Tuesday, April 30, 2024

04/24/24 take the steps

04/24/24 take the steps


What work do you do?
What fun activities or recreational activities do you do?
What club or organizational (other than church) activities do you do?

Not including time, if you were to give the same level of commitment, energy, excitement, focus, sacrifice, teamwork and work to ministry in your local church, would it be an increase or a decrease or would it remain the same.

Obviously it takes more time and energy to make a living at 40 hours a week than it takes to do other things, but commitment, excitement, focus, sacrifice, talent, skill and availability can be measured proportionate to the time expenditure.

This post does not even address the question of financial support. What percentage of your income goes toward housing, living expenses, taxes, wants, saving and of course what percentage goes to God's work? Does self, the world and the State get what it wants and God might get a left over, occasionally?

I believe we are facing crunch time for freedom of ministry in this country. If God doesn't get the workers when things are easy, then how much will He get from folks when the hammer of judgment, oppression and persecution falls?

If a person waits for things to get better, then their wait (weight) will break the wagon down. It ain't a gonna happen. It is time for some folks to get a vision, or reclaim a lost vision, or get serious about a current vision.

Don't wait for someone else to lead the way or to stir you up or to shame you. Seek counsel, find out what you need to be doing and DO IT, SON, DO IT.

The hate groups, political parties, social groups all have plenty of followers, plenty of workers, plenty of money, plenty of courage, plenty of excitement. They are ready to suffer and be ridiculed, be arrested, be hated for their beliefs, no matter how corrupt, perverted, godless they may be.

Tomorrow is too late. In fact, today is too late too. Stand up O church of God, Rise up O men of God.

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