Friday, May 31, 2024



God the Father provided for everyone's salvation through the sacrifice of His Son.
Jesus (God the Son), came to seek and to save that which was lost, through His sacrificial death and physical resurrection.
The Holy Spirit of God convicts sinners of their sins, calls sinners to repentance, regenerates those who trust in Christ, indwells and leads and instructs, empowers and enables believers.

Then, when someone drifts, turns from or rebels against God, God calls them, invites them, convicts them, warns them, strives with them, continues to call and warn and invite and call and warn and invite... then suddenly God calls no more, warns no more, invites no more.

God's reaching out is never ending, until suddenly, then ruin, destruction, and that without remedy.

I understand the historic context of Genesis 6:3, but it is also a principle in God's salvific work: there comes a time when the Spirit of God no longer strives with rebellious people.

Regardless of His calling, warning and inviting, when He is finished striving, it is sudden, and without remedy.

Genesis 6:3
3  And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

TWO POSTS 05/29/24 AS IN THE BEGINNING (here is a) and 05/29/24 DON'T HARDEN YOUR HEART


05/29/24 AS IN THE BEGINNING (here is a)

Here is a post I copied from a friend, and I added a personal observation of my own.
"People can have the same parents, live in the same house and be raised with the same morals... but one child can become a crackhead and the other one a Christ follower, so you can't say it was how somebody was raised. It's the decisions you choose to make!"
My addition...
Christian home and training provides the advantages and may make the difference, but the individual still makes their own choice.

No matter how much a rebellious person is loved (by a Christian, or even by God Himself), and regardless of the forgiveness and restoration offered to an unrepentant sinner, there can be no reconciliation until the unsaved person humbles himself. The proud, the defiant and the self-satisfied will be lost forever. It is disturbing beyond words. But no one can make them believe. Dear God, please convict the hard hearted, in Jesus name.

The Bible says such a person will be suddenly (in a wink) cut off (ruined), and that without remedy. The suddenness comes after repeated warnings and the, "without remedy," comes after many invitations. That person is without excuse, for all eternity. 

Proverbs 29:1 KJV
1 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.



As I was writing a post last night, I accidentally hit the AI button. This allows AI to rewrite your post.

WOW. It did make some changes, which made the post easier reading, but it changed what I was wanting to say. I did not know how I activated the AI feature. As I was trying to disable AI, I saw that I could either give credit to AI or simply allow the AI post to remain in my name.

Of course, I did not want to change my thoughts, which is what happened when AI rephrased my post. I was eventually able to return my post to myself.

There are already actions taken by AI, or given to AI, which are causing legal, moral and identity problems. It is going to get worse.

Idiocracy is the governmental form of a spiritually bankrupt society. Satan has always wanted to control human thought, and thereby control human behavior. Spiritual Bankruptcy and Idiocracy is the environment for the coming One World Government, One World Economy and One World Religion led by the Beast. Until then, we will see society in a death spiral, taking mankind further from sanity and sanctity.

Even if "the right man" seems to take leadership of a people, it will be either a short respite from tyranny or a the supposed political savior will morph into that which he claimed to have opposed.

A little bit of Jesus is not going to save our world, our society or our own soul. We must personally believe that Christ was raised from the dead for our salvation and we must confess Jesus as our Lord. We must profess our faith in Jesus and we must possess salvation from sin.

Satan does not want us to believe or receive reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ. Satan will provide various substitutes. The only way to not be deceived is to know the truth of Scripture and walk in that truth.

Salvation is not like BRYLCREEM: a little dab will not do you. We must love God with our whole heart, mind, soul strength. Salvation is a whole man reality. Beware any teaching or leadership that does not teach total deliverance from all sin through Christ.



True success is no accident.

Someone has said, "the harder I work, the luckier I become."

Most overnight successes took years in the making.

When you see people with accumulated treasures, remember, they made deliberate sacrifices to get the special things.

These principles apply to all of life, natural and spiritual.

Let me mention that true success is not measured by self oriented accomplishment or personal accumulation: it is measured by faithfulness to God's will and service to other people.

In the case of a pastor, he has added treasures because believers sacrificed to benefit the pastor and his family.



Someone asked, "what is the difference between a Calvinist and a hyper-Calvinist."

The answer is...
One is wrong, and the other one is hyper-wrong.

05/26/24 TWO ERRORS

05/26/24 TWO ERRORS

Two errors of the proud.
1- They think too highly of themselves.
2- They do not think highly enough of others.

I know, this is really simple. But most people who are deformed by pride don't realize these two principles in their own lives.

For instance, when gathering with other believers, do you think that others are going to be extremely blessed because they get to spend time with you? Do you look forward to gathering with believers because you are looking forward to the blessing that others will provide for your spiritual growth?

This is not saying that we should not intend to be a blessing, but being a blessing at a gathering is actually because you have spent many hours during the previous days drawing closer to Jesus and being conformed to His image. We are a blessing when we spend ourselves for others, rather than when we perform for others.

05/24/24 WALK AND TALK

05/24/24 WALK AND TALK

After breakfast Walk and Talk. (Thursday 5/23/24)
Everybody Ought to Know the truth that Jesus saves His people from their sins.



Here is the problem:
When someone has something in his life, which is either contrary to the will of God (known disobedience, sin), or it is counterproductive to the will of God (a weakness, deception, error), which leads him into darkness and away from light, but the person refuses to accept Biblical correction, rebuke, direction, counsel, then he moves another step away from God.

