Thursday, March 28, 2024

3/24/24 IT IS A SHAME

03/24/24 IT IS A SHAME

When most American church folks hear someone address the paganism associated with the word, "Easter," and the imagery of "Easter Bunnies," and, "Easter Eggs," and scorn the notion that the Resurrection of Christ is associated with paganism, idolatry, fertility goddesses and worship, pagan representations of the Son of God and His physical victory over death, those church folks think that it is a Christ-less cult (such as the Watchtower cult).
Actually, the true cult mentality is found in those who align the Resurrection of Christ with harlotry and idol worship practices of the pagan Babylon, Egypt, Assyria, Greece, Rome and Northern European people. They wish one another Happy Easter in place of, "He is Risen." They prefer pagan fertility images of rabbits and eggs, instead of the image of the Cross and the Empty Tomb. They teach their children to love paganism rather than embrace the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
They tell us that children can't grasp the idea of the Cross and the Resurrection. They tell us that "Easter" is a time of fun and games rather than holy joy and celebration for the Redemption of Christ.
It is not that children are unable or unwilling to embrace Christ, the Cross and the Resurrection, it is that adults don't understand the true holiness of the event, the season and the Divine provision. It is more acceptable to the world to glorify rabbits and eggs than to honor the only, true and living God, Jesus Christ, without Whom no one is saved.
Don't be surprised that offering children a substitute for the truth will lead children to hate the truth and love the lie. For those who try to celebrate both the Rabbit and the Lamb, remember, you are leading little children astray. If your child is not led astray, it is no less horrific that you are contributing to the blinding of other children.
You can't mix light and darkness, truth and deceit, life and death, God and Ishtar (Eostre, Isis, Astarte), especially when the misrepresentation is blasphemous. Easter celebration in the church is not an innocent error, it is an heretical deception.
IT IS A SHAME that pastors and parents have either promoted or allowed the imagery of pagan deities and secular ideas to be lifted above and replace the Salvation God provides through His Son's death and resurrection.
IT IS A SHAME that Christians who have been taught the truth have bought into the devil's attack on the Cross and the Empty Tomb.
(this parenthetical was added when I came back to read my post...
IT IS A SHAME for churches to associate the Death and Resurrection of Christ with rabbits and eggs. Quit glorifying pagan fertility images and idolatrous goddesses. Quit leading your children away from God. Quit pampering the flesh and quit appeasing a lost world and quit being deceived by the god of this world. Also, quit complaining about your church children not getting saved or following Christ. If you are going to offer them eternal truth, disguised as Fairy Tale or laced with spiritual strychnine, you are the cause of their confusion and rejection.
Remember, there is no Biblical directive to hunt eggs, but we are told to, "Seek the Lord...".
And don't try to tell me that "Easter" is Biblical because of Acts 12:4. The Greek word refers to the Passover, and has nothing to do with the pagan, idolatrous concept of fertility deities. It is a terrible mistake in the King James Version and must not be considered the actual word of God.)
Don't blaspheme and corrupt the God of glory by associating Him with perversion and idolatry.

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