Tuesday, April 30, 2024

04/29/24 divine wisdom

04/29/24 divine wisdom

Worldly wisdom, carnal wisdom, demonic wisdom is a major trap for those who reject Divine wisdom given in God's word.

This is why so many of the supposedly intellectually elite are drawn to sinning religion. It pacifies their moral and religious consciousness, while allowing sinful behavior.

If it does not deliver from sin and sinning, it is a lie.

If it does not call the sinner to faith, repentance, confession and righteousness, then it is not the call of God.

If it does not transform the sinner to a saint (holy one), and does not deliver the one who accepts Christ as Savior and Lord from the penalty and the pollution and the power of sin, it is not salvation.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God
Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.
He that commits sin is of the devil.
He (the believer) that does righteousness is born of God and is righteous, even as Christ is righteous.

I know this conflicts with what most people believe.
If you have honest questions (not disagreeable argumentation), I will try to answer you.

04/28/24 brain picking

04/28/24 brain picking

 "I want to pick your brain." This is not a quote from the last moments of "uncle Bosie's," life.

To "Pick someone's brain," is to question a person about their area of expertise.

I don't think the phrase is used as much as it was in the past.
It could be that people trust the Internet and A.I. for information instead of the knowledge and wisdom of a living, breathing expert.
It could be that people think they are already smarter than anyone else.
It could be that people don't know enough about something, in order to know that they don't know enough about it.
I could be that people don't care.

Whatever the reason, people are ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. Even in the natural realm, people spend hours, or even years, wrestling with issues that an expert can solve in minutes. But too often the person dealing with a problem does not have access to a, "computer person."

God has provided ministers of His word, who have studied God's word and the subjects associated with God's word (history, linguistics, geography, theology, doctrine, sociology, anthropology, archaeology, astronomy and a host of other subjects), as they relate to God's revealed word.

The knowledge, insight, wisdom, understanding of a Spirit filled, well informed, anointed and appointed minister of God's word is not only found in what they know about the facts of a passage, but what they know about the errors and misinterpretations that have been attached to God's truth.

Some of the things that took me decades to learn from the word of God and from the scholarly, meticulous, research of other people, can be communicated in moments, if someone really wants to know.

Sadly, one generation comes along without mining the treasures, which an older generation has discovered, and as a result great truths are lost, or at least the younger generation must take the time to "reinvent the wheel."

Sometimes the directions concerning, "what not to do," are as important as the instruction on what to do. Sometimes false doctrines are taught and promoted by teachers who cherry pick and twist God's word in order to promote there nefarious agenda. This is where an honest and informed teacher can point out the error and danger of Satan.

Some folks think they can figure things out, though they lack the necessary foundation and background. The uninformed person might say that the best teacher is personal experience, when what they should besayingis that their personal experience is their only teacher.

Bible teaching is not simply passing Biblical information to someone. Bible teaching is communicating facts, principles, insights, experience, wisdom to others, learned from investigation, proclamation and confrontation with the fallacies of darkness.

04/27/24 bad company

04/27/24 bad company


This means that you need to choose your companions carefully.
The unsaved need to be reached; they do not need to be supported in their sins.
The weak and shallow believer needs to be built up and encouraged in their Christian journey; they do not need to be excused from their carnality and worldliness.

Not only should we carefully choose our companions, we must make sure that we personally are good company, fellow travelers for other Christians.

If you hang around negativity, it will show up in your life.
If you hang around critical attitudes, it will sour your attitude.
If you hang around people who are focused on the present evil age, it will distort your spiritual values and vision.

If you are the negative, critical, worldly person, then you are a destructive influence on your family, your friends, your coworkers.

There are a great number of Biblical passages, which give us sound teaching, instruction and encouragement to live godly lives. Sadly, some people lose touch with the positive directives and need to be challenged with the negative statements.

While you are hungering and thirsting after righteousness, you do not need to be told abstain from the appearance of evil. But sadly, people veer from the strait and narrow and need to be warned about drifting and shifting or they need to be brought back into a right relationship with God. This shows the validity that, "a little leaven, leavens the whole lump."

If you mislead someone, it will take a lot more influence to get them to turn and then go in the right direction. Do not be a stumbling stone to others. Do not offend others. Do not mislead others.

Seek to be built up in the faith and live in such a way that you build others up in the faith.

04/27/24 jew haters

04/27/24 jew haters

 Be very careful; the "hate Jews" and "hate Israel" movement and mentality of Satan tries to cover this sin by referring to the Jews and Israel as, "Zionist" and "Zionism." Regardless of technical definitions, it is Satan's way of justifying hatred and attacks against Jews, Israel, the Scriptural position and promises concerning the children of Abraham and Issac and Jacob, the Biblical revelation concerning God's plan for the Jewish people, and Bible believing Christians who hold to the Dispensational view of Scripture.

Anger, greed and jealousy travels under the deceptive cloak of informed prejudice. Do not follow the error of other antisemitic people, regardless of who they might be (family, church folks, political persuasions, fraternities, regionalism). Those other bigots were either deceived or they were willing haters of Jews.

Don't feed the demonic lie if antisemitism.





The Liberal media, politics, academia, society and religion of Amerika today is what I was warning people about forty years ago. I was telling folks that any child born from that point on would never see or know the real America. The corruption and demise of the greatest country in the history of the world was coming to full fruition right before our eyes, and people refused to see it because they loved their sin.

Western Christendom's denial and betrayal of the true and living God has brought us to the brink of total collapse. I am still hopeful that some will hear and heed the call of God to love Him with the whole heart, to come out from among a Christ hating world and be separated from sin.

But because people willfully close their eyes to truth, God sends strong delusion so that they will be confirmed in the lie they chose to believe, resulting in their eternal loss.

