ROBBED


People dedicated and sacrificed themselves to give Americans the greatest country in the history of world, and in doing this, they made the rest of the world a better place. 

What a shame to see people who are dedicated to denying and destroying our foundation of liberty and success, and robbing future generations of life and liberty. 

In a more profound way, Jesus gave Himself to save believers from the condemnation, the domination and the contamination of sin, which comes through disbelief and disobedience.

The Bible is the record of Divine victory over sin, death and Satan, and it is the record of God's promise and provision for Christian deliverance from sin and spiritual defeat. 

What a shame to see people dedicated to denying that Christ saves us from sin's penalty, power and pollution. DO NOT BE ROBBED OF... spiritual victory, overcoming faith, clean hands and a pure heart, being filled with God's Holy Spirit and goodness and righteousness and wisdom, living a life worthy of the Lord, and walking in His light and His steps and love and truth, and the ability to obey God's commands and do the things that are pleasing in God's sight, and living righteously in this present evil world, and abounding and being fruitful in every good work, and being conformed to His image, and resisting all temptation, being filled with the fullness of God and walking in righteousness and holiness all the days of our lives. 

Satan is the author of sinning religion, graceless "salvation," fatalism, defeatism. God calls and enables and expects believers to be more than conquerors in Christ, to overcome temptation and the world and the pollutions of this world and the wicked one and evil spirits. God saves His faithful ones to the uttermost, and He always leads us in triumph, giving us victory over the world and the flesh and the devil and death.

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