If you think this Socialistic, "Woke" (euphemism for deceived), deviant, chaotic, twisted, world can't get any worse... "you ain't seen nothing yet."
You (and you know who "you" is) did not believe God's word, you did not believe God's people (Christ following, Bible believing, sin hating folks) and you sacrificed your children faithfully to Baal, Dagon and Moloch by giving them to destructive State and Humanistic indoctrination every day... for years.
You have watched as perversity after atrocity has swept though our communities and destroyed our country. You may have rattled swords and waged your tongues (but that is all you did), you may have vented scathing invective at perverts and the government forces that assists them in raping your children, but you continued to go along to get along, at the expense of your children's souls.
BUT, it is going to get worse. In fact, it is already getting worse as I write this post.
Folks have thought that they could give lip service to a fake Jesus, and believe a lifeless, Godless churchianity, rather than surrender fully to the resurrected Son of God. Well, how has that worked out for you?
You better (and you know who "you" is), quit presuming on God and quit trying to bargain with God and treating salvation as your ATM. You must come to the end of your self, be done with sin and obey God.
In spite of Satan's lie that serving God is a life of misery and in spite of sinning religion's declaration that God does not make His people into a holy priesthood, salvation enables us to keep God's commands and do that which is pleasing in His sight.
It is a convenient lie that says our sin will not separate us from God. It is another lie which says we have no choice in our relationship with God.
Turn from the lies of man-made, self serving religion and enter into the life of faith, the life of peace, joy, and righteousness.
Don't believe the lie that God will save people in His time in the future. Now is His time and people better accommodate God's schedule. He is passing by and He may never call you again.
God does not call people to taunt them or to give them false hope. God calls us to save us from sin. He calls us to do His work, in His way.
We can't work our way to heaven, but we can play our way to hell.
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