You must be willing to be made willing if you will escape the judgement of God. If you have a smattering of belief in God and His truth, you need to pray, "Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief." Then, as you act on the truth God gives you, you will move forward in light, escaping darkness, doubt and disobedience.

Galatians 6:7-8
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

1 Peter 1:13-17
13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
14 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:
15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation (conduct, behavior);
16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass (spend) the time of your sojourning here in fear:

04/26/24 a check list

04/26/24 a check list

Before you think that the following lines are super simplistic, make sure that none of these thoughts apply to you, because they do apply to so many.

It is one thing to be held in the grip of deception, it is another thing to reject the liberating power of truth.
It is one thing to be dying of malnutrition, it is another to refuse available sustenance.
It is one thing to die of a terrible malady, it is another to resist proven therapy.
It is one thing to be lost in the wilderness, it is another to turn off communications and ignore directional aides.
It is one thing to be taken captive by the enemy, it is another to desert the protection of your deliverer.
It is one thing to be overwhelmed by misery, it is another to despise the fountain of joy.
It is one thing to live in turmoil, it is another to abandon the Prince of Peace.
It is one thing to be overcome with depression, it is another to shut out those who love you.
It is one thing to be lost in the darkness, it is another to shut your eyes to the light.
It is one thing to be dragged into the torment of hell, it is another to turn your back on your heavenly Father.

There are so many ways to say the same thing. But my point is, you do not have to be the victim of evil, death and destruction, because the King of Righteousness, because the Resurrection and the Life, the Way, the Truth and the Life, because the Eternal God, the Giver of every good and perfect gift, the Lord of heaven offers you deliverance. But it is up to you to make the choice.

You have the opportunity now.
Do not let your arrogance, your obstinance, your belligerence take you captive.

04/26/24 divine conditions

04/26/24 divine conditions

is not debatable, optional or negotiable.

This is not a list of fleshly works or salvation by works of righteousness, this is a spiritual view of an active and true believer in Christ. Each point is part of the whole truth of salvation found in the Bible, and often hidden by teachers and preachers of sinning religion. Each part is the work of God in the believers heart and life. God's love and grace provides and offers the way of salvation, then by faith we accept His way.

Faith and love are the essential qualities in the lives of those who are saved. We are saved (become Christians) by grace, through faith and we are children of God by faith and we live by faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God and love is the fulfilling of the law. The following is a partial composite picture of the saved person. God and His work of salvation are complex, and our relationship is complex, however, God stated it concisely in John 3:16 and with a little more detail in Romans 10:9-17. This is what is meant by, "the simple gospel."

John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 10:9-17
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Believing is enough, when it is Biblical belief. The person who wants to be saved from his own personal sins gladly accepts the Biblical revelation concerning salvation. Here are some of the essential components that are part of saving faith, as God presents them. These Biblical criteria is met, not by a commitment to rules and regulations, but by a submissive faith and love for Jesus Christ.

Matthew 7:21
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Luke 8:21
21 And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it.

2 Timothy 2:19
19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

You must believe on (trust) Christ's sacrificial death and physical resurrection only for salvation;
You must confess your sins;
You must turn from your sins and turn to Christ;
You must confess faith in Christ;
You must follow Jesus;
You must be born again;
You must walk in His light;
You must be pure, righteous, holy, even as He is.
You must come out from worldliness and be separate.

Those who love and trust Christ do not worry about their life and walk with Christ. A tree does not worry about producing fruit, it just does it, if it is a healthy tree. Healthy Christians don't worry about meeting the conditions of salvation. However, the Bible tells us to make our calling and election sure, it tells us see if we are in the faith, it tells us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. There is a standard God sets for His people and He enables His people to live by that standard. This is why we must make our calling and election sure.



The blessing line is not a line (queue) of people looking for, "health and wealth" from God, but the people who are aligned with God because they love Him, and therefore their blessing is a right relationship with Him.

(I hope, as you read this, that you see and understand that these principles are Biblical. I did not take time to reference each point, but if you have questions, let me know.)

Being in the blessing line is being where God wants you to be. Being where God wants you to be may not seem like a blessing, and not everything that happens to you while you are in the blessing line may be a blessing, in and of itself. We live in a fallen, sinful, hostile, godless world and bad things happen, even to godly people.

The bad things that happen to godly people may come to them because of their own choices or because of other people's actions or because of Satanic attacks, but if we are living by faith, God sometimes allows bad things to happen to us, for His glory and for our good or for the good of other people. Consider some of the Bible people who were in the blessing line but suffered bad things:
Old Testament... Abel, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Job, Joseph.
New testament... John the baptizer, Jesus, Peter, John, Paul, along with other men and women of God.

Being in the blessing line does not mean that everything that happens to you is good, but it does mean that God works everything that happens in your life for good. Sadly, not everyone (including some who are in the blessing line) responds in a positive way (faith way) to the trials of life. To be irritated, angry, negative about the path, down which God is leading you, is not a step of faith. In fact, it is a step of rebellion, which must be turned from or it will lead to another step of rebellion. Simply choosing to be negative is rebellion.

Sometimes God tests us with trials, but if we fail to react in faith, then God may give us another opportunity to take the faith path. It is not unusual for God to give a person opportunities to overcome a trial. But to continue to respond in a spirit of doubt, anger, complaining, whining, crying, moaning and groaning is a rejection of faith and therefore a rejection of God. That which is not of faith is sin.

Faith's response to testings and trials of a believer who is in the blessing line includes; expectancy, trust, confidence, rejoicing, patience, praise, thanksgiving. Faith's responses are not given with gritting teeth, clenched fists, scowling faces, or inner rage or negativity.

If you are in the blessing line and God leads you down a difficult path, your reaction to your trial will determine what you will encounter next. Your faith may encounter other heavy trials (attended by God's blessings), but God intends those trials to perfect you and your faith; or your faith response may bring you deliverance from that trial, at which time more of God's blessings will be given to you. You will move from faith to faith.

