Tuesday, March 5, 2024



A very basic way to approach some supposed contradictions concerning the Deity and Humanity of Jesus.
Simply stated...
Jesus is God.
Jesus is man.
Two natures in one Person.
Keep it simple..
If it is a human realm issue, it is His human nature.
If it is super natural realm issue, it is His Divine nature.
Yes, it is more complicated than this, but after all of the theological understanding and explanation, it still comes back to these basics.
We can't understand everything we see in the Bible, but whatever the Bible says, we can trust.
Knowing that the Bible is true prepares us to learn Biblical truths that are difficult and beyond our comprehension.
Light (truth) leads to faith and faith leads to obedience and obedience leads to more light, and so on...
You can build your life on Biblical revelation without being an expert in the details.
There are experts in the details who have no real grasp of the basic message of God's word and have no relationship with God.
If it is related to the human realm, it has to do with Christ's human nature.
If it is related to the Divine realm, it has to do with Christ's Deity.
When Jesus did the things that only God can do, it was His Divine nature.
When Jesus did the things that only relate to man's condition, it was His human nature.
Jesus never gave up His Deity, but as a man, Jesus chose not to exert Divine power or prerogatives.
For instance, God cannot be tempted with evil, but Satan did try to tempt Jesus.
Jesus overcame His temptations, but He did not overcome them by His Divine nature.
Jesus was tempted, in every way as we are, yet without sin.
Jesus resisted temptation by trust in God's word.
There was nothing in His victory over temptation and sin which is not available to all believers, through faith in and submission to God.
There were things that the man Jesus did not know.
There were problems that the man Jesus suffered.
Jesus chose not to respond to earthly troubles as the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God.
In His Messianic mission, as a man, Jesus only used powers that other children of God are able to use. As a man, Jesus was not omnipotent.
In His Messianic mission, as a man, Jesus only knew what could be known by human beings. As a man He was not omniscient.
In His Messianic mission, as a man, Jesus was only in one place at a time. As a man He was not omnipresent.
There were occasions when Jesus either exercised or enjoyed Divine intervention. But those times did not interrupt His Messianic mission as the perfect human sacrifice.
In fact, Jesus Who is God, learned obedience, as a man. In His submission and growth as a man, Jesus proved Himself to be qualified as the Messiah, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
In this simple presentation there is plenty of "meat" to take. There is no reason to fight over the bones.
Jesus responded in a very similar way when the Disciples asked Him if He was about to restore the kingdom to Israel. Jesus did not go into an in-depth explanation. Jesus told them, in so many words, it was none of their business. Here are His words, from Acts 1:7-8
7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Sometimes we need to be satisfied with what He has made clear. We never need to press Him for that which we want to know, in order to satisfy our own curiosity or selfish purposes.

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