When anyone takes a step away from God, then it is easier to take another step away from God. Resisting the call of God, hardens that person's heart. When a person hardens his heart against God's truth, his mind is deceived, and he becomes convinced that the lie is the truth and that the truth is a lie.

God tells us that He will allow a person to believe a lie until he cannot believe the truth. The Bible refers to this as being hardened "without remedy." This is the extreme result of rebellion. God does not want us to become reprobate (rejected) or apostate fallen away), but rejection of light is acceptance of darkness, rejection of truth is acceptance of deception (the lie), rejection of right is acceptance of wrong, rejection of good is the acceptance of evil, rejection of God is the acceptance of the god of this world.

The Bible sometimes refers to
Proverbs 1:20-33
20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:
21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,
22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.
31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. 

Proverbs 29:1
1 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.
There is much more to say about this, and I hope to do so in the near future, but I wanted to get this posted now.

05/23/24 BE SEPARATE...

05/23/24 BE SEPARATE... 

Do not reject or neglect the light that God has given you, in order to have a relationship with anyone else. This happens with narcissists and other self-centered people all the time.

Think about it, you as a Christian do not expect or require sinners to be Christians in order for you to be loving, civil, kind, caring. We should not abandon Biblical truth, grace and holy living in order to pamper another person's carnality, divisiveness, hostility, pride, rebellion.

It is one thing to rescue the perishing, it is a totally different thing to wallow in the pigsty with them. You cannot rescue the perishing if you let them drag you under with them.

05/22/24 PURITY and MATURITY

05/22/24 PURITY and MATURITY

People often confuse MATURITY with PURITY. It is not only the sound of the words, it is the use of the words in Christian parlance.

Spiritual MATURITY is the development and progress made by Christians through growth in grace. This should take place with aging. Sometimes maturity comes more quickly because of challenging circumstances. Some temperaments or personality types are more suited for maturing than others, but barring any abnormalities or handicaps, everyone should be able to mature, and if a person is faithful in his Christian life, he will mature.

Spiritual PURITY is a state of total cleansing from all sin, which Christians experience through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, as we are told in Acts 15:8-9. In the passage, Peter said that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was the same for the Gentile believers as it had been for the Jewish believers in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost.
Acts 15:8-9
8 And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us;
9 And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.

Purity of heart is God's instantaneous work of grace, which cleanses a Christian from the Old Man, the Carnal Mind, the Double Mind, the Law of Sin (the Body of this Death or the Law of Sin and Death), which are various Biblical names for the Sinful Nature, the Adamic Nature (extra Biblical names).

The basic order of salvation experience is...
God calling us to salvation.
Faith, Repentance, Submission.

Clean Hands (what we do).
Conversion: Justification (forgiveness), Regeneration, Sanctification (cleansing from past sins and of guilty conscience and of current behavior), Adoption, Partaker of the Holy Spirit.
Growth in Grace (through obedient faith, prayer, study of God's word).

Pure Heart (what we are).
Growth in Grace continues.
God's call to total surrender.
Faith in His power to Entirely Sanctify our heart (to be made pure, even as He is pure.
Holy Spirit's Fullness (purifying, empowering).
Life in the Spirit.

Maturity should lead to Purity, but maturity does not purify us.
Maturity is limited by the absence of Purity.
Purity leads to greater maturing, but purity does not take the place of maturing.
Maturity is more concerned with quantity.
Purity is more concerned with quality.

Conversion is the presence of God in the Christian's life, bringing light, life, love, peace, joy.
Entire Sanctification is the presence of God's fullness in the Christian life and the absence of inherent uncleanness.
To Sanctify is to separate from sin and to separate to God and to make holy.
Entire Sanctification has been described as something we approach gradually, entered into suddenly and grow in forever.
Conversion is deliverance from the fruit of sin.
Entire Sanctification is deliverance from the root of sin.
Conversion is the New Birth of the believer.
Entire Sanctification is the purifying of the believer.
Conversion is the forgiveness and cleansing of sins committed.
Entire Sanctification is the deliverance from inherent sinful disposition.

The word, "salvation" can refer to the conversion experience of the believer, but it can also refer to the ongoing condition of the believer.

The New Convert is saved from sins committed and saved from the power of sin to rule in his life.
The Entirely Sanctified is saved from the continuing inner struggle with his inherited sinful nature.

Conversion provides love, Entire Sanctification provides abounding love.
Conversion provides peace with God, Entire Sanctification provides the very peace of God ruling in our hearts.
Conversion provides joy, Entire Sanctification provides joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Conversion provides assurance of faith, Entire Sanctification provides full assurance of faith.

We cannot be perfect in maturity, as God is perfect, but we can be perfect in purity, as God is perfect.

When God cleanses us from all sin (as the Bible clearly teaches) we can be filled with His Spirit.

Our fullness is limited by our capacity. We cannot have the quantity of God's love and purity, which God has, but we can have the same kind of love and purity that God has.

Remember, the Bible tells us to be pure, even as He is pure; to be holy, as He is holy; to be righteous, as He is righteous, and to love with the same perfect love, with which He loves.



I have been saying for over 40 years that anyone born after the 1970s will never have seen the USA. It has turned out worse than I thought it would be, and it is getting worse by the day. We have a political system, society, educational system, legal system, religious community, economic system that has turned against freedom, faith and family, and is promoting racial divide, bias and oppression, and regional and cultural hatred, prejudice and annihilation that is destroying our nation. We are seeing election interference that is befitting only in a third world dictatorship.