A failure response will lead to another trial, giving the believer the opportunity to meet the next text with faith. If failure follows the previous failure, then the you will eventually move from the blessing line to the rebellion line. God will still reach out to you and God will even bless you, but your life will not be a life of faith and blessing. You will not be in line for the good things God had intended for you. You will miss the plan God has for your life.

The person who has gotten out of the blessing line needs to repent and return to faith in God.

04/24/24 take the steps

04/24/24 take the steps


What work do you do?
What fun activities or recreational activities do you do?
What club or organizational (other than church) activities do you do?

Not including time, if you were to give the same level of commitment, energy, excitement, focus, sacrifice, teamwork and work to ministry in your local church, would it be an increase or a decrease or would it remain the same.

Obviously it takes more time and energy to make a living at 40 hours a week than it takes to do other things, but commitment, excitement, focus, sacrifice, talent, skill and availability can be measured proportionate to the time expenditure.

This post does not even address the question of financial support. What percentage of your income goes toward housing, living expenses, taxes, wants, saving and of course what percentage goes to God's work? Does self, the world and the State get what it wants and God might get a left over, occasionally?

I believe we are facing crunch time for freedom of ministry in this country. If God doesn't get the workers when things are easy, then how much will He get from folks when the hammer of judgment, oppression and persecution falls?

If a person waits for things to get better, then their wait (weight) will break the wagon down. It ain't a gonna happen. It is time for some folks to get a vision, or reclaim a lost vision, or get serious about a current vision.

Don't wait for someone else to lead the way or to stir you up or to shame you. Seek counsel, find out what you need to be doing and DO IT, SON, DO IT.

The hate groups, political parties, social groups all have plenty of followers, plenty of workers, plenty of money, plenty of courage, plenty of excitement. They are ready to suffer and be ridiculed, be arrested, be hated for their beliefs, no matter how corrupt, perverted, godless they may be.

Tomorrow is too late. In fact, today is too late too. Stand up O church of God, Rise up O men of God.

04/20/24 transformational

04/20/24 transformational

If your salvation is not personal and transformational, then you do not have the salvation of God.
The salvation of God is crises and continuous,
The salvation of God is personal and public,
The salvation of God is actualized and anticipated,
The salvation of God is temporal and eternal.
God does not transform us from humans to gods, but He does transform us...
From sinners to saints,
From ruined to redeemed,
From dead to living, from darkness to light,
From the domain of Satan to the Kingdom of God.
God delivers us from being conformed to this world to being conformed to the image of His Son.
You must believe; and God will enable you to believe.
You must confess your sins to God, and your faith in God to others.
You must repent, turn from your sins and turn to Christ.
You must follow, by walking in His steps, by walking in His light, walking in His Spirit.
You must love God with your whole being, and your neighbor as yourself; love is the fulfilling of the law.
Salvation is God's will for you.
Newness of life is God's will for you.
Deliverance from sin is God's will for you.
Purity of heart and life is God's will for you.
Eternity in the presence of God is His will for you.
We are spared from God's judgment by God's grace and mercy.
We please God through faith and love.

04/24/24 survey salvation

04/24/24 survey salvation


Christ Seeks us, so that we might be Saved, so that we might be Sanctified, so that we might be Saturated, so that we might be Sent, so that we might Seek the lost and Serve the local church.

Salvation is a unified work of God, taking place in phases of enlightenment, faith, growth. The Christian experience is life of faith.

Christ Seeks the lost. (Christ knows where we are, but He calls the lost to repentance. Remember, after he sinned, Adam "hid" from the presence of the Lord. God knew where Adam was, but He called Adam to come and confess his rebellion.

Christ Saves the lost (redeems, delivers) from their sins, and regenerates, forgives, cleanses, empowers and leads them to live a life of faith. This is a crises experience that should produce a continuous condition of life in Christ.

Christ Sanctifies the saved (purifies, makes holy) from their Old Man, Carnal Mind, Double Mind. This is a crises experience that should produce a continuous condition of heart purity and holiness of heart and life.

Christ Saturates the sanctified (fills believers) with the Holy Spirit. This is a crises experience that should continue to exist in the heart of the faithful believer.

Christ Sends the Spirit saturated believer (dead to sin and alive to God) to Seek the unsaved and to Serve their local church. This is a crises experience that should continue throughout the life of the believer.

04/24/24 bad times

04/24/24 bad times

I have seen some bad times, but the current time presents more dangers than I have ever seen. Yet people continue to play games with God. That which was viewed as unthinkable in our world and society is now inescapable.

I remember toward the end of the 1980s, when the many years of mounting wicked thinking and evil behavior was escalating from incremental to exponential proportions. I said at that time that anyone born during or after that milestone would never see the United States of America.

I would like to have been wrong, but I wasn't. Not only have those who were born since then never seen America, millions of those who benefited from this, the greatest country in the history of the world, are now enemies of that which is good and right and even holy.

Sadly, people don't want a return to the Christian principles, which greatly influenced and guided many American values. In fact, they are willing to sacrifice their children for a little pottage and they are hungering and thirsting for the poisonous Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, hoping to be their own god, or they are quaking at the threat of the soul thirsty bullies, abusers, terrorists, dark knights of eternal destruction.

As the Scripture reveals, Jesus is on the outside of the Laodicean Church (the final period of the Church Age), and He is knocking to get in, but only those who hear His voice and open their hearts will enjoy the last meal of the day, before the end comes.




 video 2016

Just a quick, simple word of warning and instruction, but a truth with great benefits.
Failure to hear and heed that which is sound truth or to seek godly counsel results in great disaster, and that without remedy.
A short video to my grandchildren as they are meeting together at Myrtle Beach. God will lead us to victory and deliver us from the traps of life.

