Friday, January 5, 2024



The meme at the end of this post represents an unspoken sin running rampant in our land.

I have added thoughts, which cross my mind when I see and hear this heartbreaking sentiment. 

My thoughts...
It is unspoken because the more that rebellious children are called back from this sin, the more estranged they become, distancing themselves and their children from people who love them the most.
It is a sin of the highest order because the sin of not honoring parents is one of the Ten Commandments.
It is the Fifth commandment, which links specific sins against God with sins against other humans.
It is a sin, to which God added special warning.
It is the sin that eventuates in dishonoring God.
It is a sin which blames the victim, as the cause of the sin.
It is a sin that is acted-out, in front of others (including children).
It is the first commandment addressing human interaction.

God said...
Exodus 20:12
12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

Meme said...
"Someone needs to hear this:
You can't disrespect your mother/father and expect to have a good life."

There are people who disrespect father or mother and they mistakenly think they have a good life. That is how deceived they are. You cannot have a GOOD life if you are living in opposition to the nature, character, rule, commands of God. If there is anything good in the life of a disobedient person, it is because God blesses them so that they will turn before it is everlasting too late. It is called mercy, kindness, love.

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