We are not likely to get an Administration that can save us from our death spiral into Communism, and even if we do end up with an advocate for historic American principles and values, it will not be surprising for that moment of respite to end in total chaos. Americans in general, and Christians in particular make a major mistake by trusting in any person, especially any person who does not recognize and submit to the Judaeo/Christian foundation of America, even if that person has been a good leader in the past. I don't believe the Biblical anti-Christ will be President of the USA, but I can easily grasp the possibility that some President in the future of this country could be a cheap imitation of the coming Beast.

We should not trust in chariots or horses or the arm of flesh. We need to trust in the Lord with all of our heart, and lean not to our own understanding.

My hope is in the One Who conquered the cross and the tomb; it is not in the changing winds and tides or shifting sands of political parties or champions of this present evil age.



I have seen people become so thoroughly self centered, so full of pride (inordinate self esteem) that I thought they might need medical help.

Sin can take you to the point that you need medical help. When a person does not listen to the word of God, they open themselves up to demonic and emotional and mental delusion. Medical help does not save from sin or deliver from demons, but when a person loses their mental faculties they might need some specialized help to get to a place they can make right choices.

Another problem is that the totally deluded might need medical help to convince them that they are abnormal and need to make a drastic change.

Narcissism (extreme pride, arrogance, self-contentedness) is an example of a person who might benefit from medical and/or psychological consultation. Remember, I am not approving of any humanistic psychology as a substitute for faith in Christ. An alcoholic, a pedophile, a kleptomaniac, an habitual liar, a pyromaniac or anyone who has sinned so completely that they have lost control of their natural faculties may need specialized medical treatment or counsel.

Sadly, by the time a person gets to this level of delusion they are almost unreachable by any means.

A person does not get to such an extreme state of mind over night, unless it was the result of a physical brain injury or a chemically induced condition. However, sin and rejection of truth as well as demon activity can lead to a state of a "mental breakdown," as in the case of Nebuchadnezzar, and the demoniacs of the New Testament.

Medical treatment, psychiatry and psychology are not the answers to spiritual problems. But when the spiritual problems have resulted in medical, mental and emotional disasters, then the victim might need such help as a last resort, in order to bring them to a point that they can actually reason on a normal level.

Yes, I know this is much more complicated than this short article addresses. However, it should serve as a warning to people, not to let their spiritual problems take control of their lives, because getting your life back in control may take more than a simple prayer and faith. Consider what many folks have had to go through, when their extremism took control; such as legal action or mental and emotional and medicinal therapy.

Don't play with God. It will not turn out well.

Yes, good point .... We are accustomed to the idea of drug addictions needing to be dealt with through natural means. Those addictions lead to mental, emotional, personality and social problems.

And, it works the other way around. Both aspects can stem from spiritual needs, but when it is an emotional, personality, filthiness of the spirit (rather than a filthiness of the flesh) it usually flies beneath the medical, medicinal radar.

Sin is a spiritual malady, but since we are psycho/physical totalities sin impacts the whole person, at different levels, and the answer to these problems is a right relationship with God, through Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.



Adam and Eve had all of the best advantages for success, yet they sinned and brought ruin to the human family.

God did not predestine Adam and Eve's fall. God did not give them laws they could not keep.

Sometimes people give the best they can to their children and their children are self determined to turn from their Christian family and upbringing. The sin is on the head of the children, but the rest of their family suffers.

Sometimes children are raised by godless, hateful, self serving parents, but some of those children hear the call of God and walk with Jesus.

It all comes back to what a person decides, when God calls them.
God has provided for our salvation and He lovingly calls us to Himself.
We make our own choice.
We answer for our own sin.

Families suffer because of the pride, lust, greed, deceit, perversion, hatred of lost loved ones. Christian family members lovingly reach out to the reprobates and apostates. But no one should sacrifice their own children because other family members choose to live a life of spiritual futility.

Many parents gave their children the advantage of a Christian education, only to see their children turn from God.

Some parents sacrificed their children for 12 years or more to the gods of Secular Humanism, but their children heard and followed Christ when He called them.

There are parents today who chose to abandon or offer their children on the altar of Humanistic education to the god of this world. It is too late to change that for your children.

BUT IT IS NOT TOO LATE to encourage and enable your children to give your grandchildren the advantages of Biblical and Christian education. Save those precious children from the dark agenda of Paganism, which is now running rampant in the world system, and destroying individuals and entire families, in ways that were not even imaginable a generation ago.

Not only must you see the tsunami of satanic sedition washing away our society, you must take a stand against the world system as it seeks to destroy this new generation.



If you have ever been at sea during bad weather, you know that the objective is not to make headway, but rather to maintain your heading and weather the storm.

As Christians we have those times in life. Put your sea anchor out and hold fast. Jesus is still in control.



Consider these components for productive and successful living.

ABILITY is simply being able because you have the raw, basic physical, mental, emotional, temperamental tools to do a particular task. Most people can sing at a very basic level.

SKILL is trained ability. Training and practicing the task leads to a higher level of accomplishment. Musical and voice training, raises the level of accomplishment of most people.

TALENT is an inherent proclivity with accentuated physical, mental, emotional and/or temperament suited toward the task. Talent is often the creative component, which may be present with or without trained skill. The talented person can hear the music, can imagine the music, can communicate the music in a way that is not simply technical.

Sometimes the word, "GIFTED" is used in conjunction with, or synonymously with TALENTED.