04/23/24 not robots

 04/23/24 not robots

I was thinking about how blessed I am that God loved me, while I was without Christ, being an alien from the commonwealth of Israel, and a stranger from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: (Ephesians 2:12). God loved me while I was yet in my sins. God sent His Son to save me from my sins and punishment because He loved me.

He loved me and everyone who was like me. We were all alienated from God, we were all enemies of God. God did not send Jesus to save me because He was obligated or because He was fulfilling a decree to save some. He did not send His Son to save some for His own good or glory. He sent His Son to save any and all sinners who would accept, receive, believe, trust in Christ to save them because He loved us.

I know God provided my salvation because His word says He did. I know He provided salvation because He loved me, while I was still the enemy of God.

The God of salvation is glorious because He loved all of the human family, to the extent that He provided salvation for everyone who would believe. The God of the Bible does not desire anyone to die and suffer perdition. He did not create the human race so that the human race would die without salvation. God calls many to salvation, but only some respond to His call.

God did not create a race of robots to be manipulated, in order to accomplish a unilateral plan of human suffering to exalt Himself. God created a race of free agents, who can either live in sin and be lost forever or we can believe in Christ and be saved from sin and eternal judgment.

God will be glorified in His justice and His mercy, grace and love. We choose whether to be saved or be lost.



The devil says...
God loves only some people with a "saving love," but God "loves" other people with only an un-saving love, in other words, they promote these lies:
(lie) God does not love the whole world,
(lie) The atonement is not available for the whole world, and
(lie) Jesus did not die and rise again for all mankind.

The devil says...
God calls some people with an actual ("effectual call") to salvation, the others God calls with a fake call ("general call"), by which God does not intend to save all who believe, repent, confess and follow Jesus, (in other words, according to the devil, God gives a real call and a fake call).

The devil says...
God gives some people an actual assurance that they are saved, but God gives only a temporary and false witness of salvation (an "evanescent assurance," a false hope) to some other people.
However, the Bible says this about those supposed fallen believers:
They had received the word with joy, and endured for a while, but became offended and fell away;
They were enlightened and tasted the gift and were partakers of the Holy Spirit and tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, then fell away;
They had believed, repented, confessed;
They endured for a short while then became offended and fell away;
They received the word but brought no fruit to completion,
They were branches in Christ, but bore no fruit and then were cut off and cast away by the Father.

Though there are no such terms or doctrines in the Bible (which deny God's desire and provision to save all men, or declares that God gives a fake call to salvation, or that God gives a temporary and fake assurance of salvation), you will find these lies taught in sinning religion.

God did not appoint or anoint men to interpret God's word or give new revelation, including Augustine, Luther, Calvin or anyone else. God did not choose or use any man to contradict and replace His word with sinning religion.

04/22/24 Thank you Pop. Miss you.

04/22/24 Thank you Pop. Miss you. 

Daddy started weight training when we lived in CA. He opened, GOULD'S HEALTH STUDIO when we moved back to M.C. I learned proper training techniques and methods from him at that time. I have lifted sporadically throughout my life, and used it occasionally in ministry outreach. It has helped me through some tough times physically.

I think of my workout area as, D.L. GOULD"S HEALTH STUDIO in honor of Daddy.

And yes, I still miss him.



A "Christianity," (a salvation or a faith or a belief system), which makes the believer a victim (a person who is in subjection to sin), rather than an actual victor (a person who is triumphant over sin), is a lie of the devil.

If your "salvation" does not deliver you from the penalty, power and pollution of sin in this present evil world, then your, "salvation" is not true salvation, you are not saved
If your god sees you as righteous, while you are actually still sinning, then your god is not the God of the Bible.
If your god calls you holy, but does not make you holy, then your god is not the God of the Bible.
If your god does not make you more than a conqueror over sin, then your god is not the God of the Bible.
If your salvation does not make you good and does not enable you to do good, then your salvation is fake.

If you are depending on God to save you without your personal faith, repentance, confession, submission, you will never be saved.
If you are depending on God to take you to heaven, without obedient faith that follows Him, you never get to heaven.

God tells us to make our calling and election sure.
We make it sure by being aligned with His revealed word, not by depending on human interpretations that contradict His clear directives.



One reason it is essential to be an interactive part of a faithful body of believers is that they will encourage you to be a faithful follower of Christ. A loving body will not try to micromanage your life, but they will not give approval to your inconsistencies. They won't hound you, but they will guard the truth and the dignity of the family of faith. This requires a local church to maintain a balance of patience with purity.

It is wise and incumbent for Christians to recognize the value of fellow believers in their local church. This will result in a mutual submission, as well as a willingness to seek and accept counsel. Guarding each other's dignity is the responsibility of every believer, regardless of their maturity level.

This kind of mutual respect and answerability will protect and correct the various members of the body. Show me a person who does not seek unity and support and I will show you a person headed for trouble.

We have the responsibility to rid our church of false doctrine and worldliness, but we must act in love or we will be a stumbling block, driving out those who need us the most.



Recovery from a major physical setback from November, 2022. I am coming along, little by little. It is tough, but I am still on target (praise the Lord).

Several months ago I could barely bench 65#.
165# today; goal for June 7 is 175# hoping for 200# by 2025.
I might reach it sooner, but I know the increase rate will slow down, therefore I give myself a reasonable challenge. If I do really well, I will update my goal.

Martha has been spotting my bench workouts, up to 155# bench this past week. Today I did 165# and had brother Wade spot me.

We should learn spiritual truths through our daily lives.

As Christians, who are living faithfully, we face greater challenges daily and we need training, encouragement, support and backup. God provides us with spiritual training, encouragement, support and backup, through His Spirit, His word, His appointed and anointed ministry and through His faithful people. 

