Monday, March 25, 2024



(Free will is the God given ability to choose between options, which God either provides of He allows.)

We can choose from some realities that exist.
We cannot choose from all realities, since some realities are not congruent with other realities, and some realities are not consistent or compatible with our nature or spiritual status.

We can align ourselves with existing realities, whether good or evil.
We cannot create realities.

If it is a good reality, God is the Creator of that reality.
If it is an evil reality, God has not created it, but He allowed it,
An evil reality is a corruption or rejection of a good reality.
All realities are either in submission to God or in rebellion to God.

We can only experience reality based on our relationship with God.
We cannot add to it nor subtract from it.
There is both a positive and an negative side. A right relationship with God avails us of the positive and a wrong relationship with God aligns us with the negative.
"Choose ye this day."

God is the Giver of every good and perfect gift.
We do not create good and perfect gifts.

God gives us everything necessary for life and godliness.
We do not create or provide that which is necessary for life and godliness.

There is a false doctrine that says we can create our own realities.
We do not create the blessings of God.

We either receive or reject the blessings of God.
We are either qualified by grace to receive the blessings of God or we are unqualified and we do not receive the blessings of God.

God is the Giver of every good and perfect gift.
God gives spiritual and natural blessings arbitrarily.
God gives atonement for pre-born, newborn and infant children, which covers their inherited sinful nature from Adam,
God gave His Son to die for the sins of the world.
God gives sinful people the opportunity to be forgiven.
God gives provision and protection to all men, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of the sunshine and the rain.

The idea that we can create our own reality goes something like this:
If our mind conceives an idea
and if we believe that idea,
and then we verbalize our faith,
then we will create whatever we speak, whether positive or negative.
This is sometimes called, "Positive Confession and also known as, "Name it, claim it," or less fondly as, "Blab it grab it."
"Name It, Claim It," is a claim to self sufficiency, a robbery of God's glory, a deifying of self.

We either live by God's Divine will, which is possible by obediently trusting God alone, or we trust in our ability to create our own deliverance and live according to our own selfish will, regardless of the source of our self orientation.

We cannot speak reality into existence.
Only God has that power.

We can agree with God and we can trust God, for that which God wills and provides, or we can resist and reject that which God commands, in which case we will either become a partaker of God's blessing or the subject of God's displeasure.

There are people who believe that man has the same power as God, and further believe that humans have the power to create our own realities. This false belief stems from, and circles back to the false notion that humans are little gods, which has morphed into the idea that men are gods and that men become god, and masquerades under the misnomers of, "Prosperity Gospel," "Positive Thinking," Possibility Thinking," "Positive Confession."

Having the power of God in us does not make us God or make us equal with God.
Having the nature of God (being a partaker of Divine nature as born again believers in Christ) does not make us God or make us equal to God.

The blasphemous idea that we either are gods or become gods or that we are God, comes from people who mingle Biblical truths with devilish or worldly wisdom. Sometimes this lie is swallowed by non-suspecting, but well-intentioned Christians. But, as someone has said, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." It is not enough to sound Biblical, we must be Biblically sound in our beliefs.

For instance, some people will say, "every promise in the Book (the Bible) is mine."

This sounds great, but it is not true. There are some promises of God that were spoken to and intended only for certain individuals (such as Noah, Abraham, Joseph [OT], Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Mary, Joseph [NT], Peter, John), and there are some promises of God that were spoken to and intended only for certain groups of people (such as Israel or the Levitical Priesthood, or the Church or the Apostles).

Sometimes the promises themselves are misunderstood, but some people "claim" those promises for their personal use, to do that which God never intended for that person or anyone else to do.

Since the "Name It, Claim It" movement (The Word Of Faith Movement) was based on errant theology and new age philosophy, then the development of that movement has taken the wrong path doctrinally. The path that it has taken leads to major doctrinal errors. It has led to the, "little god" belief system, which has morphed into the false, "I am God" belief, which is now being touted by popular false teachers. 

Though the idea that we can create our own reality by speaking it into existence is erroneous, there is a sense in which our words can either bring blessing or cursing.

If we believe the truth and speak the truth, truthfully and accurately, then we open the door of our hearts to receive that which God wants us to have. We can receive what God provides, we cannot create our own blessing or destiny from nothing or from our own ability or from a faith which is not based in Divine reality, purpose or rule.

In fact, we can believe and confess ourselves into blessings or we can believe and confess ourselves into cursings. Positivity does not create blessing, and negativity does not create chaos. However, those who trust God and give praise are opening themselves to the deliverance and work of God. Those who complain, cry, bemoan their lives are opening themselves to the defeat and oppression of the devil.

There is a vast difference between believing God for His provision and creating your own blessings.
On the other hand, the door to defeat and destruction is opened when doubt and complaint rises from the heart and spews out of the mouth.

We don't create our own reality, but we do choose our own reality, depending on whether we trust and submit to Christ.

Being, thinking, speaking and doing are grounded in our relationship with God.

If you go about with a negative, complaining, fault finding, defeatist attitude and behavior, you are denying the presence and power of Christ.

Spewing doubt and despair is not neutralized by offering a quick incantation of empty praise.

Being a Christian does not mean we will have a life with no conflicts or difficulties, but it does mean that we will be victorious. Sometimes the victory is not obvious, but remember, God has a purpose for us, which may be through troubles and trials. "All things WORK TOGETHER for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." "We walk by faith, not by sight."

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