Our natural abilities, skills and talents are gifts from God, but they are not to be confused with the GIFTS of the Spirit, which are special tools given either beyond, or in conjunction with our natural capabilities and our developed strengths.

In the Christian life and service these natural components (ability, skill, talent) are present but God also endues believers with GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, an added spiritual component to do God's work. Having a SPIRITUAL GIFT is not simply a different level of natural competence, it is a supernatural fitting for the spiritual work God has called a person to do, which includes a vision for service.

God expects all believers to use their abilities to accomplish His work. God expects some people to hone their skills for specific work. God expects those who are specially talented to focus on specific tasks. But above all of this, and often along with all of this, and sometimes without any of this, God enables certain people to do what they are not necessarily suited for naturally. GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT are Divine, supernatural endowments. These GIFTS are tools for spiritual service.

God expects all believers to give, but He gifts (makes it possible) some people to give in a very remarkable way. God expects all believers to evangelize (tell the Good News), but He gifts some people with evangelism. God expects all believers to have faith, but He gifts some people with extraordinary faith. This is true for the various gifts of the Spirit (speaking, serving, leading), which are given to the people in the local church. God bestows these GIFTS to all of His children as He sees fit for them to serve their local church.

Jesus said that we should ask for the Holy Spirit and expect to receive Him, His power and His works in our lives. Too many Christians take the work of the Holy Spirit nonchalantly or they ignore their own need for the GIFTS and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Think how much more effective the local church would be if people made themselves available, pursued excellence through study and practice, invested their natural talents in God's work. And beyond the total dedication of our natural abilities, skills, talents, we should discover and employ our GIFTS of the Spirit.



The Scriptures clearly describe the wickedness of the world along with the corruption of the Church prior to the rapture and the return of Christ, and the rise of false prophets and false doctrine, leading to the great falling away of believers just before the Tribulation.

Revelation chapter three describes the Church of the Laodicean Period (the closing model of the Church age). It will be an apostate, worldly, heretical organization, claiming to be the true body of Christ.

Jesus is portrayed as outside of the church, seeking admission and fellowship, only to be denied entrance into the hearts of those who hear Him.

Today we live in a country with totally open doors to the enemies of America's foundation of faith and freedom, while the social, political and religious climate is rejecting and attacking Biblical faith. While you have the opportunity and obligation, you need to open your heart and your life to Jesus.



The existence (I use "existence" since God, being eternal, has no origin), and nature and works and revelation of God are all consistent with one another.

God's revelation and His works flow from His being and His nature. There are no contradictory characteristics in God. His characteristics are complimentary, and are therefore perfectly attuned.

God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. Whatever darkness, misunderstanding men may have concerning God, arises from man's own darkness, but those errors are dispelled in

God's revelation of Himself, through His written word and His incarnated Word.

God not only possesses every good and holy quality; those qualities are perfected in Him.

Beware of anyone who presents a god who is not clearly revealed in the Holy Bible.

Remember to evaluate truth, justice, love, mercy, kindness, goodness, grace in the light of the life, words and works of Jesus Christ.



A lost person does not realize he can be forgiven of his sins, reconciled to God and become a new creature in Christ until he is told about justification, regeneration and the cleansing deliverance from sin.

A Christian does not realize he can be delivered from the inner struggle with his sin nature, purified completely and filled with the Holy Spirit until he is told about entire sanctification, total commitment, being filled with all the fullness of God, through death to the Old Man and the purifying filling of the Holy Spirit.

The devil does not want sinners (those without Christ) to hear about conversion from sin and sinning.
The devil does not want saints (those who believe in Christ and follow Him by faith) to hear about entire sanctification, walking in the Spirit, being more than a conqueror.
The devil denies conversion.
The devil denies heart purity.

Sinners need to hear the good news of conversion.
Christians need to hear the good news of perfect love and being conformed to the image of God's Son.

Paul prayed the following prayer for Christians. I have placed asterisks before Paul's specific requests.
Ephesians 3:14-21
14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, *to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
17 *That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; *that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
18 *May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
19 *And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, *that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
20 *Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.






Our days of free expression, free choice are being taken away from us. How much will you be prepared when the door slams shut on our freedom to speak, study, worship, teach. If you think you will miss your food, your freedoms, your fun, your family, wait until you have no faith to hold onto. It will ruin your life here and in eternity.



Another friendly warning. Watch out for snakes. There are poisonous snakes in our area, including Rattlesnake (various kinds), Cotton Mouth and/or Water Moccasin, Copperhead, Eastern Coral Snake. All of these can be present in your yard or even in your house. Juveniles are sometimes more dangerous than adult snakes.

If you live in the country you should be especially vigilant. Yard work or hiking in wooded areas or moving debris or children's toys or boxes in sheds can be a place for snakes (and poisonous spiders). I remember, years ago, when a little boy picked up a "belt," in his house, only to find out it was an Eastern Coral Snake. And don't forget, a snake bite from a non-poisonous snake can be dangerous also. Their mouths can be full of bacteria, which they get from the things they eat.

And of course, there is a spiritual message as well. There is a Serpent who seeks to deceive and destroy your soul. Be careful. He hides and strikes when least expected.



Your Christian service and ministry is not just what you do publicly or "officially." It is what you do daily, hourly, moment by moment. Your ministry to your children requires you to protect and provide for them, physically, mentally and spiritually.