1 Timothy 4:8
8 For bodily exercise (outward religious exercise) profits little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.



Early in aviation history there were few instruments available for pilots. When visibility was very low, the pilot might not even know if he was flying upside down. He depended on his physical feelings. This is where the saying, "Flying by the seat of your pants," originated.

Christians have all of the help and information we need as we navigate this dark world. We do not need to, "fly by the seat of our pants." In fact, making decisions based on feelings is a sure way to destruction.

Feelings are not evil. God gave us physical and emotional feelings, along with all of our physical and soulish components. God also gave us the capability of reason. But all of our human nature has been weakened, corrupted by Adam's sin and our own sins, which includes our "feelings" and our reason.

Still, we do have our human nature and we have God's gracious intervention and enabling power, activated by His love. Therefore, we use our reason and our feelings but we depend on God's revelation and enlightenment. This is why we must not make choices or decisions solely based on human knowledge, understanding and wisdom, or based on human "feelings," either physical or emotional, we need God's word and God's Spirit. God also provides spiritual counsel and leading those who trust and submit to God's revelation and leading.

Through the years I have seen people fall into Satan's traps and move away from the light, life, power, purity, security and clarity of Divine leading. They fall into despondency, depression, deception, discouragement and doubt. They fail to hear what is preached, what is taught, what is counseled. The fail to seek God's truth. They reject God's authority. They move away from God, His word, His people.

If you catch these people in a death spiral, they often think they are fine because their feelings and their corrupted reasoning is under the deadly delusion of Satan.

It is good to seek truth, with the intention of following truth. The longer you, "fly by the seat of your pants," the more correction you will need to acknowledge and follow. You can get to the point that God's word will no longer reach you. You can harden your heart until you are totally lost. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God... NOW.



Always remember, there is often a difference in what the Bible says and what people say that the Bible says.

Also remember, there is often a difference in what the Bible means and what people say that the Bible means.

Another thing to remember is that the Bible says what it means, even if you have to find the explanation in other or various parts of the Bible, but some of God's revelation was not understood or understandable when it was given, and some of what God's revelation is yet to be made clear.

Don't fret over what is not yet made clear.
Don't neglect what is already made clear.

Everything God says in His word is true.
Not everything God says in His word applies to you.

Scripture is it's own ultimate commentary. 

2 Timothy 2:15
15 Study (be disciplined) to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Your eternity depends on it.



All of life must come under the Lordship of Christ (beware the lie of denying His Lordship). Allowing smidgens of culture, education, heritage, politics, moral values, which are not aligned with God and His word, is allowing arsenic, strychnine, sewage into your system. It will take its toll. You will suffer its destruction.

Jesus is either Lord of all in our lives or He is not Lord at all. When Christ is enthroned as King of your life, then all other forces, causes, actions, beliefs, relationships must submit to His will or there will be anarchy at some point.

Our country is seeing what happens when we are tolerant of anti-God values. Sin is a cancer that spreads. Sin is a darkness that engulfs. Sin is a lie that distorts. We must aggressively and constantly bring all of our being, beliefs, actions, relationships, associations, values into agreement with God's nature, will and actions.

It is not fanaticism to follow Christ fully. It is fanaticism (of the worst kind) to hold back even the slightest part of our existence from God's rule. Our politics, our morals, our everything must be totally surrendered to Christ if we intend to become the person He wants us to be.



Christians are commanded, enabled and held accountable for loving our enemies.

However, loving your enemy does not require accepting the wickedness of your enemy, or allowing your enemy to abuse you or your family, or your church. Loving your enemy does not mean closing your eyes to their aggressive and abusive actions and words.

God sets the standard for loving and forgiving our enemy. God loves the sinner, but God does not ignore or permit sinful abuse of others to go unnoticed or unpunished. We do not punish, but neither do we pretend that a person's cruelty and offensiveness are not dangerous to ourselves and our loved ones, especially the young and vulnerable.

Do not put your approval or your acceptance on wickedness. People cannot be actually forgiven if they do not turn from their wickedness; repentance and confession are essential to restoration. Neither a broken person nor a broken relationship is healed by ignoring the continuing evil and destructive behavior in another person.

Christian love, loves the offender, Christian love does not accept or ignore when a person persists in offending and abusing other people. Christian forgiveness is given to people who have turned from their sins. God only forgives people of their abandoned sins. The need for wicked people to turn from their destructive behavior is highlighted by God's directive for them to be shunned by the local body, if they will not turn from their evil path.

Biblical shunning is not a church's demonstration of hatred for wicked people or punishment for their evil behavior. It is a Divine protection for the local body and an outward appeal and warning to wicked people to abandon their ruinous rebellion, or they will be cut off from God forever.

Loving people do not ignore when someone is enslaved to drugs, sexual deviance, criminal actions. Loving people do not let vicious and hateful people threaten or harm their children.

Evil people want to be loved and accepted without turning from their sins. Selfish people want God and God's people to abandon Biblical standards, by pretending that sin is safe. It is not our fault when others choose the way of wickedness.



Like other folks, I have loved ones who have turned from following the true and living God, to follow the false prophets who actually claim to be God. Many (if not all) of the Word of Faith teachers have been moving further and further from God and His word, and they are drawing large numbers of deceived people into their wake of blasphemy and destruction. I have loved ones who not only sing the songs of false prophets, like Furtick, Bethel Music, Hillsong and other sin lovers, but they also sing the praises of Meyer, Crouch, Jakes, Osteen, Copeland and a host of others.

Here is the thing... if a person will not follow the revealed word of God in the basics of Christian faith and living, then don't be surprised when they claim God is leading them away from God's word and God's people. They are not only corrupted by the carnal mind, they are controlled by the carnal mind and the evidence is that they will not be subject to the law of God.

