Tuesday, April 30, 2024



There are portions of the Bible, which are more specific and applicable to certain individuals (such as: God's directives to Adam, Cain, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Pharaoh, Abimelech, Moses, Eli, David, Jonah, Cyrus, Zacharias, Magi, Joseph, Mary, Jesus [as Man], Peter, Paul, John), and certain groups of people (such as: Israel, Egypt, Jerusalem, Disciples, the Church). However, God also spoke to and through those people to other people, including the Church, from the days of Christ's earthly ministry until the rapture will take place).

I know, this is simple. However, we must be careful because there are people who compartmentalize the revelation of God according to their own system of theology. They deny great amounts of God's directives to believers, which are essential to Christian faith, especially in the Gospels, the writings of Paul, as well as the other New Testament writers.

The heretical gutting of God's word is a very intricate and convoluted work of Satan, which is now spreading quickly through churches of various doctrinal backgrounds. Sadly, most people are so Biblically illiterate that they don't know when they are being deceived and misled. I refer to this false teaching as, "sinning religion."

However, one quick (though limited) test for doctrinal accuracy is to ask the question, "Does this interpretation or theological system undermine God's desire, plan, provision, command and requirement to be holy and to live a holy life."

Any doctrine which is in conflict with holiness of heart and life is a doctrine of demons.

No, I am not promoting legalism or externalism. I am proclaiming Biblical holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

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