God did not give you children so that you could ship them off to the brainwashing change agents of the State, training them in Secularism, Humanism, Hedonism, Paganism, Perversion, Naturalism, Materialism and other Wokeist mentality.

It is too late for some folks to rescue the children they abandoned on the altar of Molech years ago, but it is not too late to rescue the grandchildren. If your child made it past the devils killing fields (and very few did), it was not because you sent them to a wicked system and it is not because you are such successful parents, it is because they made right choices in spite of the jeopardy in which you placed them.

Even when we do the best we can in raising our children, the devil is going to do everything he can to destroy them. But we should not make it easy for the devil.

God gave Americans (American Christians in particular) an opportunity to rescue their children from the leftist, Communistic, Humanistic, Secularist, Naturalists, Materialists deceptions during the Covid shutdown. That was the perfect time for parents to give their children an actual academic education and especially a Christian education.

Few caught that wave of opportunity. Those who should have taken steps of faith to save the children, could have given something of eternal value to their children, and could have been the catalyst for other parents to step-up and do the right thing for their children.

Those days are gone. Sadly, these days will be gone soon, ensnaring the next generation of children, because some parents chose the easy way, the popular way, the wrong way to train their children.

If you send your children to the enemy camp to be educated, acculturated, indoctrinated, then don't complain when they are eternally separated from the truth of God.



A common sense warning.
Don't take physical sickness lightly. The very infection (or other minor ailment), which you think is unimportant can result in loss of limb, sight, and even death. It is not macho to ignore your physical problems and it is not spiritual to presume on God, to do for you, the very thing that God expects you to do for yourself.

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and God expects us to take care of it. We cannot choose every thing that happens to us physically, but we must choose to be good stewards of God's temple.

Not taking care of our physical self is not only evidence that we don't honor God, but it puts the burden on other people to care for us in our disabled condition.

Don't ignore ailments that are attacking your community. God expects us to be wise. God expects us to take care of our material belongings and He requires us to take care of our body as well. A throw away attitude is a wasteful attitude. God will hold us accountable for wasting our earthly treasures, which He has bountifully provided for us, and He will hold us accountable for wasting our lives.



Sin is THE TERRIBLE SEPARATOR and Christ, through faith, is GREAT RECONCILER.
Sin separates us from well-being, life, normalcy, righteousness, sanity, family, friends, self awareness, decency, truth, honor, God, Divine deliverance, eternal life.

Christ, through faith, reconciles us to a right relationship with God and all of that which is good and right. That reconciliation begins when we believe, confess, repent, follow Christ fully, and it develops throughout our faithful walk with Christ, coming to completion and full fruition when we are glorified at the time of the rapture (first resurrection).

Only the relationships in Christ will be reconciled. Those who choose sin over salvation will not be delivered from their chaos, corruption and condemnation.

This is why sin is the Terrible SEPARATOR. Sin separates people from God, one another and whatever is good, for now and forever.

Christ is the GREAT RECONCILER because He reconciles believers to God.

Christ is the GREAT SEPARATOR because He separates believers from sin and separates us to God.
2 Corinthians 5:15-20
15 And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.
16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.



Upkeep is essential, for material, biological and spiritual condition and productivity.

Neglecting something is the same (in practice) as rejecting it.
Neglecting is rejecting incrementally.
Neglecting is slowly rejecting.
Neglect is the quiet way to reject.
Neglect stems from low appreciation or no appreciation.
Neglect may begin as a thoughtless incidental action, but eventually it becomes a values based intentional action.

Neglect happens in the material and the natural and the spiritual realm.
To neglect is to throw away, to waste that which has been provided and is available.
Be careful of what you neglect, what you throw away.
Some things are replaced at great expense and some things are irreplaceable.

Rust and corrosion forms on neglected metal.
Dust and grime gathers on neglected furniture.
Mold and decay ruins neglected wood.
Sickness and disease ravages neglected bodies.
Brokenness, anger, pride, deceit, greed weakens and destroys human relationships with other people and with God.

Some things are not worth the time, effort and expense to keep or maintain them.
Some things cannot be maintained or preserved, regardless the upkeep.
Some things are of such great value that they should be protected, maintained, preserved regardless the cost.

Beautiful lives and relationships are ruined, destroyed, lost because people presume on the goodness of God. God is able to save, support and sustain us in life through faith. God must be trusted, called on and followed if we want His deliverance from sin and brokenness.

One moment in eternity without God will convince us that we were wrong, but eternity without God will never convince anyone to repent. Now is the accepted time, don't waste it.

Jude 1:21
21  Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.



We have a song, which says, "You have as much of God as you want, that's why you have as little of Him as you do."

By the phrase, "... as much as you want..." I am saying, it is God's desire to live within us, to fill us, to fill us to overflowing. But our desire, our faith, our surrender, our love determines whether we will be indwelt by God and whether we will be filled to overflowing.

Our freedom of choice is limited to that which God allows. Our capacity for that which God allows is limited by our own choices.



Those who live a daily life of love and service to your mother are to be highly commended. "Mother's Day" is an actual day of celebration because of you.

The other part of this post is not a fun message, but one that might reach and help some warped soul somewhere. This could lead to an actual, Happy Mother's Day for them.

If you rob your mom of respect, kindness, dignity through the year, then your, "Happy Mother's Day," mantra better be wrapped in repentance and restitution and served with large, visible portions of humility, appropriate sorrow and relationship mending, wherever you have torn her down (publicly and personally). Your tears at her funeral will be worthless, like the relationship you gave her during the many years she loved you.

