"He left the splendor of heaven, knowing His destiny.
Twas the lonely and shameful hill of Golgotha,
Where He laid down His life for me."
Our salvation required a cost that only God could give, and He gave that salvation because of His great love, with He loved us. "For God so loved... that He gave His only begotten Son..."
As our Sacrifice, Jesus never wavered, He never shirked, He never failed.
We can enter into a life of love, peace, joy, holiness, victory, eternity, simply by trusting the all faithful One.
He Who spared not His Son is the Giver of every good and perfect gift; He freely gives us everything that pertains to life and godliness.
But there is also a condition for receiving God's gift of eternal life. We must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and we must acknowledge His Lordship. "...confess with your mouth, Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead."
Jesus said that if anyone would learn of Him and follow Him, that we must put our faith in Him, deny ourselves, carry His cross and follow Him. Even in this, God gives the desire, the ability, the grace, the faith to whosoever wills to do His will.
Imagine how rebellious a person must be to hold on to defeat and decay while God offers victory and purity.
He is risen, and He will raise you in the First Resurrection, if you trust Him, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him.
If there is no resurrection, we are of all men most miserable.
He is risen.
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