False doctrine is a drug that destroys individuals, families and entire congregations. The more of the drug they take, the more bold they are in serving darkness.

Following teachers who get a "new word from God" leads the gullible and/or deliberately wicked away from God and His word. I have seen individuals and families and entire congregations follow these people, thinking that they are doing God's will.



When a business declares that they are DEI or XYZ friendly, they are actually saying they are intolerant of Biblical truth and standards, and intolerant of the people who believe and confess Biblical revelation.



Sinning Religion hates the Book of James; at the least, it denies what it says concerning true salvation.

Consider some of the great truths, just in this short passage. 

James 2:8-11
8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

Christians live by the Royal Law, which is the Law of Love, which is also the Law of Liberty. Christians are not lawless, but we love God and His rule and His law. This truth is as Old as the Old Testament, but it became more obvious and better understood in the light of the New Testament.

Also note that God condemns those who, "have respect to persons," in other words, favoritism that ignores justice and mercy. In fact, God calls such an attitude, "sin." God does not save people because of favoritism and He does not condemn people by unilaterally reprobating them. God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, yet He does rejoice in His unfailing mercy and justice. Don't be surprised if your mind does not grasp the wonders of God's nature.

God condemns all sin and will judge all men according to their own sins, yet...
God loves the whole world and does not want any to perish, but to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved.
God, through His mercy, has made atonement for all men, by the Sacrifice of His Son, for the entire world, satisfying Divine justice.
God knew that all men would sin, but God made provision for the salvation of all men through the sacrificial death and the physical resurrection of His Son.
God is justified in condemning all men, but God is justified in redeeming all men who believe in His Son.
God made it possible for anyone who chooses to call on the Name of the Lord, to be saved.
God is no respecter of persons.
All are lost because of personal sins.
All are provided atonement by God's grace, through faith.
Whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved.

It does not take an ongoing life of sin to separate man from God: remember Adam?
It does not take a plethora of sins or a combination of sins. One sin of any kind separates us from God.
Breaking one command is the same as breaking all of the commands.

We do not save ourselves by keeping the Law of Moses or the Law of Works or the Moral Law. However, when a convert trusts and loves God, we keep the moral law of God, not as a payment but because we love God. Love is the fulfilling of the law.



Okay, we agree...
We cannot be Absolutely Perfect (only God is absolutely perfect).
We cannot be Inherently Perfect (only God is inherently perfect).
We cannot be Angelically Perfect (only the angels could be angelically perfect).
We cannot be Adamically Perfect (only Adam could be Adamically perfect).

But there are so many passages which indicate that God provides, enables, imparts and requires us to have a perfection (referred to variously as...
Atonement Perfection (perfection provided through the atonement).
Bible Perfection (perfection described and promised in the Bible).
Believer's Perfection (perfection provided for believers seeking purity of heart).
Christian Perfection (perfection which is consistent with the Christian message and life and available to Christians who seek God with the whole heart).

The Bible writers did not confuse the meaning of perfection and they did not try to argue God out of using His own vocabulary. God knew what He wanted and He knew how to say it. "Perfect" does not mean any more than what God intended for it to mean, but neither does it mean any less that what God intended for it to mean. People reject the idea of Biblical perfection because they warp the meaning God attached to His own, inspired word.

In other words, God provides and imparts a perfection, which comes through the atonement, revealed in the Bible, available for believers, and is an integral part of the Christian experience.

I posted this thought because while I was working on a document, which addresses the principles of victorious Christian living, I came across this passage. What a great truth.

There are some commentaries which explain away this revelation of God. But their disbelief and their fancy theological footwork does not change the fact that God said it, He said it clearly and He meant what He said.
Don't reject God's word or His words.
Don't interpret God's truth by changing His meaning.
Don't reject other people when they remain faithful to God's word and God's words.
Don't let the devil sidetrack you or derail you, based on your inability or unwillingness to think Biblically.
Learn to think and speak Biblically. 

Hebrews 13:20-21
20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.



An immoral man is dangerous, whether he wields a Bible or a gun.
The immoral man with a Bible will look for opportunities to rob God of His justice and His mercy.
The immoral man with a Bible will look for a way to excuse sin.
The immoral man with a Bible will lead the earnest seeker away from light and rob him of his hope.

Since sinning religion believes that all men are sinners, even after conversion, then they should not take offense at being called immoral. After all, their god apparently only offers salvation from the penalty of sin, but leaves them under the power of sin and filled with the pollution of sin.

If you think I give too much attention to salvation from all sin in this present evil world, then maybe you should read the Bible without sinning religion's blinders.



Here is one of a multitude of passages, which tells us specifically that sound doctrine is related to godly living. Sound doctrine results in godly living.

I don't know of any passage, which indicates the idea that sound doctrine commands, commends, endorses, encourages or allows ungodly living, though I am sure someone can find a passage that they can twist into such an idea. But I can take you to hundreds of passages which indicate godly living is inherent to sound doctrine.

Good doctrine espouses godly behavior. Be careful what you hear.
Good doctrine enables godly behavior. Be careful what you believe.
Good company encourages godly behavior. Be careful who you follow. 

Titus 2:1-10
1 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:
2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
6 Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded.
7 In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,
8 Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.
9 Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again;
10 Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.



I address the Biblical fact that Christians (should and do) quit sinning, and follow holiness, and obey God because that is what the Bible clearly and repeatedly tells us, and because God warns us to not be disobedient, or to be lawless, and because there are so many people who are being deceived by sinning religion, which calls itself Biblical.



God not only says that Christians do good works, He tells Christians to maintain good works. This is the active free will of a believer aligning with the will of God. Initial faith is the beginning of good works and those who live by faith will be careful to maintain good works. 

Titus 3:8
8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.