God says, "Honor your mother and father..."



Whether family, friend or foe, no one becomes a Christian by osmosis or by accident or by unilateral, unconditional election. A person is not required to have a theological degree to get saved, and no one is passively saved by a divine decree, but a person must seek God's deliverance from sin. The Biblical revelation of God's provision is faith in Jesus Christ. If we don't tell people, then people will not know and people will end up separated from God for eternity.

I am debtor to all men, according to the Bible. God gave me a message that should be given to someone else. If I do not communicate that message to that person, then I have robbed that person of the way of salvation. As a debtor I need to tell the good news to someone (as a Christian, I want tell others about God's wonderful salvation). I pray, "Lord, help me seek and find the lost, and help me share the gospel with them so that they might be saved."

Romans 1:14-17
14 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.
15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.



If your vision does not move you, you are just day dreaming.

If you are not driven with Divine purpose, you are drifting toward or being drawn into destruction.
If you are not spending your life for Christ, you are bankrupting your eternity
If you are not planning on eternity in the New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem, you are headed for the Lake of Fire.
If you are not aggressively withstanding the assault of Satan on your faith, culture, society, government, education, ethics, spirituality, then you are surrendering to the enemy of your soul, your family, your church.
It is not enough to say you believe the Bible. You must be living the Biblical message of salvation.

Unless you are aggressively rescuing your children from the darkness of Humanistic Secularism and all of the other "isms" of this anti-Christ society, then you are placing them on the altar of Moloch.

If you give your children to the world, to be acculturated, educated, intimidated, humiliated and excoriated, don't be surprised when they end up separated from God and reprobated for eternity..



The idea of "local church" is not a human invention (though it is often corrupted by human intentions).

The "local church" is God's idea.
God revealed the purpose (local and global), order (organization, discipline, authority), and accountability of the local church in His word.
The local church is God's plan to evangelize, teach, equip, perfect, serve.
Those who relegate the local church to a club or pastime or obligation are demeaning God, His word, His work, and they are crippling themselves, robbing other believers and damning the unsaved.

God designed, establishes, calls, organizes, directs, equips, staffs, gifts, judges, sends and empowers the local church to be His corporate presence in this world.

We need to be attached to (part of) a Biblically sound, Christ following, Spirit led local body of believers.

Each Christian should be more dedicated to the local body of believers than they are to any human organization (military, occupational, fraternal, academic, philosophical, political).

Christians are to be committed to, and answerable to the local church.
Christians are to be in mission with their local church.
Christians are to incorporate new believers into a loving, nurturing relationship with their local church.



A lost loved one is a heartbreak, regardless of what bondage holds him or her.

It is a compounded heartbreak when they have chosen to reject the light they received from home and church.

But faithful parents cannot allow the devil to blame them for another person's disbelief and disobedience.

Remember, Adam and Eve (with billions of lost children), made their own decision to turn from the love, life and light of God.
Remember too, great numbers of people have chosen to trust and follow Christ, though they had totally vile home-life.
Parents must always give their best effort in raising their children.
Parents must not take credit for God's salvation in their children.
Parents must not take the blame for their children's own rebellion.

Psalms 133:1
1 ... Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!



Separation from God is a reality in every person's life, at some point, for all have sinned and sin separates us from God.

All have sinned, but some people come to faith in Christ, resulting in confession of sins, turning from sin and turning to God, and obediently following Christ. This salvation reconciles the sinner to God.

Faith is how we begin a right relationship with God (enter into salvation), and faith is how we continue in a right relationship with God (salvation is God's ongoing deliverance from sin, though our faith). That which is not of faith is sin and sin separates us from God.

Sadly, it is not unusual, at some point, for a Christian (follower of Christ) to falter and fail in his faith walk and relationship with Christ. This happens when a person willfully does that which he knows to be disobedience to God's will.

The devil wants people to sin; God does not want people to sin.
The devil leads people into sin: God leads people away from sin.
The devil excuses people sinning; God justifies repentant sinners.

If a believer slips into sin, falls into sin, or even boldly steps into sin, then that person must repent of his sin and believe that Christ will forgive, cleanse and restore him. Faith, confession, repentance and following are part of our salvation. If we do not continue to walk in the light of salvation, we are no longer believers.

We cannot excuse our sins and still be saved. If or when a believer sins, he must not deny his rebellion, he must own up to sin and its consequences. Denying our sin (inherent sinful nature), and denying our sins (our willful disobedience to God), is lying to ourselves and to God. God has made provision for sinners (and backsliders) to be forgiven of their sins and He has made provision for believers to be cleansed from their sin nature. We must acknowledge our sins and our sin, we must recognize Christ's provision of forgiveness and cleansing, and we must live in a state of continuous obedient faith if we are going to experience the saving grace of God. And, by the way, living by faith is God's grace at work in the Christian. The Christian life begins, continues and is completed by faith. 

Consider First John 1:5-10 in context with 2:1-6.
Read slowly and carefully.
Believe each verse individually, but believe each verse in context with the entire passage.
Each verse must agree with the previous and the following verses.
Each idea must fit into the larger idea of the passage.
Each truth must be understood in the light of the complete truth.

The obscure meaning must be explained by the obvious meaning.

Let the passage tell you what it means.
1 John 1:5-10 (I have put spaces between verses, reminding us to get the message of each verse and to understand the verse in the greater context).

1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

2:4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

2:5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.

