Tuesday, January 9, 2024



I posted yesterday that Martha and I had been watching a Christian movie, but paused it in order to watch it later because we saw it was headed in a dark direction. Not dark in terms of morality, but dark in the sense that a tragedy was about to happen. (I know, it was just a movie). And sure enough, the worst happened. We figured that the main character, who was running from God was about to lose a loved one, and he did. Then it went downhill.

So why would a theatrical presentation bother me? BECAUSE it was a reflection of what really happens in life. Some folks will call this next scenario a contradiction to the loving nature of God. Actually, it is a confirmation of God's love and grace for us. If He gave His Son to save us, He will take other extreme steps to save the lost.

God wants to draw us to Himself through His kindness, blessings but if we resist and refuse and reject His mercy, God will use suffering to drive us to repentance.

Sometimes a cure for a malady in this life requires pain and suffering. The same is true in the spiritual and eternal realm. You do remember that God gave His only begotten Son to save us?

In real life God uses suffering to reach the rebellious. God also chastens and scourges His children when they are beginning to drift away.

While in Bible college I worked at a Sears loading dock in G'boro. I witnessed to everyone that I could. I had been talking to my boss about his relationship with Jesus. He was a nice guy, a family man, apparently a moral man, with a Christian background from a Bible believing church. I told him on one occasion that I was praying for him. He became irate and plainly told me not to pray for him. He knew that if God intervened in his life it could me personal loss for himself and family. He knew that you cannot hold out on God without hurting yourself. He knew that God might use his children to reach him and he did not want that to happen.

Of course I told him I was going to pray. Some weeks later I was visiting a church, which I was not accustomed to visiting. I saw my boss sitting in the congregation, with his family. When the altar call was given I prayed for him specifically. He eventually surrendered and went to the altar and got saved.

I have seen God take extreme steps to reach some people. I have seen people finally turn to God. I have also seen people suffer great losses, yet continue in their rebellion. When I see obstinate people I cringe, because their rebellion not only jeopardizes themselves, it puts their family in a situation that can be very costly. God is wise and just. God only does that which is right. However, His dealing with folks may be a very hard and heavy reality.

So this is what goes through my mind when I see people playing games with their souls. Sometimes it is the actual sins of a parent that strikes down a child, such as drunkenness or drugs. But sometimes it is God, breaking through the layers of resistance. In either case, parental stubbornness can lead to unspeakable losses.

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