04/15/24 YES, IT IS ABSURD

04/15/24 YES, IT IS ABSURD

How pitiful would it be for a child of a millionaire to starve to death, while living in the parent's home, having access to food and care!
How sad would it be for a child of a highly competent doctor to die of some minor physical ailment because the child did not seek or accept simple medical treatment!

I am sorry. These questions are silly.
What is wrong with me?
Please don't answer this question.

04/08/24 DON'T BE SILLY

04/08/24 DON'T BE SILLY

Twikth are for kidth you thilly wabbit.

And actually, the local church is for believers, and The Church is for God.

The New Testament view and model for the local church was, "a called out group of believers who gather together."

The historic model for the local church, from the Pergamos Period until the Philadelphian Period (Revelation 2:12 through 3:6), was that the church was a body of believers and unsaved, nominal believers.

Since the Philadelphian Period (Revelation 3:7-13), the local church model (especially in the west), has been a gathering of believers and non believers, and a primary venue for evangelism. This changed the view that church services were believer oriented, to sinner oriented. This was a good tool for evangelism, while we were in the Open Door era of the Church, but it also changed the mission from edification of believers (establishing and building up believers in the faith and mutual support in times of persecution and suffering), to evangelizing the unsaved community (rather than going out to reach the lost, the local church turned its energy and effort to bringing them in to be converted). This weakened the ministry of edification and allowed for a corruption of behavior, leadership, doctrine and mission, which has become the standard position of local churches in the modern west.

Concerning the universal view of the the mission and ministry of the local church, the gathering of believers has continued to be the model for local churches. This is partially due to unrestrained opposition from societal and regional cultures, and resistance to the gospel, partially due to the persecution by other religions and partially due to political forces in those areas. Again, the gathering for the building up of believers is the New Testament standard.

Biblically, the Philadelphian Period gives way to the Laodicean Period, or the lukewarm, worldly, self sufficient, sinful, spiritually bankrupt, blind and naked false representation of Christianity. The Laodicean Church is a religious institution, calling itself Christian, but shutting Jesus out. In this end time era of The Church, Christ is meeting with the few who open their own hearts and lives to Him. the true church of this period is seen as a small local gathering for edification and support (the New Testament model).
Evangelism continues, but it is more of a friendship evangelism, personal, one on one model than a Pleasure Cruise model.

The church is for believers. Believers are given the charge to go into the world and make disciples. The west is seeing our model return to the original model.

Great evangelism has taken place through the centuries when the church goes out. Do not think that it is the pastors job to reproduce sheep and grow the church. It is the responsibility of believers to go out and find, evangelize (tell the good news) and to win souls. You don't need the gift of evangelism to evangelize. You need to be spiritually alive, alert and available. He that wins souls is wise.



I write and post for various reasons.
I hope to help others in their knowledge and understanding of God's word.
I hope to lead people out of the darkness of false teaching.
I hope to build up believers in the faith.
I hope to enlighten, encourage and enable my family, my congregation, my friends with Biblical truths I have learned through seventy plus years as a believer and fifty-five years of dedicated study and teaching of God's word.

I don't write for man's approval.
I don't write for man's applause.

But I do like to know that my effort is helpful.
I do like to know when folks read it.
I do like to know when folks appreciate it.

I realize that Bible preachers and Bible teachers are becoming more rare in our society.
I realize that I teach and preach some old Bible truths that have become unpopular and even despised.
I realize that relatively few teach and preach the beauty of holiness and victory and perfect love.
I realize that if Jesus tarries, there will come a time when my earthly life will be over and my voice will be silenced and my efforts will end.

Because of these things, I work hard to impart precious truths, which are rare because there is a famine in the land, a famine of God's word, which is intensifying every day.

It is said that folks do not miss the water until the well runs dry. It is also true that people do not appreciate their food supply until their cupboards are empty.
Sadly, a famine of the word does not cause everyone to hunger and thirst after God's word. But even for the few who will hunger for truth, it will not be found.
Now is the time to get God's truth, while you can.

Though the prophecy in Amos 8 was spoken to Israel, it is a prophecy which is still in our future, and the fulfilling is already being seen in our world today.
Amos 8:11
11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:



John 3:16, First Timothy 2:4, Second Peter 3:8 and First John 2:1-8 (among other passages) say (and they mean what they say), God wants all men to be saved from sin and judgement. Any claim to the contrary is bologna, no matter how you slice it.

It is blasphemous to say God unilaterally reprobates people for His glory. People are reprobate because of their free choice to reject Christ and His salvation. Everyone is responsible for his own sins and everyone who rejects Christ has made that choice in spite of God's love, mercy, sacrifice, provision.

People sit under the sound and light of the gospel every week and choose to turn from the God Who calls them to salvation. The idea of unilateral, unconditional, double election is a lying trick of the devil to hold sinners captive. God calls, actually calls, but few are chosen because few accept the free gift of salvation from sin. Stop blaming Adam or God for your sinful condition and separation from God. Believe, repent and be saved. It is your choice.

The saved are saved according to God's mercy and justice. God provides salvation to whosoever chooses to believe. Those who hear, but refuse God’s mercy, and reject God's offer of salvation, are justifiably cut off from God forever.



It does no good for the preacher to preach his heart out, if the parishioner is not willing to be made willing to submit to Divine will.

If you find you are not hungering for righteousness, or you do not have a consuming love for God, then you need to ask God to show you the corruption that is blinding your eyes, deafening your ears and hardening your heart against God. You are in danger. God is knocking at your door and you are choosing not to answer.

Don't wait for God to do back flips in order to reach you. Don't wait for the preacher to preach like a house a-fire. Don't wait for others to lead the way. Don't wait until every thing lines up or everything falls apart. Now is the accepted time.

If your sin does not drive you to your knees; if the death and resurrection of Christ does not turn you from your sin; if Divine judgement and Divine love does not draw you to repentance, then a religious side-show will not bring you to Christ either.