2:6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

Remember, Jesus died and rose again to save us from our sins, He did not die and rise again to save us in our sins. Salvation is salvation from sin. He saves us from our sins, from our sin and He continues to save faithful believers from the penalty, power and pollution of sin.



As a pastor, my Biblical job is to feed, lead and protect my congregation. When I know of dangerous teachings or dangerous people, I warn my people. Sometimes the dangers come from folks who are close to us. Evil people cannot invoke their view of Christian love in order to silence and cripple the loving shepherd from leading, teaching and protecting his flock.

Self called, self appointed teachers and leaders reject God's word, God's authority, God's order, God's discipline and God's chosen leadership. People who follow their own corrupted views and reject Biblical authority are never satisfied to destroy only themselves. They are determined to mislead others and to attack those who hold to Scriptural authority, as they exalt themselves.

Loving God and fallen men does not include accepting a person's false doctrines or their sinful behavior. True discipleship submits to spiritual leading, teaching counsel.

Paul's parting words to the elders of the Church at Ephesus (which is God's directive to all local churches and pastors):
Acts 20:27-30
27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.

05/05/24 REMEMBER the value of free speech

05/05/24 REMEMBER the value of free speech

Remember, when this post disappears, it is because political "fact checkers" are behind the censoring and oppression, in order to control our thinking, reshape our culture, corrupt our morals and influence our political elections. Wicked government is supporting the attacks on our freedoms. When posts like this one are taken down, it is because of anti-American political leaders in Washington D.C.
This is how wicked people in a good governmental system take away freedoms from the people. They allow social movements to set moral standards and oppress anyone who disagrees with them. This is seen in today's Liberal social climate, as it is given free rein (in fact, free reign). Our right to descent is muffled by lying Liberal propaganda, while actual insurrectionists are allowed to attack and/or destroy our cities, culture, economy, history, liberty, Christianity, safety, family, morality.
Instead of God's revealed moral standards being the rule of law, human invention becomes the law of the land, allowing precedent to replace absolute truth. Anti-Bible agendas, so-called social justice movement, godless political parties, social media masters, fanatical financiers put pressure on the grass roots and then the acting administration hijacks the political system (as self appointed saviors of the world) enforcing the radical transformational changes and making them the law of the land.
This corruption takes over every area of society, including government, academia, the economics, communications, commerce, religious institutions, entertainment. The law abiding are considered the criminals and the criminals are considered the moral leaders of the day.
When this runaway train has gained enough steam and is on a downward grade, no human effort will stop it. Even God's word tells us that this world will become as corrupt and lost as the world of Noah's day and only Divine intervention and judgment will change the evil course of a world in upheaval. This will take place through a series of Divine acts at the end of the Church Age and following the Rapture into the Tribulation, and then Satan will be bound for a thousand years (the Millennial Reign of Christ), which will end when God releases Satan for a short time, allowing human rebellion to manifest itself one final time (the Consummation: the end), the Conflagration (the fiery destruction of this present evil world), The Great White Throne Judgement and the appearance of The New Heaven, the New Earth and the New Jerusalem, which is the Reign of Christ forever.

05/05/24 born is a nonexistent land

05/05/24 born is a nonexistent land

I have said for years that anyone after the 1970s will never know the real America. It has become evident that a great number born before the 1980s have forgotten the real America.
Too bad: with all of our problems, which we were working out, we were the greatest country the world has ever seen. Though we are still the greatest, so far, we are in a death spiral.

05/05/24 blinded society

05/05/24 blinded society

The state of our society, country, world, and the condition of the Church in this Laodicean Period is on the brink of total disaster.

My mind is filled with Biblical warnings, encouragements and enlightenment for folks today. Sadly, there are few people who are reading the word of God or the signs of the times, and as a result they are falling victim to the god of this world.
As bothered as folks are today, concerning the state of our country, they are still mostly blind. They will not realize the gravity of the situation until it is too late. When collapse comes, people will be asking how it happened. They will be shocked at the suddenness and the thoroughness of our plight, but they will still be blind to the reasons and the impending dangers. Unless there is a Divine intervention that saves us from imminent catastrophe, this final collapse of our society and nation will take place very soon.
I am not under-concerned or overwhelmed by these terrible times, My focus is not primarily on "survival-ism." My focus is on spiritual transformation and victory over personal sin through faith in Jesus Christ. We cannot save the world from its death-spiral and we cannot save the people in this world from falling away from God. But we can offer them God's word and His salvation. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
We must not trust in horses or chariots or the sword of steel for our well being. We must turn completely to Jesus Christ. We must trust completely in Jesus Christ. We must follow fully in the steps of Jesus Christ.
Evangelism is, "telling the gospel message to others," with the hope of seeing others converted (saved). Jesus is our model for evangelism. We should be ready to give the reason for the hope we have in this life. But we should not be waiting until we are asked, we need to be seeking (looking for) the lost people that God wants us to evangelize. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. We ought to be actively SEEKING the lost; asking God to lead us to the right people. When He leads us to them, we need to be ready to tell them the Good News of salvation. Then we need to bring them into the loving and nurturing fellowship of a strong Bible church.

05/05/24 doctrines of demons

05/05/24 doctrines of demons

Doctrinal evolution (actually, devil-ution) is on the rise. I remember when there were very few, "Christians" who promoted the insanity that sin does not separate from God and that God does not separate believers from sin in this present evil world, or another insanity, which says, God elected some to salvation and others to reprobation (aka unilateral, unconditional, double predestination).
As I would talk to those people years ago, they would refer to some unrelated, out of context, passage and boldly claim that their cherry picked verse disproved a doctrine, which is clearly taught throughout the Bible. This cherry picking of verses was referred to as, "proof texting." Choosing a text to prove a belief was not always bad. After all, the phrase, "proof texting," indicates a text that is used to prove a point. It is good to have texts that prove your doctrinal position. In-depth study is good and important, but God's word is not only for the supposed expert theologian.
As time has passed, more people have been suckered into sinning religion. One of the tools used to convince people that their sinning religion is Biblical is through their twisted view, which they erroneously call, "contextual-grammatical hermeneutic." They often see their approach to Scripture as a superior intellectual understanding. They claim they are exposing the deeper meaning of Scripture, but in reality they are twisting God's word to fit their warped theology.
When I can share hundreds of verses, which clearly tell us that God actually makes believers good, holy, righteous, pure, the proponents of sinning religion claim that I am "proof texting," rather than actually studying the word of God.
If your studies contradict the clear and redundant witness of God's word, then your studies are corrupted, carnal, worldly and demonic. When someone has to explain why God's word does not mean what it clearly says, throughout the Bible, then that person is hiding God's truth with deception.
I don't agree with every dot and tittle in any doctrinal camp, but...
I definitely reject the doctrinal system that denies the power of the Blood, the Spirit and the Word of God to save believers from all sin and to purify believers even as Christ is pure.
I definitely disagree with a doctrinal system that denies the necessity of faith in Christ alone for salvation, confession of sins, turning from sin to righteousness, confession of Christ as Lord and Savior, following Jesus, living by faith, walking in the light as Christ is in the light.
I definitely disagree with a doctrinal system that denies man's responsibility, opportunity and obligation to be saved.
I disagree with any doctrinal system that teaches that God does not give us actual freedom of choice, to either receive or reject His offer of salvation.
I mention these things, with which I disagree, because believing such deception is costing people their eternity with God. It is not faith that trusts in unilateral, unconditional salvation, instead it is presumption and no one is saved by presumption.
I believe in (my faith is in) the atoning death and the physical resurrection of Christ for my salvation, knowing that He said, whosoever believes in Him shall not perish.
I am not presuming on the possibility that Christ might have died and risen again for my salvation according to some supposed divine fiat.
God is no respecter of persons, He will save all who call on Him by faith.
I am saved by grace, through faith. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. We are children of God by faith. We live by faith.

05/04/24 put out your big anchor

05/04/24 put out your big anchor

Sometimes the best you can do is face the storm, put out your sea anchor or your big anchor, let the wind blow, let the tide flow, and just trust in the One Who says, "I will never leave you or forsake you." He Who rules the wind and wave, He will say, "Peace, be still," at the right time.

This is true when we are under Satanic attacks of every kind; physical trials, financial, troubles, relational breakdowns, persecution, hatred and gossip, spiritual oppression, loss of loved ones to sin or death.
Troubles, trials and temptations are going to come our way. We can't handle any of it without God's miraculous intervention, but God will always provide the right deliverance, at the right time. Sometimes we just need to stand still and see the salvation of God.
He is the Giver of every good and perfect gift.
He, Who gave us His Son, will freely give us all things that are essential to life and godliness.
He will never leave or abandon those who trust Him.
Not all things that happen to believers are good, but all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

05/01/24 pray for peace of Jerusalem

05/01/24 pray for peace of Jerusalem

Okay, I guess you can now see why it is important to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Right?
That is because you do not believe God's word. God is the God of order, and He uses the chaos of the god of this world to demonstrate His own order. Though God is not the author of sin, He allows sin, and He conquers sin.
The present upheaval is a demonstration against God's rule and His order. It is not new, it is not unexpected, and it is not greater than God and His goodness and His justice and His mercy.
The problem is, if a person will not submit to the rule of God willingly, then that person will unwillingly come under the righteous and wrathful judgment of God.
Jew and Palestinian alike must trust Christ as Lord and Savior.
Being Jewish does not give Jews a free pass to heaven.
Being Palestinian does not negate the promises God gave to Abraham, Issac, Jacob and the Jews, concerning the Land of Israel.

05/01/24 about AI

05/01/24 about AI

Although I know that computing, in general, uses various levels of A.I., I also know that the push for invasive, controlling and even diabolic uses of the technology is being pursued at an ever increasing rate.
There is hardly anything online that does not provide and even promote A.I. technology. This is moving our society further into an Artificial Worldview (read that as, "Fake Worldview"), which will be headed up by the world champion Faker, Pretender, Liar, Murderer and Destroyer, through his human minion, the Anti-Christ.
Tools are not inherently evil, but tools, especially communication tools (printing, audio and visual recording, radio, motion pictures, television, computing, internet) are weapons in Satan's arsenal against the souls of men.
We can use tools, but we must not allow ourselves to become used by tools. This happens through laziness, greed, lust, hatred and gullibility. Wires and semiconductors and circuit boards are not evil. But when they are tools of the wicked one, they destroy lives, souls, families, societies, governments and ultimately the moral and spiritual fabric of civilization. Just wait until the human mind is totally sold out to Artificial (manipulated) Intelligence, a.k.a worldly wisdom, demonic wisdom.
That which God took steps to circumvent at Babel, He is going to allow to resurface in a One World Economy, One World Government, One World Religion. Do not think that the rise of A.I. is coincidental to the present evil times.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.