The term, "A bottomless pit," can imply either a container with an endless capacity or a container without a bottom, which actually contains nothing.

Too many church goers are more like sieves than containers. No matter how much they "hear" or how often they "hear" it, and no matter how clearly it is said, they never really hear it.

They are deaf and blind and dead to the voice and word of God.

Just as loving family or friends watch folks walk brazenly into a life of drugs, crime, immorality, infidelity, so also do pastors watch week after week as folks walk into darkness, regardless of the light that has been shed on their pathway.

It is not because God unilaterally chose to put them into darkness or leave them in their darkness. It is because they have loved their own way and shut God out. They often take some of the blessings of God, some of the standards of God, but they do not surrender to the Lordship of God in their lives.

Loved ones watch in horror and disbelief when family or friends continue on a path of destruction. While it is true that they are deaf and blind, it is also true that they have chosen not to receive the message of God, though God has offered them the very truths that would save them and align them with God.

We have a choice about being deaf, blind, dead. We can listen and believe the call of God. God's grace and the work of His Holy Spirit is greater than the wound of sin, but God will not violate our decision to reject Him.

And remember, God does not call us to a lower level of sin and lostness; He calls and enables us to believe and receive, to hear and heed His call to be saved to the uttermost, to be forgiven of every repented sin, to be cleansed from all unrighteousness, to be more than a conqueror, to always triumph, to resist all temptation, to keep His commandments and to do that which is pleasing in His sight. He offers us GREAT SALVATION.



Saying, "No!" is essential if you want to align with God, but you must be Biblical in what you reject. This does not make salvation a rules and regulation religion. Even God says, "No," to some things.

We need to be Biblical in our understanding in order to know what is good and what is bad, what is positive and what is negative, what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false. God's word, in both the Old Testament and New Testament, gives us do and don't, "thou shalt" and "thou shalt not," be and be not directives. Even God's salvation (which is all positive) has a positive and negative side. To be saved we must turn to Christ and turn from sin. To be, "sanctified," means to be, "set apart," both set apart FROM SIN and set apart TO GOD.

The Christian life is not a set of rules, but the Christian life (as any orderly existence) recognizes laws. We are not saved by keeping the "Law of Moses," or the "Law of Works," but we are not saved if we do not live by the "Law of Faith" (Romans 3:27) which is manifested through the "Royal Law," also known as the "Law of Love" (James 2:8, Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:14) and the "Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus," which sets us free from the Law of the Wretched Man, The Carnal Mind, The Law of Sin and Death (Romans 7:24-8:14). The more Biblical understanding we have, the more victoriously we will live.

I am currently compiling a list of New Testament, "Do Be's" and "Be Nots." Divine "Dont's" are God's way protecting us, they are not Divine deprivations designed to hurt us. It is taking me a little time to compile this list, since it is so extensive. God has provided us with many wonderful truths, which will bless our lives. With God, it is either, God or "other" (such as Satan or self), sin or righteousness, life or death, good or evil.

God has provided the way of escape from the penalty, power and pollution of sin, through faith in His Son and His sacrificial death and physical resurrection. In the redeemed life of faith, we must, and we will, trust and submit to God. The faithful believer will not have a divided loyalty, a double mind, a double vision.

Remember, Christians are told to grow in grace and knowledge. The Christian life has Divine directives which lead us, not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. We have a choice, either surrender to God and live, or rebel against God and be separated from Him forever.



Most of us see the importance of informing...
Our doctors about health problems,
Our mechanics about vehicle malfunctions,
Our local law enforcement about impending criminal activity,
Our landlord about maintenance needs,
Our banker about suspicious account transactions,
Our I.T. person about computer glitches.

Of course, we do business with them because we trust their expertise and integrity.

However, few people confide or seek help from their pastors concerning spiritual, moral, cultural, social, relational or other vital issues of life.

They may not trust their pastor, or they may think they don't need counsel.

However, all of life has a spiritual basis, and Biblical, compassionate counsel is important for success.

If your pastor is not competent, then you need to find a spiritually and Biblically qualified man of God. If you are too proud to seek counsel, you need to realize your own limitations.

We want other areas of our lives to have an expert support person or system. How much more important is your walk with God?



The real reason people reject the real Jesus and Biblical truth is because they love the darkness of sin. Sinning religion excuses sin by saying God does not care if believers sin, or God chooses not to deliver believers from sin and sinning, or God cannot deliver believers from sin and sinning, and heresy of all heresies, God decreed, planned, required men to sin, without a choice and with no possibility to escape eternal judgement. 

John 3:19-21
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

All have chosen to sin (willfully disobey the known law of God), because all have loved sin more than they loved God.
When confronted with the gospel, some have chosen to believe on Christ, confess their sins ,turn from their sins, call on Christ to save them, but some have chosen to continue in their sins because they loved their sin more than they loved God. 

Some of those who believed and received Christ as Lord and Savior have chosen to go back into sin (fell away from Christ and salvation) because they loved their sin more than they loved God.

Some of those who fell away have repented, confessed and returned to faith in Christ (which is verified by loving obedience to Christ), but some of those who fell away never repented, confessed or returned to a right relationship with Christ because they loved their sin more than they loved God.

Jesus saves people from the PENALTY of their past sins when they trust Christ (which is demonstrated in confession of sin, turning from sin, confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior, and following Jesus).
Jesus saves the believer from the POWER of sin's control, as they trust and follow Jesus (walk in His light).
Jesus saves the believer from the POLLUTION of inherited (inbred) sin when the believer seeks God's cleansing (deliverance) from the "wretched man" (the Old Man, the Carnal Mind, the Double Mind).

Jesus keeps the believer who walks in the light as He is in the light, and who builds himself up in the holy faith, and keeps himself in the love of God.